
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Testimonium de auditu IV and V

Testimonium de auditu, a testimony or information that've been obtained by you, because you've heard it from someone else. To make it easier to understand, maybe the term "hearsay" is more common among the general public.

The reason why I explained this, was all because of the will of this story.

The more stories unfold, the more stories of people will be told, and the more stories that are told, the more words will be needed to tell those stories. Whether it's Sakura Zeimachi, Cera, Yjor or Hylia's stories, their stories will continue to be told in the best way possible.

However, what about the other. How about those who're not them? Would their story not be explained as good as the four of them? The answer for that... lies within this story, I don't want to answer that.

Instead of telling you all about what's going to happen, let me show you how it's going to happen.


In their respective worlds a few days had passed. Their worlds, which move at different times, are finally aligned in the same frame to carry out the mission at the same time, namely for their group's mission.

There are some who only have a week left, some only a few days, but there are also those who have a long time left. This time difference, it was all caused by an imbalance caused by a certain creature. Back then during its heyday, this creature could prey on "time" just like eating a dish.

Similar to Gurathnaka being capable to eat "dreams", this creature can also do the same thing but the difference is that it doesn't eat "dreams", but it ate "time".

Moving out from them, the six of them who have prepared themselves with their own preparations are figures who have received the help of a golden finger named「System」and the other one, namely「Group Chat」.

As anyone would know, this 「System」 was something similar to the supporting assistance method that ROB and some "Gods" gave to humans who're unfortunate enough to have caught their attention.

For those who had received the「System」there was no doubt that they were much stronger than ordinary humans, in fact they could even be stronger than the strong characters in their respective worlds.

Because not only does the「System」they get can give them the opportunity to become stronger than anyone and anything, but the「System」also has many advantages that can make it easier for them to reach the pinnacle of glory.

Beside the「System」, there's also「Group Chat」.

As for the「Group Chat」itself, it was basically just a medium and its existence wasn't that superior compared to the System. The reason it is called a medium, because as the name suggests, Group Chat is a chat community that can connect many different beings from different worlds.

As for why its not much superior than System, it was because those that already have System doesn't really need a Group Chat, very different compared to those with Group Chat but didn't have System.

And currently in certain Group Chat, there is an ongoing chat.

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: Heyyo anyone online? My time telling me if our mission will begin tomorrow morning. How about you guys?}

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Forgot time exist, as for me its around one day and half.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: You act big for someone who can't even remember what time it is, how was it being a god of Otsusuki clan? Did you enjoy their old body much compared to those kunoichi from earth?}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Ohh so its the same, mine is one day as well. Oi Suzuko, answer the damn question.}

As explained, this time difference was so common for those living in different worlds that they too were used to it. At the current moment, there're only four out of total six member online within that Group Chat.

Yulijer who're the admin or the head of that group, Julian the guy who're a fan of Sword Art Online, Freidhard the god of Otsusuki clan in his world together with Suzuko who're being obsessed with Itachi Uchiha within the same Naruto world as Freidhard.

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: Oh c'mon Yuli its just a greeting from me to that horny bastard. Don't you know how brutal he's to girls that I sent for him? How can't I angry at him when he returned them broken again and again.}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: How can I blame him, those girl from your world are cute and strong right? As a man I know that feeling of domination.}

As Suzuko read this message, she felt disgusted but intrigued at the same time.

Indeed in her world kunoichi are some kind of common commodities, especially those who've controlled their chakra and being capable of killing common folks. Not only most of them are stunning in looks, but they have their own training as well.

That's why most of the kunoichi are willing to die if it's to save their master, or in different stories, there're those that depict them as a trained female ninja who're willing to do anything to complete their mission.

When men with low self-esteem and envious feelings saw those strong women, their hunger for dominance would definitely kick in. Such was the case for Yulijer and Freidhard.

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: You asshole are the only one my side, here for you homie.}

〈Freidhard has sent Yulijer a gift : (SR) High qualities chakra pills x1〉

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: What? Can't I get one as well please~}

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: You don't even need it idiot.}

This is one of the feature belonged to this Group Chat, sending Gift. Each member can send their gifts to other members as long as the aforementioned items are not too many or too big, and as long the item are within their inventory.

Basically, if you want to sent gift then the item must be in your own inventory and fill the criteria above. This would be a problem when some member decided to randomly give another member a nuclear bomb and the other party didn't put it in their inventory, but openly received it out in the open area after all.

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Thanks shitass I got something for you as well. And Suzuko you still haven't answer it!}

〈Yulijer has sent Freidhard a file : Kunoichi discipline.rar x1〉

〈Yulijer has sent Freidhard a file : File1.rpgsave x1〉

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: Really, from what I look isn't this game too simple? Can't you get something like Virtual reality or something?}

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: You dumbass, why would I play the game when I could just done the real thing.}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Just take it with some grain of salt, you only got some alien and real kunoichi in there right? Why don't you used this and created a Cyborg based from this game char?}

Yulijer said something suspicious, how did he even know if there're technology capable of creating a cyborg in that world which revolved around ninja and chakra.

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Cyborg? How could I even created it in this world.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: Its the same, one day or less than 24 hour I think. But what do you mean by Cyborg Yuli? I thought Naruto's world doesn't have robots and such.}

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: We got one here, and you guys wanna hear about this new girl that I've found? It'll be just a few days before I successfully turned her into my doll. Her name is Karen, have you guys heard it?}

Kohiruimaki Karen, looks like her fate has been sealed to be another thing belonged to that man. Along with Konno Yuuki and Yuuki Asuna, they've become a sex doll for Julian to use.

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Shut up.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: You want me to gouge your eyes?}

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: ಠ_ಠ}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: How? Well I'll told you fellas after we done with this quest. Just make sure to give me enough merit from this quest, enough for me to become second place.}

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: Hey what'll I got? I didn't receive anything?}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: I'll give you my pendant, use those shit to buy something from shop later.}

As a reminder, there's one UR selection ticket that'll be given to the one who become the first place. However there're actually many more reward that'll be given for each member even when they didn't become the first champion.

There's one hour Platinum membership (one time use), that'll give them a Platinum member privilege's. like having many bonus discount in Group Chat's shop, bonus exchange limit and crafting, free daily time speed ticket, free daily degradation reduction ticket, and some other as well.

Random SSR weapon, item and costume boxes = 5 Draw per banner they could use in Group Chat's Gacha. Then lastly some currencies like pendant, coin and their world's money currencies.

More about these feature will be explained later.

{#(Kirito slayer and Asuna pounder)#「Julian」: Now we're talking, having that Platinum member alone is enough but I'm not going to reject my gift~ Oh let me send their image as my exchange.}

〈Julian has sent a picture for everyone : With their master.PNG〉

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: What a shame, I could use her somehow better than you.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: Erase it right now you dirty fuck!}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Alright 30 minutes ban for you.}

〈Yulijer (Admin) has banned Julian for thirty minutes〉

And there's this Admin privilege.

Just to clarify it first, Yulijer is the admin of this Group Chat because he holds the highest『Reign』tier compared to the other members. It didn't matter how strong someone was, if their Reign tier wasn't too high then they couldn't become an Admin.

In Group Chat, Admin can use his privileges as long as he doesn't abuse them according to Group Chat rules. Admins can not only ban some members from Group Chats, but they can also use some other things just like things Discord Mod can do.

Then there is Reign tier, basically it is a tier created for Group Chat users.

Reign is calculated not only from strength or power, but it is also calculated from how many quests they have completed, how many merits they have earned, and their position on the Group Chat leaderboard.

The Group Chat leaderboard itself contains a lot of information about each member but isn't specific. An example is the same as when Yulijer fails one of his quests, then it will be displayed on the leaderboard where other members can see it too.

All of those will affect their Reign tier, which in the end decided whether they could become an Admin or not.

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: That grumpy old man is not here.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: What~ you miss him? It'll be much better when he's not here anyway. But if you're looking for that oldfart then do as you wish, I'll be the one normal and asking whereabout of cute little Chi-chan?}

The figure the two of them were referring to was Mourgant with his modifiers #(Fuck Issei he's a cultivator)# and also Katchia with her modifiers #(Bakugo x Midoriya)#. They're the only two member offline besides Julian who're offline due to got banned back then.

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Mourgant and Katchia... those two huh.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: I know you're not good with Mourgant since he's the previous Admin, but what about Chi-chan? If you somehow dislike her I'm going to put another sharingan for that eyes of yours~}

So it's like that, it seems that the bad relationship between Mourgant and Yulijer was created because Yulijer had taken the Admin position from his hands.

Also based on what they were talking about, it seemed that Mourgant had the features of an old man, in contrast to Katchia who had the features of a child.

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Nahh I don't really care or afraid, but don't you think they're probably doing the usual?}

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Mourgant with his dual cultivation stuff and Katchia with her shipping orgy?}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: When you remember it, aren't they just the same. Besides their kinks that is.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: Shhhhh! DON'T BULLY MY CHI-CHAN! She's just a little girl who're going to be whatever she believes in~ Let her be and stop being afraid of her!}


{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Woman.}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: Yeah woman.}

{#(Sharingan collector)#「Suzuko」: Ah whatever, I'm out of here.}

Suzuko has left the chat and turned offline.

{#(Kunoichi are for breeding)#「Freidhard」: Me as well, don't forget about that Cyborg stuff.}

{#(Beauty from their hole)#「Yulijer」: That fast? But don't worry, you could keep my words.}

Freidhard has left the chat and turned offline.

Now only Yulijer remains online in the Group Chat. The Whitey who had caused many ship girls from the previous world based on the Azur Lane theme to fall into misery and despair.

As previously mentioned, Yulijer is a cunning person and full of ego.

From the start, he intended to take all the profits in the Group Chat without sharing it with other people, and if you remember when Yulijer told Freidhard about the Cyborg idea, then you should have noticed something, Stranger.

But even if you can't notice it, then it's fine.

What you need to know is, you are starting to feel closer to these group chat's members because you have read their Group Chat conversations.

Unfortunately, even though you can read what Yulijer has written in the chat, Stranger, you can't see Yulijer's smile that he lets out as he types on his smartphone while also goes offline from the Group Chat.

It was a smile that only a traitor would have.

Yulijer has left the chat and turned offline.

Alright Bismarck come out babyyyyy~

And you STAR RAIL! I'm wating for Fu Hua over there.

Oh, I really want to put this idea in motion so I wrote it but, what will happen if I used symphogear?

Like singing during a fight? I think it'll be cute.


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts