
Last Time I Saw You

Li Mingzhu was a spoiled rich girl who was well-loved by the people around her. But her selfishness caused the death of her most beloved person. She died filled with regret. But alas, she was given a chance to live and correct her past mistakes. With this chance, she vowed to stay away from the person she loved. However, this doesn't sit well with the said person.

Jean_L · Urban
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3 Chs

Managing on her own

Lu ShanYuan looked at her strangely. It feels like the bubbly MingMing does not want his company anymore. Is this what they called "adulting"? Now that she will be attending university, she doesn't need him anymore?

Lu ShanYuan walked towards her and felt her head. "Are you feeling sick? You look like you are under the weather."

Li Mingzhu pushed his hand away, as though she got burnt. "N-no, I am alright." She stood up in an attempt to keep her distance from him. "I just felt that I am not a child anymore and shouldn't impose on your time as I used to do." She explained softly, looking down at her feet.

Lu ShanYuan looked at her in surprise. Wasn't it just yesterday when this missy took a ruckus to his mother and grandpa for him to drive her to the University today and help her with her registration? In fact, he canceled all his appointments today to do just that.

Bearing that thought, Lu ShanYuan frowned. "Li Mingzhu, what's this tantrum now. You should know that I free up my day today just to help you out and now you change your mind?"

Hearing that stern voice – a voice an irate big brother would have to his younger sister, Li Mingzhu looked up to Lu ShanYuan sheepishly.

In her mind, she sighed again. Even with her resolution not to be selfish anymore, she still acted without thinking about other people.

"Sorry, I didn't think about that." Heads down she moved towards the bathroom. "I will just shower and get ready. Brother Yuan, please wait for me." She said in a polite small voice.

Lu ShanYuan stood still as his eyes followed Li Mingzhu walking towards the bathroom. He still remained still as the bathroom door shut close. He started to frown wondering what happened to Li Mingzhu, why is she acting strangely.

She used to act coquettish towards him. Both he and she accepted a tacit agreement within the family that she will be the future, Mrs. Lu. And so he and his family spoilt her that he truly can't blame her when she acted spoiled and clingy.

But now, he can vaguely feel a barrier building between them. Does Li Mingzhe had some "adulting" realization that made her decide not to act as though he, Lu ShanYuan, is her person?

Lu ShanYuan had always been a sharp, assertive person so he felt uneasy with this strangeness.

He had taken it for granted since he was 12 years old that Li Mingzhu like him and that she will be at his side for a lifetime. He did not particularly feel like he is in love or what, but the thought of a lifetime with her is not repulsive. Hence, he let her act like a spoiled brat around him and gave in to her whims all these years.

He, however, did not act like a boyfriend or a fiancée as well. Li Mingzhu, after all, is still a young woman. While he accepted the silent agreement that this young woman they fostered would be his wife someday, he still wants to enjoy his bachelorhood as much as he can. And so, he sees to it that he does not go beyond the line. He also got used to acting like a big brother towards her.

Right now, he doesn't know what he needs to do. He sighed and decided to observe her a bit. This might be just a fluke and she'll be back in her bubbly, spoiled brat self.

Bearing this in mind, Lu ShanYuan went out and decided to wait for her outside.


Her feet felt heavy as she entered the gates of Tsinghua University in Beijing. This is the second time she will go through this registration. Brother Yuan is a senior in Tsinghua right now taking up Computer Science but he is not staying inside the university as he has an apartment in Shuangyushu Residential District, just 15 minutes away from Tsinghua University by car.

In her last life, she stayed in the apartment with Brother Yuan. She was supported by the whole family that was why Brother Yuan had no choice but to let her stay in the guest room.

Right now, she plans to stay in the dormitory.

Lu ShanYuan drove from Baoding, Heibe to Bejing, and they both kept their thoughts to themselves within that 2 to 3 hours ride. Lu ShanYuan still not used to a quiet Li Mingzhu that he tried to joke around her at first. But when the later remained down, Lu ShanYuan decided to just focus on driving.

Up until they are inside the university campus and on the registration office when Li Mingzhu looked at him and said. "Brother Yuan, I would like to stay in the dormitory. I know most of my things are in your apartment already, but I think I have enough here to stay for a week. I will just come to the apartment this weekend to get my stuff."

Lu ShanYuan stopped walking and grab Li Mingzhu's wrist as the later still went on walking towards the registrar's office door. ��Li Mingzhu, you know Mom and Dad expected for you to stay at the apartment, what's the meaning of staying in the dormitory? Is this part of you growing up and not needing me around anymore?" an irritated Lu ShanYuan exclaimed.

"Brother Yuan, sorry I just decided about this in the ride. Students have the option to stay in the dormitories anyways. I just want to enjoy uni-life. Is that so bad?" Li Mingzhu shrugged her shoulders and added "I have studied so hard the whole of my senior high school just so I get to be here in Tsinghua to be with you and now that I am here, I felt that I should study harder and not lose face. I am not naturally bright like you."

Lu ShanYuan looked at her dubiously "Are you sure are not throwing a tantrum right now?" he asked, doubting Li Mingzhu.

Li Mingzhu shook her head and looked at Lu ShanYuan earnestly "I really think that staying in the dormitory would be good for me. Besides, you are now busy with the gaming business you are starting; you won't be around the apartment too much. If I stay in the dormitory, I would have new friends and people will always be around me."

Lu ShanYuan sighed. "If that is the case, then do what you want. I will tell mom and dad and grandpa about your decision."

Li Mingzhu looked down, absently looking at the luggage Brother Yuan is holding for her. "I would be visiting you during weekends." She said in a low voice, realizing that she needs to get her stuff so that in the future, she doesn't need to go to the apartment often.

Right now, her heart is heavy. She hadn't stopped mourning her Brother Yuan in the past. It just hurts to be around this present Brother Yuan who had yet to sacrifice his life so she would live. And even that, she wasn't able to live long. Such a waste of sacrifice!

This time around, she wants to ensure there would be no more deaths and that all of them should live a longer life, especially Brother Yuan.

"Let's go, it's getting late. I am hungry already." Lu ShanYuan said as he nudged Li Mingzhu towards the office. He doesn't get this new attitude of her but he will eventually get the bottom of this.