
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig part.1

Before in the main story:

El Dust who got the first turn to use Zeimachi's body, faced a crisis.

After he woke up from bed of Kaslana family along with Moriarty and greets its member, he met Yae Rin and Higokumaru at the shrine where huge cherry blossom tree stand tall.

Because of how Moriarty changed her mind, El Dust distance himself from her as he knew of how his weapon can't face her. He drag along both of them Yae Rin and Higokumaru using his rope, until he reached a tall monolith.

And using that monolith as propeller, he launched up to the space and pierced through the sky.

To be continued...




'So the space is the same vacuum space where no beings can breath air huh...Kukuku what a joke, but I guess we don't want to find out if space is filled with air either. The moon...'

This is El Dust, one of Zeimachi's other personalities. Along with Yae Rin and Higokumaru, he arrived at this place where there's not a speck of air for them.

El Dust is fine because of how Zeimachi's body have been trained enough to hold out without air pretty much longer than normal human, but not for Yae Rin.

'Kuku...How interesting, I wonder what face will you made as you die in your sleep Young Miko....'

'Ah, you woke up~Huhu too bad.'

He changed back his knot to 'special method'.

El Dust have a smile on his face as he watch closely of how Yae Rin face turned blue because of no air breathes through her lungs.

She struggled in pain and pleasure as she clenched her neck with one hand, while her other hand reached out to Higokumaru.


Yae Rin have her face painted with terror, this is the first time she can't breath no matter how hard she tried to. She gasped to gain air into her lungs with her mouth, but its the same and nothing change.

The rope make it worse as her pleasures are stimulated to be the same as her pain.

She tried to shout, but there's no clear voice come out from her. She begged him to help her but he keep smiling while holding her hand, there's no sign he's going to help her, and this make her knew if this man will let her die here.


Higokumaru on the other hand fell unconscious because of her material body is far from the shrine where her source of power came from.

Though she have no need to breath, if there's no source for her energy, she'll be out of action. This way she can't help Yae Rin nor disturb El Dust from hurting her.

The reason he went to the space is to find more broader range of victim he could uses, and to escape from Moriarty. Till he stumble upon this way to enjoy Yae Rin's death.

'Kukuku yes...YES! Struggle more! Show me those eyes as you fell into depravity! Huhuhu...How delightful, your face as you die...Young Miko~'

Yae Rin's suffering continues, she slowly felt her consciousness fade as her strength left her body.

El Dust felt at the peak of his sweet moment when he saw her face turned white, which indicated that her life would go on, he wouldn't just let her die though there's more torture he had imagined to be in use.

Yae Rin knew that her consciousness will fade at any second, flash of memories flew through her mind as her final moment come.

'I...I only want to have friend.'

'No one can be called friend because they're afraid of me, since then people called me cursed child or false miko behind my back.'

'Onee-chan always reassured me if she'll protect me, but where are you onee-chan?'

'...I'm scared, I don't want to die...Onee-chan...please...help me.'

Yae Rin closed her eyes as she hope for her salvation, tears flowed from her eyes and fly to the space. While she awaits for what kind of gruesome fate for her.

But in the middle of her waiting.


Yae Rin suddenly got kissed by the one using Zeimachi's body. Urging his lungs to spare airs from being used, he utilize mouth to mouth way in order to make her stay alive.

He also grabbed a mask which connected to a oxygen tube that appears from nowhere and put it on her nose.

The man also put up his hand and a black ball of stars she didn't knew have appeared from his hand, beside that black ball of stars is a feather which served as a key for this world, but he didn't use it and keep it safe.

At the same time as that black ball of stars appearances, the rope that tied them and the scissor dissipated.

"Cover us."

[Box, air, transparent. Purpose: Air provider, cover from outer space. Constructing...Success.]

A transparent box surround and trapped them, this box grows bigger until it could cover all of them inside of it. It doesn't look sturdy at first glance, but at least it served its purpose.

"Haahh! Hhaaahh! Ghaahh!"

Yae Rin breath as hard as she could, air made blood flow again to her brain which made her mind slowly processing information.

'...He...helped us?...Why? Is it another one of his lies?!'

Yae Rin have animosity clear as water from her eyes, she despised this man before him who keep playing at her and Higokumaru without any clear explanation.

He also almost killed her, made Higokumaru incapacitated, even destroying their house. She can't forgive this man before her.

"...What did you want?! After making us walk through all of that! What did you want now?!"

She grabbed Higokumaru into her embrace, thankfully there's still warmth in her tiny body so this made Yae Rin relieved.

But her vigilance back again as she knew this man is dangerous for her.


He watched both of them with a warm smile, different from when he smiled before. Yae Rin felt a cold and creepy emotion grows as he keep watching them.


[Knifes. All sizes x5. Constructing...Success.]

Five knifes appeared from thin air, those knife packed in a pack just like when a chef showed their knife collection from his kitchen.

"...W-What are you doing?!"

Her fear got the good of her as her back knocked at the box, but the man already take hold of those knifes.

He walked closer to them with the knifes.

"S-Stop! D-Don't step any closer!"

But he didn't care about all of that.

Finally he has arrived in front of her, Yae Rin felt another pain awaits her with those knifes in his hand, but this time she didn't closed her eyes.

She face him bravely with hatred to his face while a shiver from her legs keep appearing to make her fall.

And he finally broke his silence.

"Good, don't fall to anyone stronger than you."

"...What did you..."

Yae Rin tried to catch his meaning.

"No matter how strong your enemies are, don't let them know of your fear. They'll take what have and send you what you hate."


She keep her vigilance up even with those confusing words.

"Your eyes is full with life, but not with your legs. At this rate you'll fall as you reached your limit."

"...I don't need your help."

Yae Rin shield Higokumaru from him.


He throws those knifes at her, she got startled by that but it didn't catch her off guard anymore than that.

"...These knifes.."

Yae Rin found those knifes he throw at her near her feet. She didn't immediately touch it or grabbed it, because she saw of how he created these things out of air.

The man didn't utter any single words, he just watched her and the knifes.

"Use that. Use that to revenge your pain."


"I wouldn't move nor stop you from using that. What I have done is nothing can be forgiven for you, at least let me pay you with this."

He take off his clothes and showed her his bare back.

Yae Rin keep waiting for any traps or trick he'll do to her, but as she keep waiting, there's no such thing attacks her nor a rope tied her.

"Are...are you lying to me? Will you take back those words just now?!"

Yae Rin tried to believe him this time, she said these words with hope he'll keep his promise.

"I won't take it back. You can do anything to me, those knifes are the proof of my will. Now do it."

The man didn't show his face, this made her slowly believe that he wasn't lying. She's even more relieved as she couldn't deal with any more stress than this, her legs were almost at their limit. Just when she wanted to rest and cry, she caught the 'anything' from his words.

"Will you do anything for me?"

Yae Rin felt energy flowed back to her body.

"Sure, as long you're not hurting others beside me."

With this sentences, Yae Rin felt a thumping from her chest. She don't know clearly about love or different sex interest, but she never have a friend beside her big sister and Higokumaru who are also her family.

"T-Then...will you..."

She have an expectant look on her face.


"u-Uhum...First! You need to stop hurting others!"

There's a bashful look on her face as she repeat her first sentences.


He froze as he heard this.

"Your answer?!"


"Next, you have to apologize to Higokumaru and me properly without these traditional method!"


"Next answers?!"


"Third! You need to explain about yourself! Okay?!"


"...Then, promise me. You will not repeat this mistake ever again!"


"Promise me!"

Because she sense that he nonchalantly answered her, she assert her warning.

"...I promise."



Yae Rin, this time she's the one walks closer to his side, with unconsciousness Higokumaru on her hands, she put her heads away and hide his sight with Higokumaru as a cover from his eyes.

"...W-Will you, be my friend? Huuwu...embarrassing."

She crouched down with her face hidden.

"Is this what you want?"


"You can have your revenge at me, be it stab,slice, dice or anything. You can hurt back the one who have inflicted pain at you, but you choose to be friend with them?"


"It's a honorable thing to do, but this will end up take your life."

"...You see, I don't really have any friends. There's Onee-chan and Higokumaru though, but they're more like family than friend for me."

Yae Rin stood up with a bright look on her face.

"So you want to fill that friends slot with me? With all of that I've done."

"About your misdeed, I still can't forgive it. You kidnap both of us, separate me from my sister, and give me a nightmare about dying."

Her face returns back to when she re-affirm her warning.


"I thought you'll k-kill me while smiling like that, but you suddenly changed your mind right?"

But now she timidly asked him this question.

"Options are not absolute. You're right."

"Then will you tell me your reason? I'll also told you mine."

Yae Rin lost her hatred and animosity as she chat from her heart to this man who have broken her shackles.

"I have promised you about that right?"

"Un...You have! Don't break it alright!"

"I wouldn't, as you showed your deepest enthusiasm for me, its naturally obvious for me to do that."

"T-Then can you hear me out?!"

"Yes, I'm all ear."

He turns back to her.

"W-Will you, c-can you u-use that rope a-again?"

"...? That rope? I thought its nothing but nightmare for you?"

"W-Well...As expected its nothing! Let's return back to earth!"

She shied away from him and clutching Higokumaru tighter than before, Higokumaru can be seen to not like that.

"Why don't we enjoy this time? How about touring at the moon?"

"Eh?! Ummm...I don't mind but, Higokumaru won't wake up no matter how I tried."

Yae Rin showed him Higokumaru who stay unconsciousness no matter how she clutched her.

"Let me see."

He noticed if her flow of energy are different from mortal or human, this made him agree with her to return to earth.

Because their next destination is set, he used his power to drive this transparent box down to earth.

He warned Yae Rin to hold him because it'll be grumpy landing, at first she reluctant to do that and told him to wear some clothes first, but after he assured that he'll not hurt him and wear his clothes, she complied.

"What do you want with this tube? I don't need it now."

"Then let's dump it, it'll melt away from fraction."

They descend back to earth with a moderate speed.

But as they descend to the earth another being noticed his presence from the moon.

[Zeimachi, so you're there.]

Lately I have uninvited guest stepped into my house.

So yeah there's still more of them now increasing their numbers.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts