
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Side story: Unknown land with dust part.5 (Last)

*Cera PoV*

"So sudden you change PoV to me ▀▀▀▀. Something bad happen? Ahaha~ Relax, I'm not gonna bite you nor those 'Stranger'."

The sky is still dark even though I'm out of the wasteland. Above my head I could see lots of boulders about to crash into the surface of the planet. A fitting moment for the end of the world.

"...Well...Let me entertain you for a while then. About the tale of this unknown land, since it's already the last chapter anyway~ Let's pick up Lia, who knows what other places that Marimo will visit."

The end of a world is very different from what you imagine, 'Stranger'. Maybe someone has realized it, there is no end to a world that has already reached its end. There's only the new beginning.

"It shows a more mysterious vibe doesn't it~"




If only, human didn't exist then would that be the best result? Where everything will be filled with animals and plants as well the harmonies created from those two ecosystem. Where there'll be no destruction as well their creation.

"That's pretty stupid isn't it? Human is pretty interesting whenever they struggled for their hope and dream. It would be a waste to leave them rot in the peaceful times without any endeavor. Ahaha~ I'm joking~ Please don't mind it."

He really despised the enemy of humanity but it doesn't mean he wouldn't protect them, because of that he know about the beauty as well their ugliness. As for me he's the definition of weird and balance, because he's a hypocrite who turned to scorn his own hypocrisy.

"If I'm not wrong, there's five member in the council. First is the 'Space', second 'Nature', third is 'Time' , 'Chaos' birthed from the world, and 'Civilization' crafted from humanity."

Leaving those girls behind was also a part of my plan, in this story you've to use everything you could if you didn't want to be a puppet after all.

I don't want to be so almighty about others wish and their dreams, but there's this another one weird ▀▀▀▀ who told me to never get swept by the flow of this story. So at least I know what that weirdo wish is.

"I thought if that 'Nephilim' will also appeared since there's that 'Sparda' in this place. There's also Omegaα who was the first observer, and the mysteries of this world's war. *Sigh* Too much mysteries gone unsolved...Wait- What those two doing????"

After searching from north to west and south to east, I can finally located their place somewhere in middle of a swamp. It's not that hard since I got used with Lia who had the tendencies to strand in another world, maybe this is what they called as birds of feathers.

"Ceraaa~ Over heere~ This uncle couldn't find the right way so we ended up in this place! EHe~!"

"Tte nandayo."

They're still on the feather that Zei gifted to her, meanwhile I'm using my aura under my feet to condense the atom which created dark red platform for my footstep. Flying is out of question since my hair will be messy.

This sword man gauge my strength the moment I step forward to them with his discerning eyes, no wait, I mean eye. His face got that stern yet idiot vibe though, so I'm not offended by him.

"*Sigh* Where're you two going?"

I asked them with one hand on my hip. If we linger here just to discuss unimportant issues, then time will be wasted and his fight will reach its end. I don't want to missed that part especially when he cringes at his own sentences, he's a glass cannon after all.

"I'm going to Kaido castle. But my friend got lost and this girl too."

"What?! No! Zororo was the one who always lost because he doesn't know any sign!"


That's why let's toss it over to Zei again while I'll pick Lia and regrouped with Zei in the void. How will he chose his end, who knows? He's a fool after all.



Raising her gaze upwards where the sky was again covered with dark shadows, Nanashi Mumei who was standing alone on a feather was unable to utter any other words.

Her hands were shaking slightly and there was a bit of sand getting into her eyes. Standing alone in the front seat of the end of the world, Nanashi Mumei felt the fear of destruction on the land she inhabited.

'...Nanashi-san? Ahaha~ It's too soon for you to despair you know. Hmm?...Why can I still laugh? That's it because...There's always a longer way to go.'

Sakura Zeimachi left as soon he told her about the truth of Tsukumo Sana that was being controlled and leaving the Guardian alone with her little friend that shows an encouraging face for the girl.


"...Yeah, thanks little guy."

Even though he said if he'll be fine up there, Nanashi Mumei can't help but concerned about her new acquittance's well being since he's only a human.

'Correct, I know human is a weak being Nanashi-san. That's why I can't do anything on my own...That's what I liked to say, but that doesn't mean I will follow that way of thinking.'

The more she stood on that feather, the more her memories recovered and the more she knew about her past. The conflict between the god and malicious entity that's aiming to eliminate her, her other friend in the council that tried to stop it from happening, and the mankind that 'crafted' her.

"Was mankind...A mistake?"

The Guardian of civilization once again stared at the sky that's now has been rendered along with those huge shadows. All the space rocks have been destroyed and all the satellites and planets have returned to their place. Even so, the leftover traces of the shattered space rock left behind their fragments which flew towards her.

'Your friend has been waiting for you, Cera told me if she helped to gather the others on the same place. Don't worry, I'll rescue Tsukumo-san as fast as I could....Me? Sorry but this is my far▀▀e▀l Nanashi-san, ▀'m a b▀sy ▀▀y s▀ I c▀▀'▀ e▀▀a▀e fr▀▀ my ▀▀rk for too l▀▀g.'

For an instant, the light within her eyes disappeared before it returned to the way it was before. It seems that Sakura Zeimachi influenced Nanashi Mumei's thoughts to slowly forget the memories she had of him, and made her to immediately meet her friends.


Its shows a questioning look.

"...We need to go. It's suck to part without a proper farewell, plus he still hasn't said my name properly. But we...It's time to go."


Its shows are-you-sure look.

"That guy said if it's farewell so okay! I'll give him one, don't regret when we will meet again!"


Somehow its shows a look full of doubt.

"Y-Yeah! Who would ever met him anyway. This is the real farewell, bye bye!"


This time it shows a look of sadness.

Nanashi Mumei stared for the last time at the rendered skies along with her little Friend that shows a pitiful face through its paper face. She's the vagabond that has been travelled on the ground since the humanity arise, so she has face many farewell during her journey.

She had seen mankind's sin so it wouldn't be weird for her to think of Sakura Zeimachi as another bearer of sin that has crafted her.


The resplendent of the feathers on her feet grew quiet which signaled that it was time. Now, Nanashi Mumei will not remember the person named Sakura Zeimachi forever.

'L▀t's meet ▀▀in, in ▀he d▀st▀nt ▀▀tu▀▀. M▀▀▀i.'

"Did I forgot something?...Who is, 'Him'?"

Another person who has lost her memory of his presence, these are all things he will continue to do even though he knows that one day he will receive his karma.

However, that is not important.


Its shows I'm-not-sure looks.

"Oh? Yeah, let's go. Wait what with this huge feather? You know how to use it?"

She tried to figure out how to fly the feathers on her first try and succeeded on her ninth try while dodging the hail of stones that was aimed at her. The feather was supposed to fly according to how the driver's will, it should be easy if Sakura Zeimachi told her that before he used the 'Rope' to the space.

"Whooa!!! I wasted so many trials to do this trick~!"

She wanted to try the move that was shown from Hylia by using that feather. Even though she got some scratch and graze because of her newbie driving, Nanashi Mumei enjoyed the ride before she plunged into the sea of sand beneath her.

"...Lia and Cera. But who is the last one...Bhuukkghkk!?"


{Impossible!? How can you come into this world?!}

The Ancient one who was using Tsukumo Sana's giant avatar spoke in anguish. Not only all of its attack got stopped by Sakura Zeimachi, now it needs to face the greatest terror from a feeble being known as a human.

The man didn't even blink nor say a word in the presence of a being that could destroy planets, there's only his determination to finish that being.

Using one of his tools in the form of 'Rope', he binds all the giant space objects and returns them to their original place, but before that he used his gun to destroy any space debris or meteors from his sight.

And to end the ridiculous scene from his face, Sakura Zeimachi burnt the 'feather' to separate and sever Ancient one's control over Tsukumo Sana. That way, he will also forget all his memories when he was in the unknown land with dust. Two bird for one stone.

{CuRSe yOUUUU!!! uKKhhOOWwhhggHHHjjkkkll>>!??!!!}

By using this method the Ancient One would not die, but at least he managed to sever their control with Fenghuang Down. This method is like a double-edged sword, because it can not only sever the consciousness of something on a person, but it can also make the user lose their memory.

'...It's over. I'm leaving it to you, Dust. Don't do anything weird. I'll told Cera and Lia first, then use 'Scissor' to cut the odds of fate.'

The giant body that's has now freed from the control of powerful being slowly opening its eyes. The beautiful shade of gold had returned and indicated that Tsukumo Sana had regained control of her body. On the other hand, Sakura Zeimachi who has lost his memory begins to lose consciousness and floats loose in space.

'Kukuku, very well my brother. It's a shame since I can't play with a giantess but I'll do the usual.'

With his remaining strength, Sakura Zeimachi told Cera that his business was over and he would return first. He also summoned El Dust to use his 'Scissors' to break the unchangeable chain of destiny before he faced the the speaker of 'Space'.

{...Where're you going?}

Tsukumo Sana who saw him rushing to go inside his summoned portal became a little panicked.

She wanted to reward and thank the little human for ending her millions years of suffering under the Ancient One's influence, she also intended to introduce him to the other council members as a token of her gratitude.

'Can you hear me? Dear kind-hearted giantess. I'm talking to your head right now.'

{Yes, I'm Sana. Can I ask for your time before you go?}

'Kukuku...Unfortunately my dear giantess, I can't give you neither my name nor my time.'

But El Dust who was now hearing Tsukumo Sana's words said so.

{...Why not? You have done a great thing right now, it's gonna feel bad for me if I let you go without anything.}

Tsukumo Sana slowly shrunk her body size which allowed the sunlight to return again and giving warmth to the planet behind him. With a height and size of an ordinary human and her limiter intact, Tsukumo Sana approached him.

Even though she had a good reasons to close the distance with him, El Dust felt very unlucky that he had missed the opportunity to enjoy the gigantic sight just now.

'Huhu...Pardon my rudeness.'

{E-EH? Wait up what's is this?}

As the 'Rope' was wrapped around her body, Tsukumo Sana seemed surprised by the sensation when she was having the trouble to move due to the 'Rope'. Then, unexpectedly, El Dust used his 'Rope' and threw her in the direction where the other council members were.

{Wait!!! It should be me to reward you! Not you to reward me!! AAAAaaaaa~~~}

'Have a nice travel~'

Tsukumo Sana flew swiftly towards the planet with a 'gift' from El Dust. Although El Dust was amused by the girl's flustered screams, it didn't last long.

'Ouch ouch...That's hurt brother. I didn't do anything weird am I?'

A feather flew and pierced his eyes as if angered by his actions.



"Come on! I'm still fired up."

On the stage where Vergil and Hakos Baelz faced each other, the corruption around them only got worse as time went on. Ceres Fauna tries to reduce the spread of 'Chaos' with her concept as 'Nature'. Even if she succeeded, the area to be purified was still small compared to the place she had to reach.

"Mumei's here. Wait up, Sana too?"

Together with Ouro Kronii guarding her back, the two of them continued to walk through the area until the warden of 'Time' realized the future where their two companions would land in the same place.

"But how? Mumei is one thing, but I thought Sana was...Could it be?!!"

"No. This place will not be destroyed by her. But it's weird, I can't read too much future at the moment."

"Oh...Was that why you show up in this time line?"

Ouro Kronii is one of the consept as well the council member who holds the power over 'Time'. She also acts as a guardian of the time line so that no one dares to mess with the past and the future.

"That's too. I see a future where no one will be killed. I'm sure if this is the time! We can finally saves Mumei along with Sana from their fate."

What El Dust has severed was the fate or destiny where the council couldn't escape from the grasp of Ancient one. There's still a chance of it re-occurring in the world, but it'll be pretty slim considering the 'Scissor' ability to sever.

Since each world had its own rules and laws, something like that should be normally impossible to do. For example if someone who rejects his own death by 'cheating' it. The will of the world will continue to target the person's life until the flow of the world returns to its original state.

Well...Let's move on from theoretical stuff.

"Here they're...Uhhh..."

"What's wrong Kronii? Oh there they are...Ahh...I see."

Ceres Fauna was surprised to see Ouro Kronii who was looking excited of Nanashi Mumei and Tsukumo Sana's arrival but suddenly turned silent.

Perhaps due to the fact that the two of them arrived simultaneously from the sand due to Nanashi Mumei who was flying on her ninth attempt, got hit by Tsukumo Sana who was entangled in a rope.

And to make matters worse, the two of them were falling straight towards Hakos Baelz.


A helpless sigh was let out by mother nature when she saw her three friends colliding with each other, which provided an opportunity for Vergil to open the portal.

"We'll settle this next time."


Vergil retreat without acknowledging his defeat, it's not like he's on the losing side though. He could face the 'Chaos' evenly without using his Devil Trigger, and assimilated his body to the crystal power.

However, he thought about it again if he had to fight five monsters that could change the terrain around him in an instant. The son of 'Sparda' needs a proper plan if he really wants to take the five of them down, but he won't have that chance, because the moment he enters his portal he will never touch this world again.

"...Chaos huh."

Vergil has disappeared from this world.

"What?! How? How could it be?! Sana?! Mumei?! What the you two doing together?!"

Hakos Baelz looked surprised by the appearance of her two friends who should have kept their distance from each other. Due to the sudden arrival of the two of them, her small body became buried by a pile of flesh which made it difficult for her to breathe.

"Awwhh Bae, Mumei...I really missed you!"

Tsukumo Sana hugged the two which made them quite uncomfortable with too much sand between their clothes.

The other two concepts also approached them with tears in their eyes because they could see 'Space' smiling again with them. Especially to Ouro Kronii who is actually a very kind person and easy to get emotional.

And then, this becomes the closing part of the side story Unknown Land with dust.

The end.


"Chotto MAtte!!! I'm not going to agree with this ending!!!"


In the Void where those three have regroup with each other, there's Cera who shouts to the nothingness of the Void. Beside her is Hylia who calmly eats her Chocolate ice cream inside her ice cream truck and the unconscious body of Sakura Zeimachi who lies somewhere on the Void.

"Cera~ Was it ▀▀▀▀?"

"NoPE! nOT aT ALl!"

"...You're sounding like outer god now, Cera."

"Ouuhh Nice chair you got here, let me took a seat."

Suddenly, a man's voice was heard comfortably sitting and sleeping on Cera's sofa. That's right, that person is none other than Zoro.

"jUsT wHY tHiS MarIMO cOuLD be poSSiBLY, PAssABLY, mAYbE, pRobABLY, in HERE?!!"

That's it for epilog.


One star has left the space, but the real star will shine your way.

Her shine will last forever since she's eternal.

The 'Space' that has now embark to her new journey.

Will gave its warmth to those who remembers her.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts