
Late Night Fairy Tale

A collection of short stories with fairy tale themed. New chapter (almost) everyday.

aripuspon · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Lady Eleanor's Secret Lover

Alfred sat in his chambers, deep in thought. Something had been bothering him for weeks now - Lady Eleanor, his mentor and the woman he admired most in the world, had been acting strange.

At first, Alfred had put it down to her just being busy. After all, she was one of the most respected knights in the kingdom, and she had many responsibilities to attend to. But as the weeks went on, her behavior became more and more erratic. She was distant and preoccupied, and she seemed to be avoiding Alfred's questions whenever he tried to ask her what was wrong.

Finally, Alfred could take it no longer. He decided to follow Lady Eleanor one evening, hoping to get to the bottom of things. He waited until she left the castle, then quietly slipped out after her, staying far enough behind so as not to be noticed.

Lady Eleanor led him through the streets of the city, past the bustling marketplaces and the well-lit taverns. Alfred followed her, keeping a safe distance, until she finally stopped in front of a small, nondescript cottage on the outskirts of town.

Alfred watched in shock as Lady Eleanor knocked on the door and was quickly admitted. He couldn't believe what he was seeing - his mentor, the woman he had looked up to for so long, was meeting a man in secret.

He was about to turn and leave when he heard a voice behind him. "What are you doing here?"

Alfred spun around to see a woman standing a few feet away, her arms crossed in front of her. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," Alfred stammered.

The woman's expression softened. "It's alright," she said. "I'm Lady Eleanor's sister. And I think it's time someone told you the truth."

She led Alfred to a nearby bench and sat down beside him. "Lady Eleanor has been struggling with something for a long time now," she said. "She's been seeing someone in secret, someone she cares about very deeply. But she can't be open about it, because of who he is."

"Who is he?" Alfred asked, his heart racing.

"He's a commoner," Lady Eleanor's sister said, her voice low. "And Lady Eleanor is a knight, sworn to serve the king. If anyone found out about their relationship, she could lose everything."

Alfred was stunned. He had never imagined that Lady Eleanor would be involved with someone like that. But as he thought about it, he realized that it made sense. Lady Eleanor had always been kind and compassionate, and he could see her falling for someone who wasn't part of the aristocracy.

"I'm glad you know the truth now," Lady Eleanor's sister said, standing up. "Just try to be understanding, okay? Lady Eleanor is going through a difficult time, and she needs your support."

Alfred nodded, still trying to process everything he had just learned. "I'll do my best," he promised.


A few days later, Alfred summoned the courage to confront Lady Eleanor about her strange behavior. He found her in her chambers, packing her things for a mission.

"Lady Eleanor," Alfred said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I need to talk to you about something. I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately, and I'm worried about you. What's going on?"

Lady Eleanor paused for a moment, then forced a smile. "There's nothing to worry about, Alfred," she said. "I'm just a little preoccupied with some things."

Alfred knew she wasn't being truthful. "Please, Lady Eleanor," he said. "You can trust me. I just want to help."

Lady Eleanor hesitated, then sighed. "It's just...I've been seeing someone," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "And it's complicated."

"Complicated how?" Alfred asked, his heart racing.

Lady Eleanor looked away. "I can't tell you more, Alfred," she said. "I'm sorry."

Alfred's mind was racing. He knew there was more to the story, but he could tell that Lady Eleanor wasn't ready to share it yet. He decided to let it go for now, but he made a mental note to keep an eye on her and try to find out more.

"I understand," he said, trying to sound reassuring. "But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. You can trust me."

Lady Eleanor looked at him with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Alfred," she said. "I appreciate it."

After that, Alfred left. Still a bitter smile lingering on his lips.


Next day came. Alfred sat in his chambers, his mind still racing. He had just learned the truth about Lady Eleanor's relationship with Liam, and up until today he wasn't sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, he was happy that she had found someone who made her happy. But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that Liam wasn't good enough for her.

He knew it wasn't fair, but he couldn't help the way he felt. Liam was just a commoner, and Lady Eleanor was a knight, sworn to serve the king. It wasn't right, and it didn't fit with Alfred's idea of how things should be.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He stormed into Lady Eleanor's chambers, determined to get to the bottom of things.

"Lady Eleanor, we need to talk," he said, his voice laced with anger.

Lady Eleanor looked up from her desk, surprised by the intensity in Alfred's voice. "What is it, Alfred?" she asked.

"I know about you and Liam," Alfred said, his fists clenched at his sides. "I saw you together in the garden. And I can't believe that you would do this, that you would risk everything for a commoner."

Lady Eleanor's expression turned to one of sadness. "Alfred, I understand that you're upset," she said. "But Liam and I love each other, and that's all that matters. Our relationship has nothing to do with his social status."

"But it has everything to do with your position as a knight," Alfred said, his voice rising. "You're sworn to serve the king, and you can't do that if you're involved with someone like Liam. It's not right, and I won't stand for it."

Lady Eleanor stood up, her eyes flashing with anger. "Alfred, you have no right to tell me who I can and can't be with," she said. "I've been your mentor for years, and I've always tried to teach you to be open-minded and accepting. But it seems like I failed, if you can't see past Liam's social status."

Lady Eleanor tried to smile. "I know it's not easy, but I appreciate your support. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do."

Alfred just stood in silence.


Alfred knew that Lady Eleanor was stubborn, and that she wasn't going to change her mind about Liam just because he said so. He also knew that he had been unfair to Liam, judging him based on his social status rather than the person he was.

So he decided to take matters into his own hands. He went to see Liam, determined to put their differences aside and come to an understanding.

"Liam," Alfred said, his voice serious. "I need to talk to you."

Liam looked up from his work, a surprised look on his face. "Aren't you Eleanor's apprentice? What are you doing here?" he asked.

Alfred took a deep breath. "I love Lady Eleanor," he said. "And I want what's best for her. I know that's you, and I just needed to see for myself that you're worthy of her."

Liam raised an eyebrow. "Worthy of her? And how do you propose to do that?"

Alfred squared his shoulders. "I challenge you to a one on one duel," he said. "If you win, I'll do everything in my power to support your relationship with Lady Eleanor. But if I win, you have to promise to stay away from her."

Liam looked at Alfred in shock. "Are you serious?" he asked.

Alfred nodded. "I am," he said. "I need to know that you're capable of protecting Lady Eleanor, of being there for her when she needs you. And I need to know that you're worthy of her love."

Liam shook his head. "I don't need to fight you to prove anything," he said. "I love Lady Eleanor, and that should be enough."

Alfred stood his ground. "It's not about proving anything to me," he said. "It's about proving it to yourself, and to Lady Eleanor. If you're willing to fight for her, to protect her, then you're worthy of her love. But if you're not willing to do that, then maybe you're not the right person for her. You're just a commoner after all"

Liam looked at Alfred for a long moment, then finally nodded. "Alright," he said. "I accept your challenge. But I want you to know that I'm not fighting for Lady Eleanor's love. I'm fighting for my own honor, and for the chance to prove to you that I'm worthy of your respect."

Alfred nodded, satisfied. "That's all I ask," he said.

The next day, the two men met in a field outside the castle walls. Lady Eleanor had refused to come, not wanting to witness the fight between the two men she cared about.

Alfred and Liam faced off in the field, their swords clashing against each other as they fought. However, it soon became clear that Liam was far more skilled than anyone had anticipated.

Despite Alfred's years of training, he found himself unable to keep up with Liam's lightning-fast strikes and cunning tactics. Within minutes, Liam had disarmed Alfred and held his sword to Alfred's throat.

Alfred was stunned, his pride wounded. "How?" he asked, unable to comprehend how a commoner had bested him so easily.

Alfred couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Liam than just his physical prowess. There was a kind of power that Liam possessed that Alfred couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Who are you?" Alfred asked. Frightened, but Trying to hide his fear.

"As you said" Liam grinned "I'm just a commoner"