
Last Wish (A Fanfictional story)

Two souls are destined to meet at zombie apocalypse and fight for their lives of friends and families. Whether they are really mean to be together till the end?

Kalaimathi_K · Horror
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1 Chs

Last Wish(A Fanfictional story)

Episode: 1

A/N: Hi, I am the author of this story. Please enjoy this, my first creation, and I am sure that there will be many grammatical mistakes. Please avoid them and open your gate of imagination to travel with me.

Intro: Y/N is a currently graduated fine art student, searching for a good-paying job to support herself and her younger sister, who is doing her architecture second year at a famous college in their city area. They both have no parents after an awful accident that totally changed their lives, especially Y/N's character. She became cold as an iceberg after that incident, as she is now the breadwinner of her family, running daily, and their relatives are like cunning foxes who are looking for money, and in their dictionary, there is no love or care, only selfishness spread in their minds with an additionally minute than nano-sized heart to the real fact, which is also empty. In that case, she even never thought to give any fuck of their lives to them, even in dreams.

For her and her sister's studies, she and her sister use her deceased parents' saved bank account for their daughters, which has helped her a lot in not begging money from other people or animals. And another possession that she has from her parents is their house, which has two floors: the sisters live on the first floor, and the ground floor is let for rent. By using that rental income, she runs her household.

At 7:00 a.m.

Lilly (Y/N's sister's pet name): Ah Lotus (Y/N's petname), get up and eat your breakfast; I am going to college, and also today I have my extra class, so don't call me at 5, okay? Bye

Y/N: Okay. Bye Lilly. (Again, she goes back to the sleep world.)

Upon noticing this, Lilly kept a small peck on her sister's forehead and smiled, then left for the next day of college.

Y/N wakes her from bed in the evening by the alarm of her cell phone.

Y/N: What's time now? She noticed the time on her phone. OMG, 5 o'clock. Lilly may have reached home by now.

Soon she reached out to her living room for a sign of her sister, but she was not there. Then she realised that she had extra class today, so she would only come after 7.

Y/N: Oof, how messy this house is! Let's clean it now, and before that, I had to meet my love today.

By that time, she got up to the rooftop to meet her cheerfully moving ornamental plants on her arrival, who were all ready to fetch her love with their hands.

Y/N: Hi goodies! Ready to quench your thirst here? Take this (spray the water). Wait waa... whether the street is mine with no sound and there's no light lit on the street weird... (but she doesn't know behind her there was abnormal moaning emerging, which is a little bit raising as that one climbing the wall for the food with hunger... One bloody hand touched shiveringly the rooftop support wall surface.

By then, she had come back to the hall with the thought of cleaning it without noticing her escape from deadly danger. She was watching TV to pass the time. But while on the TV, she saw the flash news in that a CCTV video played had recordings of abnormally moving persons, more like dead people walking fast towards the normal man for attacking like wild animals. She got confused with mind shock trying to process this, but after a while, the TV signal went away.

Y/N: What was that? (As not clearly shown, she watched the news before the signal cut.) Whether it is a prank video or not, I think so. Anyhow, let's clean the house first before she comes and scolds me.

She plugged the earphones into her ears and started her cleaning work without minding her surroundings.

Some time passed, and she noticed something like a vibration above her head that was coming from the rooftop, so she unplugged her earphones to clarify what it was. By then, she had heard some dashing sounds on the rooftop.

Y/N: What was that now? (She decided to check what was happening there for safety, so she picked up a broomstick and moved to the rooftop by the steps with slow steps.)

On reaching there, she noticed the man kneeling down to the rooftop and banging his head weirdly to the floor, which was heavily covered in blood, and she got her steps slowly to the man.

Y/N: Hey, what are you doing in my house? (Bold with fear too.) Open your mouth, or else I will call the police.

But on her reflection, the abnormal person stops banging and starts sniffing like an animal for finding its prey, by which she felt weird negative thoughts, but before thinking anything else, that abnormal person turned his head suddenly to her by growling loudly with terrible hunger visible in his eye, and she fell backward on the sudden fear arising in her body with her hitching breathing. The abnormal person's face was full of teared skin, with no one eye and mouth surrounded with non-dried blood dripping with his saliva, indicating he had attacked someone before, with no idea of how the person would be now but terribly bad. Now the only idea she has is to run away from her, but her body doesn't react to her. The creature got near her by kneeling with just a small gap between them, and she made her body slowly push back while still sitting on the ground facing the creature. Then suddenly the creature growled loudly and moved fast, kneeling, and she somehow got up and got inside the steps rooftop room and closed the gate as fast as she could, and the creature tried to bite her hand, which closed the iron bar door. By doing so, she took her hand, thanking God that even if she missed a second, her fingers would be inside the mouth of that creature. The creature bit one of the bars of the door where her hand had been placed a minute before.

She came down quickly to her floor, locked her main door quickly as well, and sat on her sofa, catching her left-over breath.

Y/N: What the heck is happening here...? News... that creatures... that means... They are real, and now the whole place is in danger. She screamed with some tears in her eyes, Huuh..." (She breathed heavily and ran to drink water, which fell mostly outside her mouth due to fear of her hand shaking.) Wait Lilly (She watched the time at 6.10 and called her many times but didn't pick up the call.) Pick up the call, Lilly... She cried for her sister, pleading with God to keep her safe. Please, God, keep her safe. She is only my family and everything... (With both hands joined, she prayed with tears flowing down her face.)

After a while of processing the whole situation through the news that she got from the phone network, she somehow came to know about the danger surrounding her country, as others don't have any problem with this and only these creatures are growing here. Yes, the affected people by those creature bites turn to those creatures, but still, the government cannot find the cause of this situation except that they announced that the people in the main places with unaffected zones were evacuated first and kept in separate safe zone areas in each zone.

Y/N: Whether they evacuated our place peoples (she searched for the evacuated areas but for two shocking things were totally right to collapse her) and what people in our area were evacuated but when (by that time she was sleeping so the evacuation officers did not notice her and evacuated the ground floor rental family who lives in her house they too were not close with her that's why they thought both sisters were not in the house) and why the Lilly College area peoples are not on the evacuated list. Then she is suffering now, right? (Tears kept falling down.) No, no, then she will be waiting for me now, so now I have to be strong for you, Lilly, to save her.

Y/N checked out what was happening outside, and by doing so, she got to know that only hand counting of infected people was there to be noticed. And she packed this bag with water bottles, clothes, a small medical kit, some packet foods, and pepper spray, and she took out the knife and put it outside the bag so soon to take it for sudden safety purposes. And she wore the grey shirt on top of that black hooded top, which fully covered her hands, and thick pants with hard shoes and shocks.

Y/N: I can't easily go to her college by bike, which is easy for them to attack. A car is the only option, and so where can I get the car now? She got the idea to take the car from the down-floor rental family car, which was parked outside the house. I think they may have been evacuated, and I can get the car key with my spare key from the downstairs house.

She went down the stairs while taking slow steps forward and reached there. She opened the main door without making any sound to avoid distracting those creepy creatures. She went inside, locked the door to prevent any danger from entering, searched for the key, and finally got it. She was a little sad for not informing the owner to take out their car, and she also prayed for their safety now in the safety zone for their unknown help.

Y/N: I have to cross this gate without being noticed by them (by thinking that she tried to open the door, but somehow she sensed that one of those creatures was before the closed door, and thank God for her not opening the door, or else God knows what will happen to her).

She waited until the creature moved out by watching from the window, and she succeeded in coming out by keeping an eye here and there and moving forward with fast, soundless steps. She put the key inside the car and prayed that the car's starting sound would not attract those deadly followers. As she thought about the sound created while the car started, which turned two creatures steadfastly to attack her, she just opened the door quickly, hoped inside the car, and closed the door soon. The creatures start banging on the car doors. She pulled the gear high on fear of those creepies and rode the car fast on the narrow streets, even though she was familiar with the streets earlier, but now on fear, which caused her mind to not process which way to go. But on the sound of the car moving, which attracts more creatures that follow her on moving, some creatures try to jumb before the car to catch it. Y/N managed somehow to get away from the creatures before her but not behind the following creatures, which increase on crossing each street, and finally she got out of the area that enters the main highway road even though she can't figure out how to kick these creatures out of the way. On one point, those creatures stopped in the middle way, which got confused by the Y/N, and she caught the reason they distracted: a lively man was attacked, and totally his body was teared into pieces by those masses of more than 50 creatures, which left her soul out of body. This time she turned the car out of the way and entered the main highway, and here the whole city is devastated by more vehicles, some of which burned in fire and some turned upside down. All this makes her difficult to accept in her mind, and she thinks this all to be a dreadful dream of her, and her sister wants to awaken her as usual, like every morning (she thinks this with tears in her eyes and drives the car simultaneously) and cross the main road of her city.

Y/N: Whether this is an end (The last drop of tear from her eye has fallen.)

_Its all began

Episode 2:

On phone:

??: Eomma, fine, I will be okay here. Bye, take a call (phone snatched).

??: Hello eomma This Jiminae, don't worry, I am with him, and take care of your health and beauty (flirty tone).

Other side call person: (speaking while blushing) Oh Jimina, take care of yourself (soft flustered tone) and that mannerless, cold, bloody boy Taehuang (with a face) who is not even treating his own mother well, bye.

Taehuang grabbed his phone from his flirty friend, Mr. Park Jimin.

Taehuang: Eomma Eomma (Then he realised that his own mother cut his call without saying bye to him.)

Jimin: What, bro? (teasing laugh as he knows what happened)

Taehuang: I doubt that I am her child or you... (cold tone)

Jimin: Leave it, bro; she has love for both of us." (Taehuang was unbothered by his speech.) "Don't understand; wait; let me explain. You are her son, so she loves you" (he made a little nod) and... (by the time of his explanation he entered and was about to close the door, he ended his sentence) I am her future son-in-law, so she loves me more than you" (he closed the bathroom door by that time Tae started to bang the bathroom door and cursed him badly like he was ready to kill him while Jimin laughed heavily for making his friend angry enough for the day)

Taehuang and Jimin were friends from childhood, and presently they are doing their professions as they want. Now they came for a holiday trip to another country, as it is their usual habit to travel around new countries and explore them during their vacations. They are also what we can call "wanderlust fellows".

Taehuang is a cold type of guy who will not open up easily with anybody and will not trust them easily. He has one friend who is quite the opposite of him-an extrovert with the additional talent of flirting. Here is a common thing with both of them: yes, they are both still single.

Jimin: (He came outside after a long, beautiful bath with only a towel on and started talking with Tae while admiring his beauty in front of the mirror.) Yeh, literally his abs only. Let's go out. We are here for a long time after reaching from the airport, so let's not waste our precious time and go for a good view outsid. (Nevertheless, he is only speaking about Gir.)

Tae: (But Tae was deeply thinking about something while waiting for something on the phone.)

Jimin:Heh, are you there?" he said, shaking his hand before the face of Tae. While taking sudden action, Tae unknowingly moved his hand, which automatically pulled out the only towel from Jimin. Haaaah, you bad boy, Taehuan! (He shouted and ran away with the towel to the bathroom.)

Taehuang: What happened now?


After they both got ready, they left for wandering around the important places as they had only a week for this vacation, which is shorter compared to their earlier vacation plan due to their work schedule.

They went to the beach because of Jimin's prescription; initially, Tae denied it, but our little boy, with stubbornness like a kid, won the match.

Taehuang: What happened? He asked Jimin as he kept silent, which is usually not possible for him to do, but now he looks like he is deeply immersed in something. But soon Tae understood by his sight that he was watching a couple kissing scene. Now can you stop watching that?

Jimin: Man, I am jealous that I have no girlfriend to cherish her more than like that, but you.. wait how you will for someone like me longing for little love to court me, but you don't love the word love too. (Sad tone)

Tae: Do you want anything to eat?

Jimin:OOO, yes, you are my good friend in the world." (World happiness sparkles in his eyes.)

Tae: Pay for the food we will eat (Jimin's sparkling eyes turn immediately to a dry desert; there is no hope for any rain by seeing his friend's usual behaviour again).

After eating, they went for a walk along the waves, spreading areas of soil. Tae was not unnoticed when a commotion began a short distance away; even though their words could not reach him, he could tell that something was off. The people present there start running here and there for their lives.

Taehuang holds Jimin's hand to stop him from moving further. By then, Jimin had seen Tae's face as he received an answer for his action; instead, he saw the confused state of Tae. So he saw what was happening before him, which immediately terrified him: that some of those weird people were hunting other people who were totally in the middle of their lives as their blood spread in the air and beach soil.

Without thinking twice, Tae pulled Jimin's hand, and they started to run to secure their lives.

At one point, those human hunters came in both directions from the beach, which made them unable to move further. And also, in this populated area, it was difficult to find who was attacking them and who was not, so Tae grabbed Jimin and took him to one coverable place, which is under the inverted small boat.

Jimin: What was that thing? (Jimin felt afraid, then Tae comforted him, even though he felt afraid of them, but he still had to be strong for his friend and assured him that they would be safe.)

Tae lists out the points from watching outside: What was happening? There was a small hole in the boat.

• People were hunted by other people; actually, they are dead corpses as their bodies became half-decomposed or severely decomposed, but the question is how they are alive with the hunger of killing others.

• People who were attacked after a period of time while changing into those deadly corpses with huge growls and killing normal people, which proves that this is an infection.

They are now zombies and deadly creatures.

Tae thought: "The sounds were totally settled; there is now a pin drop of silence, and there is no view of these creatures by seeing through the holes.

Jimin: Let's go (whispered)

Tae checked once again by sound and through a hole's view; there is no sign of creatures surrounding them.

They both slowly came out of the gap in the boat by lightly lifting it and watching out for anything dangerous near them. There was no sign of infected people.

Jimin: Where are they now? (Confused)

Tae: Maybe they went to search for the prey in a mass area. And here, it's not safe for us to stay long; let's move from here.

Jimin: Do you think we can safely move out of here? (Worried)

Tae: Have faith that we can go and meet the police officer; they will provide protection for us and help us exit this country and return to our country.

Jimin: Okay, I surely say that in my life I hate this country (sad chuckled).

Tae: fine(👍)

They took some useful weapons from the beach for their safety.

After walking for 30 minutes, they reach out near City Road, where their booked restaurant is located, as they need to get their things from the restaurant room, and after the night it will not be more comfortable to stay outside, so they make their way to the restaurant.

Till now, they haven't encountered any of those creatures, which is safe for them. After that, we can't assure them, as this is the way of their restaurant; they need a cross-populated zone where they surely have to encounter the deadly corpses.

Jimin: Tae, have you seen any of those dirty fellows? (a little scared tone by carrying a bat and holding it like any time to beat but with a shiver)

Tae: Watch out!" A zombie ran straight to Jimin with its mouth open to devour him, but before that, Tae sensed and started beating the zombie severely with the rod he held in his hand, which fell to the ground, but it tried continuously getting up until another zombie came and both joined the attack. They both ran out of that street, but the zombies still followed them back like hunting dogs. They reached the dead end of the street.

Jimin: Our end has reached us (sad).

Tae:No, let's climb this wall." (Tae saw back that those zombies were a little afar, but still, they were reaching them in no time and also had less chance of going back the way.) So he saw near the house guard wall that there was a damaged car parked there, and he got an idea. Jimin quickly got up on the car top and climbed the guard wall of that house. Fast fast

As Tae said, they both got up on the car top by the time the zombies had reached them. Soon they both hoped on the guard wall of the nearby house and slowly made their steps on the wall safely.

Tae: Jimin, go safely and don't be afraid; I am behind you (said calmly).

Jimin: The growling of them causes me to slip my path (said frightened).

The dead-end wall they had to climb from the wall they were standing on at that time made zombies start jumping to get them.

Jimin: I had to go up right, but not by dying."

Jimin climbed the wall with the help of Tae lifting him, and after he got on the wall, he helped Tae get up. It was successfully finished, and they crossed the dead end point by jumping down from that wall and making their steps a little faster to their room as soon as the sun was going to set.

In this season, no tourists came here, thankfully reducing the rate of zombies, and this restaurant is also not fully filled yet and is no longer safe. For a night, it is okay to stay here.

They entered their restaurant with no welcoming people to be seen, who in the morning greeted them, and they ran fast inside, side by side, assuring any danger present.

They climbed stairs to the 5th floor instead of a lift, which made it easier for them to be trapped by those zombies.

They entered their room and soon locked their door after ensuring there were no zombies in there.

They flattened on the bed, thinking what the heck had happened to their good life, with heavy breathing from running from the beach to their restaurant.

Jimin: I don't want to turn to them, and I will die early this soon without marrying a woman I love with babies Xerox like us that I want to launch in this world, but I can't think it will become a dream only." (Frustrated cries)

Tae: ( He got up from the bed and took his phone to call the tour agency that had set up this tour for them, but they didn't answer the call. What the fuck we had stuck into... (Frustrated)

Jimin: Let's inform the police officer; they will save us.

Tae: (He called them by searching the number in the booklet they provided, but they too never attended the call.) I will inform our people. (A new problem was raised: all network and calling systems had been cut.) No, it can't happen. (Due to his frustration, he threw his phone on the ground.)

Jimin: Yah, what have you done? Are you an idiot? Why did you break your phone? (Angry)

Tae: Don't worry, we have your phone by that, so when we get a signal, we can claim help (he said with hopeful eyes, which were not seen in those Jimin eyes).

Jimin: Are you real, for sake? You can make a call on my phone, then start searching for it on the beach, at the dead end, or along the road we crossed. (Done face)

Tae: Are you lost your phone (unbelievable look)

Jimin: YES.... For sake ( angrily shouted)

Tae: We are doomed.

Jimin: Noooo! I hate to be here. I wish to return home. (Jimin begins to sob as he is profoundly traumatised by the incidents as a result of his prior trauma of a wild animal attack that occurred to his family in which he lost his lovable pet dog and they were stranded in a forest for more than a week, unable to contact other people for assistance, before they were rescued by the villagers, which all occurred in a forest trucking. Though the incident occurred more than 15 years ago, he hasn't been able to move past it, and he is terrified of animals and wooded areas, which only serve to exacerbate his trauma in the present.)

Tae: I will go to rooftop to check any rescue operation had going now. (He worried for his traumatized friend)

Jimin: No! Are you serious it's not safe outside. Please don't leave me we have to survive together (sobs)

Tae: (hugged him) Sorry I will not leave you and I can watch here from the window for any sign of getting out from this situation. Don't worry hm..?

Jimin: Hmmm Thank you buddy (Said with small weak smile)

Thus by, the two guys start there survival test. Let's see what going to happen in there lives.

_ to be growling soon