
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

What I really want

After meeting with El Dust who was a part of himself and taking back the control over his body, Zeimachi, who at that time was still with Wakasa Ruu beside him had to explain many things so that the little girl wouldn't have another traumatic experience.

Indeed, it might be a bit difficult if he had to calm down a tired, scared and anxious little child in a situation where many undead walked around her, but in the end, he managed to did it in a classic grown-up's way... a few apologies and small trickery.

Together with the serenity that has been regained in his mind, Zeimachi also returned the two dangerous tools to their rightful place which was previously had been summoned by El Dust earlier.

In addition, after releasing a thread from the rope that El Dust put in the little girl's pocket, Wakasa Ruu has now free from the influence of that binding tool. Previously this thread clouded her thought since that was a part of El Dust's plan for an aim to sow another one of his perverted desire.

Luckily she has escaped from that fate, and could regain her freewill again.

Back in time after he released the little girl.

At that time, Zeimachi had already prepared his heart to receive any screams or curses that would be thrown by that little girl.

The mistake that happened was his carelessness, if only he remembered every memory in his Core Memory then maybe El Dust wouldn't try anything weird while he was immersed in his recovery phase.

But his prediction was wrong, instead of having to face a scared girl and to accept the sin he has made, Zeimachi instead had to face Wakasa Ruu the little girl who looked very enthusiastic.

Seeing the look on the little girl's face, Zeimachi was silent for a thousand words even though it didn't last long because at that moment several zombies started approaching them. The little girl kept grabbing his jacket's sleeve as they escaped into a safe place.




Arriving at a place he thought was safe and putting down the little girl from his shoulder, Zeimachi then realized that Wakasa Ruu was still clinging to his jacket sleeve all along. Zemachi blankly stared at her for acting that way.

"It's alright now, you can release your hand." (Zeimachi)

During the trip, Zeimachi carried Wakasa Ruu on his shoulder due to the tiredness that the little girl showed on her face.

Passing through waves of undead zombies and protecting the child from splashes of blood, both of them have gone through events that are both tiring and mentally consuming in that time.

"... Will I meet big sis?" (Wakasa Ruu)

"*Nod* You can sleep if you want." (Zeimachi)

Nevertheless, they eventually arrived at the Mall with Wakasa Ruu who had fallen asleep in his arm with a small feather on her hair. That feather was the one he previously gave to her when he's still pretending as a policeman.

And once again, Zeimachi continue to use this cover as a mean to enter into the mall in order to kept Wakasa Ruu in a more safer place.

Then where is the safest place in that ruined world?

"... Hold it, don't let your mind control your body." (Zeimachi)

Who knows, but what is clear is that if the little girl continues to be by his side, then Zeimachi will continue to hold back the something that resides within his broken mind.

Afterward, the man who was looking around if the situation was still under control and already used his get-up which was composed of illusion from the feather, then handed Wakasa Ruu to the two school girls that he knew very well.

It's not hard for him to pinpoint their location in that mall with the help from Key of Consciousness.

"Please wait a second!" (Naoki Miki)

"Even if you told us like that... we don't know what to say sir..." (Shidou Kei)

Of course, the two school girls had doubts and weren't sure if they could keep a small child like Wakasa Ruu with them.

In addition, if a foreign man they had just met suddenly wanted to entrust a child into their hands during that outbreak, it would appear to them that the man seemed to want to shift his responsibilities as the caretaker of the little girl.

"Please take care of her, the only bunch I could trust right now are you people who're keeping their calm instead of panicking." (Zeimachi)

Even so, both of them also felt that it would be wrong if they had to let the little girl who was sleeping in exhaustion without any guardian.

Apart from that, there were also several other people who turned cold and averted their eyes when they saw Wakasa Ruu who would become a burden if they had to raise another child in that disorderly place.

Except for a granny who was none other than Taroumaru's owner.

Therefore, the two of them are willing to temporarily look after the little girl while waiting for Zeimachi who made an excuses to pick up his wife who was still trapped in the car outside the Mall.

"... Alright, we'll keep her save. You too mister please be careful." (Naoki Miki)

"Yeah we'll stay with her. Be careful out there mister policeman." (Shidou Kei)

Once again, of course it's a lie, because in fact he plans to make it appear as if he was killed by a zombie so he can entrust Wakasa Ruu to the two high school girls named Naoki Miki and Shidou Kei.

The plan succeeded with the existence of several witnesses that he deliberately manipulated to witness the moments before his death, which they then conveyed the news to Naoki Miki and Shidou Kei.

"... N-No way." (Naoki Miki)

"It can't be! If that's true... then this girl." (Shidou Kei)

And it seems... they both misunderstood and thought that Zeimachi was the father of the little girl they were accompanying.




Several days later passed since Zeimachi had been secretly monitoring the progress of the world that had fallen into Dystophia.

"Good... I could control them again." (Zeimachi)

Only Cera knew about what had happened to him during those few days besides the man himself, but from the looks of it, it seems he managed to control his emotions and memories to be a little more tamed than before, although sometimes he feels very sleepy because of the adjustment that is happening.

Currently he's in the middle of becoming a batman who was hiding in his cave, although... it was nothing more than an abandoned shop in that mall.

The adjustments that are happening to him often make him feel asleep and take him to dreamland. That's why he built some bases as a place when the urge of drowsiness struck his nerve.

Sometimes in his sleep he also happens to see dreams or maybe events that are not very beautiful. One such example was the one he had recently, a dream in which he failed to control his body and allowed his mind to take over.

The dream where Wakasa Ruu had become a tangled doll, the dream where Naoki Miki had become another dead flesh, and the dream where he brutally killed Naoki Miki in the most horrific way.

"That was... definitely not a dream. Perhaps..." (Zeimachi)

As he hid his whereabouts on the ground floor of the Mall, waiting for the promised time when Cera would arrive at that place, and trying to hold back the something in him from resurfacing again.

Zeimachi slowly opened his eyes after he went through a short recollection of his Core Memory that allowed him to know more about those blurry events. There's no one who could hear his monologue in that desolate place other than someone who had come up with a new idea for her plan.


『PoV of Zeimachi』

On the first floor of the Mall in Megurigaoka city which is filled with many living dead wandering around, there's a clothing store that is very dark and scary because of how terrible the shop's current condition.

"... A seal? So there's a seal that I've put for them huh, should've know about that."

Splattered blood, scattered corpses, and a very strong smell are some of the reasons this place is the most avoided position for living people.

And from the corner of that part of the store, a man… No, I opened my eyes after having a bad dream during my short break.

This is the first floor of The mall in Megurigaoka city, the name of the mall is Rivercity Tron and its based from the largest shopping mall in Tokyo. Although I don't know much about the real one, but at least I know if this Mall was quite a good place for a good merchandise.

"... So there's the me who wish to kill them huh."

Speaking of nightmares, sadly my recent nightmares weren't anything as pleasant as being able to meet Spirits like Tokisaki Kurumi or to fight Freddy Krueger which I really hate to remember.

Within that nightmare, I could only see myself blinded by hatred, anger, and destruction.

I killed everyone in this mall one by one with my own hands, be it Miki-chan, Kei-kun, Ruu-kun, even Taroumaru also became an innocent victim in my hands.

And after I made those innocent lives die because of my wish, I just laughed while continuing to destroy everything around me until I made a very fatal mistake.

"... Maybe, that's what I really am? haha~"

Even the lives of the two girls, the lives of Sakura Megumi and Takeya Yuki were also destroyed in my own hands.

"Ahaha... hahh... "

All these words I said especially for me. To myself, who is very pitiful when he got left alone and will always shows his deep emotions when no one's with him.

My feelings became very relieved when I let myself to be released from all ethical and moral shackles, but after I saw my reflection in the mirror showing the face of a man full of perseverance, I had the confidence to confirm my choice.

"... Let's go."

Once upon a time, when I still believed in the words like "Happy ending". I decided to try and make a better life with some of the people I've met.

There were many meetings and partings that I went through, and one of them was with Sakura Megumi and Takeya Yuki who came from the『original』of this world.

If I remember back, the beginning that I never imagined to start, actually has passed from a long time ago.

"If you got time to repent, then waste that to atone instead."

At first I was just an ordinary passerby pretending to cross their school, but Sakura Megumi, who saw me, actually pulled my hand to enter the building with her.

Every time she starts having a mental breakdown, I'm the only one who can be her shoulder to lean on. Maybe that's why she's become so dependent on me, which of course is a very bad thing for her.

That's where it started, a start where I'd have to pay with tears, sweat and blood in the later part of the story, and it was a very expensive fee.

"Time to end this."

Those pests that Cera previously discussed she should've taken care of by her too, and considering that she's acting strangely as if she wants to grant my wish... There's probably something she's up to.

'Looking at those upstairs... They'll soon chose the riot path and cut their useless tail. If that's the case...'

The situation at this mall has also become a little worse considering my actions which let many people survive, thus making the stock of food, drink and shelter running low.

Using mind control would probably keep the girls safe and awake, but if I chose that way it would only prolong the problem. I don't know what bases that'll wake them up again, it's good if only one comes out like Dust before, but if they multiplied in number...

'Let's met Cera and ask her to cancel this play, even though I used my line to telepathy with her... She's not responding. What's she going to do now?'

Actually I could have easily communicated with her just by using the special network/link we created so as not to be watched by a lot of annoying creatures in the past, but somehow this link became unstable after she talked about the changes that were about to happen.

"Though I want to tease Miki-chan more than ever... If I got the time that is."

Using a Feather, I monitored the state of the three of them who were currently eating a canned soup with a slightly gloomy expression, due to the increasingly tense situation from the many men who were in the refuge.

"... Crap."

If I let it be then there will be two possibilities, Gore or Orgy. And of course both are not my desire.

But I recalled that there was a Feather with Ruu-kun at this time, and because of that I calmed down a bit.

Before I walked away, I saw a suit that was still in a good condition and had not been torn nor stained with blood. I'm actually the type of person who prefers casual wear over formal one, but maybe it's a good idea to wear a suit once in a while before I leave this shopping center.

Besides that, I also took a black muffler to add aesthetic value, and also a small suitcase to put the t-shirt, pants and any other clothes that I previously wore.

"Hmm... as expected a suit is not a comfy one to wear."

Thus, I left the Mall and headed to Megurigaoka High School.



Inside the student council room at Megurigaoka High School, there is Cera who is taking a seat, while staring out at the window where nothing but clouds adorned her view.

In the original story, the student council room is used by the main characters as a temporary room for them to gather because it's the most practical room to use, although later they'll soon moved out to another existing extracurricular's room, which they'll later change its name to the "School Life Club".

However, something like "School Life Club" would not exist in that world. Because...

"While you're being stumped in your step, the world wouldn't listen to your whim Zei. The invisible gear had moved, and those of us who were but bits and pieces had to use everything we could."

Because all the girls were lying on the floor covered in blood, and had lost their lives in that bloody room. On the other hand, the perpetrator, who was still staring out the window, didn't seem too concerned about what she had done in the room.

Be it Sakura Megumi, Takeya Yuki, Ebisuzawa Kurumi, or Wakasa Yuuri. All the main characters minus Naoki Miki were all lying in that room in a miserable state due to Cera who had personally used her hand to solve Zeimachi's uncertainty.

"Zei is a softy even though he acted like that."

Then why did you kill them.

"You don't know? Then why would I tell you."

Letting you to use your own words than using mine is not the same thing.

Not long after she turned her gaze towards the corpses of the girls she previously called cute teacher as well as cute senpai, Cera lowered her gaze as if she was contemplating on her own future.

"... It's not that hard to figure. I'm just going to show him the worst way to end his story, just to make sure he doesn't go down that path... you got that right?"

Maybe yes, or maybe the otherwise.




Time slowly passed and then its changed into morning which brought a dripping sunlight shining through the window where Cera kept staring.

The state of the room still hadn't changed much, which indicated that she hadn't moved a bit from her seat while waiting for the man's arrival.

"He's here."

Not long after, Cera who noticed Zeimachi's presence in the school corridor, then got up from her seat and walked to the center of the room where the corpses lay.

The door finally opened and there they met. Zeimachi who was seen with his new suit looking dumbfounded and Cera who was looking at him in Megurigaoka's school uniform while showing a face full of deceit.

"Ahh~ Zei you're here?" (Cera)

"Cera... What have you done." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi who was still silent at the entrance said that. His heart and mind that previously had been in a stable state, for some reason suddenly became chaotic again and seemed to be jumbled up into something that can't be put into words.

Even so, he's still able to control all of those things and hold it back to be buried in his heart.

"Nothing~ I never know this world high school girls are this frail. Look, a little snap and their hand twist like this and a little stump you broke their leg, but they got a pretty eyes too aren't they~?" (Cera)

Cera, who was still continuing her act, then snatched a pair of pink eyes from a corpse wearing a cat-like hat (Takeya Yuki), and broke the legs of a corpse holding a shovel (Ebisuzawa Kurumi) and twisted the hands of a corpse near an account book (Wakasa Yuuri).

"And don't forget their colorful hair like this one its soo fluffy!" (Cera)

Lastly, Cera walked up to a corpse wearing a rosary on its chest, and tore off the corpse's light purple hair (Sakura Megumi) so she could show it to him in a fit of madness.

All very insane acts, motivated by someone's sake. Maybe, for most people this action is a crime that deserves to be redeemed with the life of the perpetrator, but for someone who has nothing more than a one person who is valuable to her, whatever it is she'll do it for her ultimate goal.

'Stop telling embarrassing things like that!' (Cera)

Then why don't you tell them again.

'... I don't want to.' (Cera)

And what is the reason.

'Ughhh you're becoming more talkative right now. Fine though I'll tell you.' (Cera)

"Cera..." (Zeimachi)

After being silent for a long while, Zeimachi finally raised his voice. The voice she's used to hear and filled with the boredom of many century finally came back to her ears again.

'I want for only and ONLY Zei to know how I feel. That's all, it's not that great doesn't it?' (Cera)


"Yes~ Zei?" (Cera)

However, the next words she would hear would only hurt her feelings. Since most of what Zeimachi said were lies he told to hide his own fragility, sometimes it's do sound ridiculous and weird, but that doesn't mean there's no truth in his lie.

"... Ahaha~ Thanks Cher, actually I really wanted to kill them right now since that way I could totally finish my business in here. Fheeww... you actually helped out! I can't help but feel very grateful at you." (Zeimachi)

For a fool, be it truth nor lies pose little differences.

As long as he could continue his charade of Error and Mistake, the fool would only chose the nearest path in order to complete his mission. Much will be lost, it's true. Many will be forgotten, it's a providence.

Until now, there are still many things that Zeimachi still cannot feel from within because of this path of storyline. Every path he has been on, has now become irrelevant now, Cera.

"..." (Cera)

The power that is now gripping on his future is much greater than what you could think. Even if you and him used all of your powers during your golden era, they still wouldn't be able to change his storyline.

"Hyahaha~ It's weird... I know that this is a wrong thing and I should be mad at you until finally I will fight tooth and nail against you... But, although I could understand all of those conviction there's nothing that I could feel. Anger, hatred... Just where did those thing go I wonder. Did I dropped them somewhere? Ahaha!" (Zeimachi)

Letting out a laugh while focusing on his clenched fist, Zeimachi looked like someone who had lost a war as well as his battle. He can still think clearly, and also decide what choice he should take. But strangely... right now he couldn't feel anything.

'Wait you don't say!?' (Cera)

You finally realized it.

If you directly intervene to change what will happen, then he will be considered a failed product and will be deleted according to what the story wants. In other words... he'll not only lost his right as a puppet, but he'll also be "Erased" as well.

'No... I don't want that.' (Cera)

Are you sure, the Zeimachi after he got "Erased" could be the Zeimachi that you really want.

Cera who stared at the man in front of her, then dropped the pieces of the body she was holding and lowered her head in fear.

What Cera had done was indeed not a wrong thing, she could help Zeimachi to regain his power, memory and many others that he once dropped in the past. This way he could return to his former again as the one who spread terror through many skies.

However, that does not mean the results she gets will be the same as to what he wants.

'Are you saying... he'll going to be Zei that I really want?' (Cera)

There's always a chance for that, he could be the perfect figure you could think of or anything based on what you really want.

'Then... if he's going to be the Zei that I really want... I guess this first plan is a bust then.' (Cera)

As Cera realized her mistake, the entire world slowly turned into beads of light that flew in all directions. All atoms, laws, and things in the world slowly changed and disappeared into a circle of light that Cera held in her hand.

The entire student council room also disappeared, leaving only the two of them standing before each other in a room full of distortions.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" (Cera)

"... There're many thing that I want to ask but only one thing... You're not being worried about me right?" (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi said in a tone filled with suspicion. At that time he felt that Cera's behavior was very suspicious because not only was she blatantly helping him, but she's also showing him all those bloody happenings in the artificial world.

"Haha... Look at this dude. Why would I even trying to do that?" (Cera)

Cera, who didn't want her face to be seen by the man, turned around and made a slightly broken voice because she wasn't a liar as skilled as Zeimachi.

"Heh! At least fix that voice when you said that amateur." (Zeimachi)

And Zeimachi who clearly saw through her lie, snorted and showed a look filled with arrogance.

'Yes... I guess I'm really an amateur in saving your life, I can't even done it properly in the first step.' (Cera)

A sentence in her heart that'll never reach the foolish man.

'But... I'm not backing down.' (Cera)

While holding back a small smile from forming on her lips, Cera thought of some things that she might have to develop in order for Zeimachi to be able to continue his journey in a world that has caught someone's attention.

'For the one who have once set a spark for my passion, this is not the end.' (Cera)

As it's looks like, her determination was not that frail after all.

"Zei... Did you know what I mean before about the gear of this world?" (Cera)

"Hell if I know about that gear..." (Zeimachi)

Still in a self-aggrandizing manner, Zeimachi ignored Cera's question because he still couldn't simply forgive what Cera had done.

"*Sigh* Fine, you can hate me all you want because I did those to your Ex-wife and adopted daughter. I won't ask you forgiveness, but hear me for a bit." (Cera)

"Go on." (Zeimachi)

After Cera was sure that her face was not embarrassing to look at, she then turned around and threw the light that was in her hand far up into the unknown.

'... No, there's still a chance of this bestowed power from ▀▀▀▀ could also drag him down.' (Cera)

"Shall we see about how the Original are? I'm sure you'll be delightful when you see them again." (Cera)

"Oi... Don't you wanna tell me about that gear thingy?" (Zeimachi)

'... Zei? As expected something really tampered on this link, or... could it be it's because this eyes?' (Cera)

Cera attempt to use the special link that not only could by pass the eyes of the Omnipotence, but also can be used to always connect them at any place. As it's turned out, something has tampered their link.

Nevertheless, it'll eventually returned to how it was.

"I changed my mind, let's just throw away those complicated things and have fun shall we~" (Cera)


After Cera arrived on his side and patted his shoulder as if she was playing a joke on him, Cera then snapped her fingers which made the whole place once again, changed into another different plane as if the world it self was being reconstructed according to her will.

And the two of them who stood side by side without caring about each other's existence, stood again in the same student council room as before.

There was a slight difference though, as the room didn't look particularly new and rather seemed like an abandoned place. Very different from the room previously used by Cera to kill those cute girls.

'Alright stop rubbing me with that. Oh and ▀▀▀▀ can you do me another favor?' (Cera)

What is it.

'Ummm... I want to speak about something with Zei so could you like uhh you know... About that "Someone else entertainment" thing... Like, please...' (Cera)

About where you don't want him to turn into a Pierrot, alright.

'Eh?! You will?!' (Cera)

Just finish it already.

'... Thank you.' (Cera)

And another last thing from me.

'Oh? What is it?' (Cera)

Don't let yourself got to immersed in the flow of this story.


After the two of them arrived at the『Original』World of what Zeimachi had remembered, Cera invited the man to sit down for a while, so she could explained about the results of what he had done against the fate of some resident in that world.

Cera's behavior does look illogical considering that she had just killed several people in the world created by her. However, considering she was someone who had followed Zeimachi's journey, then perhaps her current behavior wasn't all that strange after all.

Because in the end, someone who chose to continue following the journey of the Foolish one would also become an idiot someday.

'Oi...' (Cera)

Naoki Miki, the girl who has until the end still holds the last remnants of friendship within her. In the『Original』of world that has been saved into his feather, that girl who was once stuck between the ode past or the beginning, has now turned into a new leaf who longed for blissful memories she could write in her journal.

Along with Taroumaru the mascot dog, they travel around the world while continuing to sent many letters for their home land. Whilst carrying a memento from an unknown yet reasonable man, she had grown into a free spirited girl in that once a land of Dystopia.

'And as I said those stories... This idiot kept mumbling something like a nerd, that's why I put a good slap on him to keep accompanying my words.' (Cera)

What are you doing.

'You need some help about how he is doing now right? Let me lend you a hand as my gratitude.' (Cera)

Didn't you said you wish not for him to be a clown.

'I do...' (Cera)

Then explain this.

'I don't want to... but if you really want to know then~ The clue is... my belief.' (Cera)


Let's continue.

As for Naoki Miki's friend, Shidou Kei has become a broadcaster and a newbie composer as well. Although she still need some way to be better, it looks like her determination will brought her somewhere.

'She didn't got much attention isn't it? But well personally I like her, since Zei would act more or less similar to her. I'm talking about when they got trapped in that Mall alright?' (Cera)

Wakasa Yuuri, after she chose the path of office worker and have her miracle encounter with her soul mate. She once asked to him about how to made her senpai at her workplace to notice her. Naturally as a responsible adult and her caretaker, he helped them to be together.

'Ohh... Seems like Zei really can't handle this part. He's trying so hard to hide his embarrassment from me~' (Cera)

And for Wakasa Yuuri's sister, Wakasa Ruu. That little girl has become a middle schooler in that world while continuing to hold a keepsake from a man who has once saved her. Although she had become somewhat ferocious, she's still keeping that keepsake in order to never forget of what she had gone through.

Some additional note, in this『Original』world Wakasa Ruu got saved by some random wild boar that Zeimachi once carried into the middle of Megurigaoka city.

'And I'm still watching over her right now... Even if I'm gone there's always a countermeasure for that so this will leave him at ease. Oh yeah, about that boar what was its name again...' (Cera)

Ebisuzawa Kurumi who still have full control over all of her body parts has become a nurse while continuing to chase her dream to be a doctor. She's still keeping her shovel somewhere in her room after it got broken when she used it to take a chopper down in her final battle.

'Don't underestimate a girl who brought a shovel in a gun fight.' (Cera)

And as for the most impactful stories for him.

Cera told him about how he and Sakura Megumi had chose to live under the same roof under an oath of everlasting rose as a mate.

However Cera is not stopping only in that part, she also told him about how Takeya Yuki, who was once a student of Sakura Megumi, has been adopted to their family. Because of that reason, that Takeya Yuki chose to follow her adopted mother's path as a teacher to rebuild the world after pandemonium.

'Zei's looks when I told him that is very interesting right now... More so when I told him of how happy those moments are for those girls. Really... I really hope it'll continue for a bit longer.' (Cera)

Apart from that there're many other people that she openly describes about, starting from how legal it is for them to marry even though they look like junior high school kids, to the impact Zeimachi's presence in those people's lives.

Doctor with the name of Aosoi, college students such as the one that Cera called as Touko, Akizato, Hika and Sumiko.

The stories that had not yet been told, as well as those that he couldn't remember anymore continue to flew out of her mouth into his ears. He showed many reaction at those begone tales, since those were indeed some of his precious memories that has been swallowed into the cruelty of the path that he chose to walk upon.

'Did you hear that? He say he a'int a horny bongee teenager~ Ahaha! Good things to know that he mostly tell lies.' (Cera)

Cera had almost reached the end of her story as she continued to watch Zeimachi who is looking out the window, and because the man was still trying to remember those times, Cera nudged her elbow to his waist so to keep his spirit stay within high status.

Following on to see what Zeimachi was looking at, there the two of them saw an outdoor class that was still in their study session filled with many young children around the field entrance of Megurigaoka High School.

The students who were learning new material for elementary school seemed unfamiliar with the learning system being used, but this time what Zeimachi focused on was not the children.

"Takeya-sensei... This word, what is agronomy?" (A boy student)

In the midst of ongoing lesson, one of the students asked a question to his teacher who was currently holding a book in front of the class.

It seemed that the teacher was a little confused by the question that was being asked to her, this assumption was based from how her frozen expression look as if she has messed up in a manga skit.

"Yuki-chan, she's become a cutie isn't she? Although she gotta hard work for this dream of her." (Cera)

"... Maybe." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi who saw Takeya Yuki feeling troubled, then conjured a feather as he had intended to help that young teacher when he accidently read her mind. However, before he blew the feather away, he turned his gaze towards Cera.

"You've planned for me to met her? This adult version of her?" (Zeimachi)

"That's one of the piece in my plan." (Cera)

With a slight smile that hides a lot of thing, Cera blows the feather ahead of Zeimachi who allowed it to happen.

Even though he looked a bit annoyed by her actions, Zeimachi could only stare sarcastically at the prankster beside him, and let the feather he had just created fly slowly until it finally landed beside Takeya Yuki's ear.

""Sensei! There's a shiny feather a feather there!"" (Several students)

As for this feather, it seems that Zeimachi allowed normal people to be able to see it. So, after the feathers were noticed by the students who shouted to each other while pointing their finger to that glowing feather, Takeya Yuki hurriedly got rid of the feather in order to tidy up her appearance.

But no matter how hard she shook her head, brushed her hair and even used her hand, the feather miraculously dodged and kept landing again beside her ear.

"You little!" (Takeya Yuki)

And for some reason instead of continuing her lesson, Takeya Yuki continued her farce against the feather which made her students laugh aloud and also "most likely" forgot about the earlier question.

"Hehe~ Now you decided to aim for your adopted daughter because she turned into this fine body? *Sigh* Zeimachi-san your impure thoughts seems like know no bounds. (Cera)

"... More importantly how is the world from before? Isn't some pest corrupting it?" (Zeimachi)

It was Cera who returned to her seat and satirized Zeimachi again, while Zeimachi himself didn't really care about her rambling and closed the window which was covered in wooden planks and broken glass.

"... Huh? Isn't that?" (Takeya Yuki)

Their conversation continue, with another hurdle who had noticed his presence.

'... Could it be.' (Takeya Yuki)

"Uhhm! I'm sorry, but students don't wander around alright?! I'm going to... Kuhum, teacher is going to scold a trespassing person so please wait for me okay?" (Takeya Yuki)

Takeya Yuki, who slightly corrected her way of speaking as a figure of a teacher, then walked away while holding back the feeling that seemed to explode inside her along with many memories that has been unlocked thanks to what Cera did.

'... So far so good, alright.' (Cera)


"Phhhuuffttt! Who would even put a salt on other's green tea?! Don't you know green tea is the bane of guest on your house?!" (Cera)

"What? That's just the beginning. Not only you take care of that pest in haste without giving me any detail, you also did something outrageous like giving a "Life" for that「Copy」world. Don't forget about how you used some of our shared authority in this world and when you showed me that horrendous scene." (Zeimachi)

Their conversation keep rolling and thanks to that Zeimachi has discovered more surprise. Many details here are deliberately hidden by Cera and indeed she also doesn't want any of her activities to be monitored by strangers.

The first was when she exterminated pests, in fact Cera had been doing it ever since Zeimachi time traveled to the past in order to save Wakasa Ruu, and at that moment she also took a glance at the figures of main characters who were at Megurigaoka high school.

As for her giving "Life" to the world of「Copy」she has in her hand, this matter has something to do with their relationship. Maybe this story will be told again in another day, about the origin story of the foolish holder and his lamp in the path where there is no clue for them to walked on.

'If I need to simply describe it... Then take it like Zei is the chief, and I'm the second in command.' (Cera)

"Besides, not only green tea could make one looks rich, it could also save my money on milk, no need to serve some biscuit or crackers, the guest won't even try to ask more, and the most convenient part is that they wouldn't even come again." (Zeimachi)

After he finished discussing the reason for serving the guests green tea, Zeimachi summoned a bottle of coke that was still cold and dewy for him to drink. The taste of cola that made his nose pricked by carbon gas made him sigh as he leaned his head against the back of the chair.

It can be guessed that there're awfully lot of complicated matters that is being calculated in his narrow mind, and there're also many decisions that he's trying to make in order to obtain the results that are not far from his life principles.

'... for the sake of seeing beauty in others, to live his life as an art, and to act as a shield for innocents, a sacred oath that he knew from a young female paladin. Although way before he chose that path, he has always been a man with his mission.' (Cera)

After clearing up a bit of his thoughts, Zeimachi then asked Cera a few more things.

Starting from what had Cera did to the「Copy」world that she previously created, how stable the conditions in the Void are that contain many "worlds" in it, to whether he could throw a good old punch on her face.

"Chott- Hey don't you know Kingsman's gentlementary code are?! D-don't hit me o-okay?" (Cera)

Cera who was frightened and stood up as she slowly stepped back raised both of her hands to beg for mercy from the man, but Zeimachi didn't seem to care about that.

However, as if a miracle had come to save her, suddenly the two of them heard the sound of footsteps leading into the room.

The panting voice of the person who seemed to be accelerating her footsteps was also increasingly heard, until finally she stopped to catch her breath right on the other side of the door that separated the student council room from the outside corridor.

'Now then, let's hide~' (Cera)

On the other hand, Cera, who had planned all of this then chose to disappeared from that place, and slightly affected Zeimachi's ability which can also make him invisible to ordinary human eyes.


"Hmm? Hey? Why're you hid-... Ah..." (Zeimachi)

The old door finally opened and there they met each other's eyes.

"*Pant*... *Pant*..." (Takeya Yuki)

Not a single word was spoken between them, until finally a few seconds later passed.

Takeya Yuki, who was controlling her breathing after running up through the stairs to reach the student council room, looked very surprised.

Because not only had she finally found the man she once thought of as her guardian, but at the same time the memories within her were slowly surfacing.

During her journey to survive in the world that has been infested with the undead, she feels that there's always this one unknown person who is very difficult for Takeya Yuki to remember.

"Good morning, Yuki-san. Should I say... long time no see? You've grown to be perfectly fine." (Zeimachi)

Whenever everyone around her has become desperate or whenever the situation calls for a giving up, someone's voice always rings in Takeya Yuki's mind that told her if there's always a longer way to go.

However whenever she tried to remember who's that person, there's something akin of feather that appeared in her mind which made her forget those curiosity.

"Why don't you wipe those tears first? Here." (Zeimachi)

Meanwhile, Zeimachi greeted Takeya Yuki while comfortably taking a sip from his bottle of coke, as he gave her a tissue from his pocket. Of course, Cera who knew of his actions felt very disgusted at his behavior that acted as if he had no sin.

As for Takeya Yuki who was still in tears after her memories resurfaced, she then tried to wipe her tears from her face as she know that she's not a little girl anymore.

Takeya Yuki kept wiping and wiping the tears from running down her face, but no matter how hard she wiped them away the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"... Why?" (Takeya Yuki)

Because after Takeya Yuki memorized all the memories that Zeimachi sealed within her mind, that was all she could say. Why, why did he leave her away and said a cruel good bye by sealing her memories.

"... I know it... I have guessed if it's weird." (Takeya Yuki)

"... I'm sorry." (Zeimachi)

"You should, but there's someone else that have it worse." (Takeya Yuki)

"..." (Zeimachi)

Indeed, Zeimachi at that moment looked as if he didn't feel any empathy for the young woman with the coke on his hand. Even so those were just façade on his front, since no matter what'll happen, he would never show his weak side in front of anyone.

"Go and meet her, Megu-nee... Mother is still longing for you." (Takeya Yuki)

Takeya Yuki said this in a voice full of sadness and sobs filled with longing, she actually really wanted to hug the person she had considered as her father, but if she were to did that she was sure that her cries would become even bigger.

"... Sure, however... Let's finish it after your class. Aren't you a teacher already? Don't disappoint your student." (Zeimachi)

Although still filled with indecision about what he would do for the better, Zeimachi approached Takeya Yuki who was still crying and patted her head.

Even though he could read the young woman's mind, or manipulate her back so she couldn't remember anything anymore. Zeimachi actually chose to calm her down in that way, considering that it was very likely that at that time Takeya Yuki really hated him for what he had done.

"... Stay like that for a... while..." (Takeya Yuki)

"Alright." (Zeimachi)

But it seems, his estimate was wrong.

"... Welcome home." (Takeya Yuki)

"... This is a school though?" (Zeimachi)

Because in fact Takeya Yuki doesn't hold grudges or hate towards him, nevertheless he's just... A perfect person who could destroy the entire atmosphere within one word.

"... Stupid father, I know this is a school." (Takeya Yuki)

"And I'm happy to be called as your old man." (Zeimachi)

Hmm...I really need it to make it short.

Don't want to use ten chapter each world.

Some part of it are my fault though.


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts