
Death Anniversary

Ezra Aecy POV

"Princess" I heard mom's voice

"Princess" she's calling me

"Princess" she's calling me

"Mom, where are you?" I shout then a silhouette of a women showed up

"Mom, Is that you?" I asked

"Yes, baby it's me" the silhouette answered

"Mom, I miss you can you came back" I told her while I'm in a burst of crying

"Baby I'm sorry that I have to leave so early, hold on baby you can do it okay" she said

"But mom how can I hold on if you're not here" I said while crying

"Baby I have to go always remember that moms always love you and I am with you all the time" the last sentence she said then the silhouette fading away

"No, mom don't leave please, Mom, don't leave…" I shout but suddenly I felt some cold-water splash on me

"Are you crazy your mom won't come back anymore" she shouted at me

So, it was a dream it means… then I look at my phone to see what date is today and its July 19 her death anniversary. Mom I'm really miss you.

"Ezra your dad was calling you on his office" my stepmom calls me

She didn't wait for my answer and left after she pass my father's message on me. Then I stand up and do what I must do. After 30 minutes I hurriedly came to my father's office known also as the study room inside the house.

"Good morning Dad" I greet as I enter the room

"There's no good in my morning you didn't do your job again" he angrily spoke on me

"I did my part on that job so it's not my fault" I said

"No, you didn't do your part you just having a date with your boyfriend oh My mistake it's fiancé am I right?" My stepsister Aira said as she enters the room

"Why didn't you knock?" dad asked her

"Sorry dad I heard what she says so I couldn't bear her mistake" she explains

Oh well I'm the villain again here.

"So, what did you said again?" dad ask him again

"What part dad?" she asked

"The last part the reason why we are facing problem right now" he said

"She left the office early to have a date with her boyfriend who propose to her yesterday and now officially became her fiancé" she stated

"You have the time and guts to do that and now were having trouble because of you" Dad burst into anger again

"But like I said I did my part I check all the equipment and things need to check on the site before I leave" I explain my side but like before he didn't listen to, he was favor to my stepsister side again like she was the legal and only daughter of him.

"You cause this trouble you better make amend on it before the fashion show and launch of the new design" he said

"Hon breakfast is ready" My stepmom enters the room

"Okay honey we're coming, Aira baby let's eat breakfast so that you may take you rest and prepare for the event" he said, and they left me here alone

I didn't spent time staying that room and go back to my own room to get my bag and left this house to amend my mistake that they said. I go down and saw them happy eating together and my stepmom see me

"Ezra come join us" she said

"No thanks I have something to do" I reject her offer that make my dad mad at me again

"Your Auntie offer you to join us, but you rejected it how respectful you are" he said

"Hon don't mind her she has important things to do so never mind it okay" she's good at pretending like her daughter

So, I don't mind what my father says and ride to my car. While driving I pass by a flower shop, so I stop for a while and buy some lily that my mom's favorite flower. Then I go first to cemetery to visit her tomb, it's her death anniversary but I think he didn't remember it. I just spent 30 minutes there telling all things I want say to my mom.

"Mom today was the new launch of the newest product of the company I don't know if he chose this day because he was dedicating those products for you or he forget that this day was you day I miss you mom it was 10 years ago since you left me, I hope your I hope you're here beside me I love you mom" the last statement I said before leaving

Now I'm heading to the site and look what was the problem is. When I enter the venue, the place was messy it looks like passed by a storm. One staff approach me.

"Ms. Garde the equipment doesn't working anymore" he said

"How come it didn't work? And what happened here?" I asked

Them another staff approach us telling to look on the CCTV footage on her laptop

"The security said that there is a group of men who enter the venue and burst out here that make everything into this" he explains

I don't have time to be angry and make my stepsister to tell that it's her fault I better put all my strength on making everything to be in a decent shape and in place.

"Contact all the staff and separate the work" I command while handing them a paper where the plan was written

I make a lot of call to make cooperation and ask for some equipment also we did our best to decorate it same as before… After 8 hours together with 1 hour break, we finish and make things on their right place, so we are ready for the event later at 6 pm

*ring* my phone rings

"hello" I said

[hello babe, where are you?] he asked

"I'm at the venue why?" I asked him back

[look at the entrance] he said

Then I saw him standing there with a pack of food he was holding, and he approach me

"Why you're here I taught your busy at the company?" I asked

"We finished and later we will bring the design clothes here plus the company's product" he explains

"Oh okay" I said he offer the food and we eat together until he needs to go back to prepare

While me I go to one of the dressing rooms in the venue and start to prepare. I'm no special to this event I just must look presentable. I hope this can be nice and prepared for mom's death anniversary…

Someone's POV

The event was started, and all the guests came like in the team masquerade except for the models and staff. I saw her in the corner busy on working and checking everything so that there's no problem would be done.

"Thank ladies, how beautiful they are while wearing the new product of SG Group of company and now Let's welcome Mr. Wilbert Garde on stage" the emcee said

The man stands up to his chair and now walking to the stage.

"Good evening everyone thank you for coming and the success of this launch I want to thank and dedicate this event for my belove wife Ailyn Shaira Garde and without the help of my daughter Aira Stephanie Garde this event won't be successful" he said

Then I look at her she was sad and shock on what she heard from that man's mouth. I'm about to walk there to make him pay but my mom stops me

"This was not the right time son" dad said

Then suddenly a soft melody played together with a video of her and her mom when she was a kid back then. The man was shocked but change into mad and she was nervously trying to stop the video, but it could. So, I look at my parents I know now why they stop me there the one who did it.

When the video ends the date today was the only one showed up and have a word with it "Happy 10th year Death Anniversary" then another second passed and now it was turn off

Yes, it's her mom's death anniversary but that man doesn't remember it know he was shy and embarrassed to the people inside the event. Hope it make some sense to him that he needs to be more grateful that it only this was happened. I'm worried about her because after the video turn off, she was lost on my sight.

*ring* phone rings

"Hello, where is she?" I asked

[She's on the cemetery] the person we hired to look after her

"Okay, watch over her I'm coming" I said on the phone

"Where is she?" my mom asks me

"Cemetery" I said then they get it

So, I didn't waste time and drove there. I hope she's all right. Someday everything will be okay just wait and hold on… were here for you…

hello guys hope you may support this second story of mine even though it might have slow update I hope you may like and follow it thank you...

YENSAcreators' thoughts