
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Vandango part.1

"...You mean I have to deliver this confidential information to our alliance beyond the sabana."

Inside a lab where many instrument of medical knowledge laid by, there are two person who talks to each other in this dimly lit room. One of them is him Necro-phi/Vandango and the other is a doctor with green hair wearing a lab coat named Mobius.

Necro-phi who is in the middle of an experiment involving his arm which is now a mecha arm, suddenly got Mobius stepped inside the lab and throw him a file. The doctor who experimented on him is not Mobius either, its another doctor who is also her assistant and someone Mobius can trust.

"Good morning, Doctor Mobius. Please don't move Machi-san, the sensor will catch error."

"Ufufu~ Good Morning Klein. Both of you are really close as usual. More like...too close."

"...Our relation is normal as how a comrade are, isn't it right my comrade Klein?"

"Move one more time and I will add more doses to your medicine, as you can see Doctor because at least he is better than Kalpas I can be more relieved with him."

Klein is one of Mobius assistant and also the one who can understand the most about her. She appear in this chibi form who also similar to how Higokumaru was when she's with Yae Rin to play.

Klein also got similar appearance to how Mobius is with black accessories on her head, the same green hair and the same color in her eyes composed from green to light pink. Though she's smaller and with an eye patch that hides her right eye.

The Mobius herself is not the same Mobius that he has met, she looks more mature and with more 'assets' which is definitely far from how he met her when she got the looks of a middle schooler. Even though Vandango and Mobius are in the same room, the aura is weirdly...natural.

"That's fine with me Klein~ However, don't forget about me okay. If you left me out even I can feel lonely~"

Mobius stepped closer to grab Klein who was analyzing his mecha arm, she wrapped her arm around Klein's and stole her while she was working which interfered with her work. Klein didn't protest though, there was no remorse or hatred from her because she already knew a lot about Mobius' personality.

Then there was Vandango next step from them who was reading the file Mobius had given him. He wasn't too bothered by the intimacy of Mobius and Klein beside him, as if he has seen this sort of thing a hundred times within thousand different forms.

"...So it's about their next plan. As expected the foe will always watching behind your back."

He read page by page which gave him the summary of its content. Meanwhile Klein tried to bargain with Mobius to release her and let her work.

"Umm...Dr. Mobius."

"Ah I'm sorry Klein~ It's just a very long time since I've seen you."

While Vandango is in the middle of his reading time, both of them also finished their reunion not long after. Klein sighed as she got free from Mobius clutches and returned back to examining his mecha arm. As for Mobius, she sat on the chair while taking off her coat on the table near the monitor without paying attention to the man, the man also didn't seem to care much about it.

She turned on the computer to type in another data that she deems important for her experiments, making her typing sound fills the room.




"Today check up is done, please don't forget the next month. Well then I'm leaving for another work now."

"...Thanks Klein, to have a dependable comrade like you is definitely a blessing."

He jumped down from the bed and patted her head as he walked away to another room behind the lab.

"See you next month Machi-san."

After finishing his examination, Klein then told Mobius the same thing about her finished work and wanted to left the room. Mobius seemed to tease Klein again so she can hug her, but Klein said if they could just wait after their work was done.

After Klein left, there were only two of them in the lab. Even though they were busy being in their own world with different issues, there was a kind of connection that could be seen from the interactions they have made. Looking at how Mobius act without looking at him, and the same for him too.

"...Thanks for your hard work. Eh? Klein already left?"

"She already left long ago~ You're late to give her that."

Vandango was making her a drink before Klein left the room, but because he needed a lot of time, Klein had already left before he could give it to her. He then placed the drink on the table near the monitor where Mobius was entering her research data. Mobius took the drink he had placed on the table and took a sip without hesitation.

"...Hmm...About your evolution project again?"

"As you can see~ There's everything that I care, no matter how much I proposed it. Those simpleton just can't understand."

"...About your theories? or about you?"


Vandango approach Mobius from her back and peeked from her shoulder about the content of her data, it's mostly about her project that involved human experiment which ofcourse denounce the value of humanity, but he doesn't say it out loud.

Instead, he returned to another room in the lab and brought her a cup of hot noodles freshly steamed after a few minutes of tinkering in the room. Then, he does the same as the drink from before, placing it near her monitor for her to eat it.

"...It's not healthy for breakfast, but cheer up a bit. *Sniff* Is it magenta this time?"

"Nope~ You should guess it better next time."

Vandango fold her coat and keep it tidy from wrinkle, then switching the light on which brighter this room. Mobius squinted for a sec, but she act as if it never happens and back again to her work. Finishing his business inside the lab, Vandango patted her shoulder as he smelled a fragrant perfume.

"*Sigh* My shoulder becoming sore these days~ Keep doing it before you left."

"...Since when did you become this wimpy?"

"Ahhh~ My shoulder, I hope there's a hand massage around here~""


A few minutes later, Vandango finally become free from her.

Just like that Vandango left the room leaving Mobius to eat her noddle as she drown herself in her work. He left wearing a different clothing which composed from combat suit that shows great durability and a helmet that hides his face and step out from the lab.






On his way to deliver the package, Vandango met another member of the MOTH organization which is also the organization he is in now. The member wear a strange mask and had an unflattering aura which is none other than Kalpas, however the two of them said nothing than a glance and went past each other towards their own destination.

He walked on the floor and reach the exit of this building which is pretty far since Mobius' lab it self is being secluded from the area. Upon looking at the detail of the file from Mobius, he reached the place where his vehicle should be waiting.

"Oh there you're Van. I've been waiting for you."

Upon reaching his first destination, there's another member of organization that greets him as he come into the designated point location. It's a woman with a pink hair and also a pretty high ranker in MOTH, she greets him with her smile and charming voice while waving her hands which shows another charm from her figure.

"...I thought it's not the lady pink elf herself that'll accompanied me in this mission?"

"Ahaha~ You really called me with that name don't you. What if it's me, you can't accept it?"

Vandango called her by the name lady pink elf, which is the match with how her description is. The lady itself got pink long hair and pointy ears just like mythological being known as a fairy or an elf, with a charming movement every time she moves, Vandango believe if that name fits for her.

"...It would be a ride to do this mission with you, but Doctor Mobius wouldn't hear it well when I report it back to her."

"Now that I think about it, how is she? Did she becoming workaholic again?"

Vandango told her not to come with him because if he let her ramble on, she would continue to push him and upsetting a certain Doctor who was working in the lab.



*Mobius grabbed a blanket behind her which was already prepared and returns to her monitor.*


"...She's fine."


Vandango decided to walks away from her and move to another place where he could awaits for the real partner that'll come with him in this mission. He left the lady pink elf behind who suspiciously smiled at his back but thankfully didn't chase after him.




"...Where are they? It's already past the promised time."

He pick a chair and sat on it. However there's no sign of anyone or anybody arrives which bore him as heck. Although he spent time with tinkering again with his mecha arm, it become the same as soon he finished and become bored again.

He wants to return and ask again to Mobius about the other personnel that'll come with him, but he also didn't want to meet the lady pink elf again on his way back and leak another secret unconsciously.

"What are you doing in here alone Van? You left me just to be alone in this place?"

It was then that the lady pink elf's voice rang out and interrupted all his plans. Vandango looked back and found the lady pink elf having appeared from behind while tapping on his helmet. It didn't stop there, the lady pink elf dragged another chair to sit beside him, she then sat down and crossed her legs while Vandango continued to stare at her suspiciously.

"Don't be that stubborn Van~ Even I can't waste my time alone talking alone into the air, let's both waste out time together. It sounds better that way!"

"...I not that idle though."

"But you do look like one right now~"


Time flies and both of them spends their time chatting to each other. The lady pink elf is the one who enjoyed it the most as she shows huge interest to the content of their conversation. Such as Mobius morning face and other simple things. Who's the flame chaser that have the biggest appetite, about her plan to put a poll of who's the most beauty in MOTH, simple things like that.

Their small chats becoming a different conversation as she keep talking about more broader plan and more wider subject to talk as if there's never end of topic in her dictionary of communication.

"Ah yes! Why don't we enjoy a small holiday together? I'm sure it'll be fun!"

The pink elf lady became even more excited as more ideas came to her mind as she chatted with him. This time she propose another plan for them to went together in a holiday which grouped of Flame Chaser and their companion to another city, away from their duty.

"...I doubt half of them would go. Eden, and Sakura, then Su and also...Pardo. I doubt you'll got a positive remark beside from them."


"...Count me out from that too."


The lady pink elf pouted as she heard his explanation which clearly shows if he doesn't want to help her, but this outcome is perfectly enough for her. She smiled happily as she looked at the sky with the same blue color which reminds her of someone. She keep her plan for their holidays in check and asks him another subject.

"Then~ What do you think about the poll of the most beauty one?"

"...Sure, I don't think that much of poll would spread too much trouble."

The lady pink elf did the same expertise and switched to another topic of discussion so to not leave them hanging without anything to talks. While asking about his opinion of who have catches his eyes, the lady pink elf proudly announce her premature victory through her body language.

"So let me hear yours~ Who do you think is the most pretty,lovely and attractive?"

Even though he regard this question of her as a landmine against him which would made him to wager his life if there's someone hearing this, he decided to gave her this answer for her curiosity.

"...You should've know the answer anyway."

"Ehhh~ So...Can I assume if it's me? This Elysia has finally caught your heart with her charm~?"

"...No, I take it back. Looking at your attitude I kinda regret my first pick."

"Ahahaha~ Haahh...You're really a perfect opponent to have a chat with Van. Maybe I should've brought some snack with me- Ah! Next time let's invite Eden too."

"...I hope you really invite her and not the otherwise."

"Ufufu~ Ofcourse I won't push her. Eden will definitely enliven the atmosphere more grander when she's between us."

"...It's Eden afterall, even her voice alone is spectacular. But I hope you really don't push her for real, these days she got more busier than me with concert and such."

"Yes~Yes~ Don't be a worrywart and awaits when days come okay~"

They chatted more and more as if they were both enjoying this moment. In fact, both of them really liked the time they had spent, although Vandango felt sorry that until then the person he had been waiting for had not come. As for Elysia, she had many things to tell her friends later. Elysia who had finished everything she wanted to say for him, stood up then walked away saying goodbye and showing her smooth back to Vandango.


However, Vandango had something else bugging him after Elysia left. It was an emotion he knew very well and was easy for him to feel.

'...If you choose that path...This is the outcome that'll awaits you.'

He looks at his mecha arm, and also a small symbol of hourglass which he embedded onto it.

"Old Timer..."

Nobody is there to answer him, but he keeps talking as if he knew that someone will hear his voice.

"Wake up."

What should I say....

I kinda want to do another Omake since I forgot the last time I did that.

Because there's still more stories about Necro-phi/Vandango to come.

So next chapter will be absurd story.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts