
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

My role

The sky will remain blue, the wind will continue to blow, and smiles will be priceless.

As they pursued their individual tales, the Fool himself did the same. He was playing the role he desired.

In a space enveloped by white where nothing was visible except him, Zeimachi stood alone, both eyes closed.

There's nowhere to step, nothing to grasp. He simply floated in that pure expanse of empty white, until he opened his eyes.

"So its a blank world huh? I thought it'll be something more dangerous like Toaru universe or some else, but this seems fine." (Zeimachi)

Within this tale where the world signifies various realms inhabited by diverse characters, Zeimachi somehow opened his eyes in one of these worlds.

In one of the worlds concealed within his feathers.

"The Blank World," that's what the man referred to.

"Javelin? Fheew, she's not with me, good then. But I need to get it back again. ... When I entered through to the Void... then I met Yjor... I hasted my step to any Feathers that Cera's told me so... and then, I got sucked into this Space." (Zeimachi)

Still trying to get a grip on his surroundings, the man attempted to manifest a single Feather, the reason for his current presence in this Space. Reaching out his hand towards his face, a Feather he remembered to be the source of his current about emerged before him.

"Alright, I still get the hang of it. But to think it's a Blank World... hmm, better check it anyway." (Zeimachi)

The man expressed a sense of puzzlement regarding the ongoing situation within that world.

His hesitation stemmed from genuine uncertainty, intertwined with Cera's motives and his personal understanding of what precisely defines a Blank World are.

"He mentioned the Barrier of Reason weakening again? But... in this Blank World, who or what could even disrupt it? Did I choose the wrong Feather?" (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi pondered, puzzled by the mention of the Barrier of Reason faltering within this supposed Blank World. His confusion stemmed from the impossibility of such disruption in a realm devoid of apparent existence.

The concept of a Blank World can be categorized into three types.

Firstly, it's a world that has reached its end. Secondly in another scenario, it could be a newly created world akin to a blank canvas. Lastly, it might originate from a world forgotten by everyone, thus teetering on the brink of extinction or destruction.

And have you ever know, Stranger? If the World itself is not always in Lifeless State all the times within this Story.

Particularly for The Blank World, it can be said that the world is always alive and changes its shape according to those who coexist with it.

Zeimachi himself was a bit forgetful about which type of Blank World it was, yet as he delved into his memories, more and more puzzles surfaced for him to solve. Rendering him to still unable in finding out which type the one he's currently in.

From there, his uncertainty arose: who or what could weaken the Barrier that Cera had bestowed upon all existing Feathers? That's what was on his mind.

"No wait, ... I see! Hahaha, so that's it. Cera you trickster so this is what you mean the same case with Megumi!" (Zeimachi)

It seems like he's beginning to grasp something.

And as he comprehends what Cera was trying to achieve, the world slowly starts to change according to the intentions imparted upon it.

Colors began to gather from tiny points, and diverse materials started to assemble, filling the entire world, reshaping it according to his will.

As he gazed at the Feather resting in the palm of his hand, he witnessed numerous transformations occurring in the world, akin to seeing various landscapes through a bird's-eye view.

Some areas turned into houses, garden yards, schools, a grand clock tower, the sun, the sky, and much more. Changing everything within that empty expanse of white, as if it had been eagerly awaiting his arrival for so long.

"Ah crap, she got me again huh. This place... this scenery... and this presence... it's the same just like how it was back then." (Zeimachi)

A house he remembered, tall walls he could vividly recall, along with a floating object that remained etched in his memory. It's very similar to a part of his untold story.

Yet Zeimachi's memory was far from perfect. He remembered a lot and much things but had also forgotten much in return, thus every scene couldn't be recreate just like how it was supposed to be.


❛Need some help?❜

However, accompanied by the voices within his head, something unusual occurred.

As if responding to the visitor's desire, the will of that World resumed the rebuilding process that had previously halted, using memories from different sources.

What was once a tranquil ocean had transformed into a breeding ground for monsters, artificial intelligence who initially just an aid, had evolved far beyond expectation. Even creatures that shouldn't have existed in his 'ordinary' memories made an appearance.

"..." (Zeimachi)

He silently gazed at everything unfolding before him. If it had come this far, then he himself didn't want to halt it. The man allowed many memories of his 'other side' to be used in shaping the world, followed by events that aligned with what he had anticipated.

The awakening of those 'other side', the source of those experiences.

❛Kukuku... to think we could gain this rare chance, my brothers.❜

❛Shut it creep, don't call me with that foul title.❜

❛HA! You lot are the same as ever! This bring a new cheers for our reunion! Bring me the egg and flour! We should mark this day as a special one.❜

❛Hou? Does this means we can finally have a vacation? All that work inside that damp office made me stiff.❜

❛... Glad you can make it here, gentlemen.❜

"Oh, you guys also here." (Zeimachi)

Similar to using various types of soil from different places to fill holes for planting trees, the memories used to fill those gaps came from various times he had traversed and the aspects he had experienced.

These memories differed from the ones stored within the Feathers or the ones he burned as a source of his power. They were deeply etched within him—the aspects he couldn't forget due to his sins and his curse.

It also can be interpreted similarly to the concept of his Core Memories, yet it diverges in that this Core Memory isn't labeled as "Core Memory: Zeimachi," but rather "Core Memory: The name of those Personas."

The tall wall from his rebel days, a vast sea from his fugitive phase, a warm and soft bed from when he held his dearest family, and many more. 

Certainly, the will of that World was unaware of this. Yet, due to one of his persona's actions, many other personas within him began to rise as their memories were unearthed. Setting as a trigger for their advent.

"Let's see, so its five right? The one I remember is only Sengoku, intro please?" (Zeimachi)

❛How sad of me to be forgotten huhuhu. It's me your sworn brother, El Dust. Well, I did asked you to forget about me in the first place, kukuku.❜「El Dust」

"This lecherous voice that tickles my fists, so it's Dust then? Seems like you haven't really forgotten, huh? Next."

❛Wait-❜「El Dust」

❛What?! Do I need to when you know it already?!❜「Sengoku」 

"Hmm, this prickly attitude and this loud voice. It's Sengoku for sure, next." (Zeimachi)

The man continued to talk to himself, or more accurately, he kept conversing with the personas that emerged when memories of them were used to manifest various things in that world.


❛... You first?❜

❛Excuse me! If both of you're still in stutter, then I'll use this chance well! Long time no see my friend, the one talking is none other than me, remember it none other than-❜

"This voice, Gislainder fer Hulkenan?" (Zeimachi)

❛You really shouldn't mess it my friend, a name is prove of existence, and my PROVE is Nanekluh ref Rednialsig da! Although Fuka-san is a phoenix, having a chicken brain is troubling, my friend.❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

The more he conversed with them, the more memories were utilized and awakened within him.

Meanwhile the will of that world, which continued to evolve based on his will also began to utilize the increasingly abundant memories, reshaping the World again and again.

"No I just think Gislainder sound better than Nanekluh you know, how many times did I told you that." (Zeimachi)

❛HMMMM I don't know!❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

"Next." (Zeimachi)

❛Then let me, my name is Elvan Heinch. Greetings, Monsieur. I'm the You who really liked work and-❜

❛Oh, I thought you would woke later Loli-man.❜「El Dust」

❛Ehh, I'm not that name, I'm Elvan Hein-❜「Loli-man」

❛Whenever there's -nch behind their name then its you my pedo-bear brother, you can't fool me.❜「El Dust」

Loli-man fell silent, swallowing the truth.

❛You sure sharp when it comes to scum like you.❜「Sengoku」 

❛Huhuhu I accept that credit, my brother Sengoku.❜「El Dust」

❛Ahaha!❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

❛Why're you laughing?!❜「Loli-man」

And without realizing it, he found himself in a room. It was an old and small room that once belonged to him when he was nothing more than a young child.

Though he himself didn't remember many details about the room anymore, it could be said that numerous things and objects from different time filled his former room.

There's even a LEGO replica of the office building that Sengoku and Zeimachi once destroyed using their weapons. As he glanced further toward a pile of books, there was also an agriculture book with the same cover that was once held by Takeya Yuki, his adopted daughter.

"Then the last one must be Necro-phi? Or should I use Vandango instead?" (Zeimachi)

He took his seat at the top of his own bed, or at least he supposed so. Now that he take a look at his arm, looks like he had become slightly younger for a few years.

❛... Necro is fine, more importantly about why we're here, I think I got some idea about it. What do you think?❜「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"Hold up, let me straighten my thoughts. First, this mean there're El Dust, Sengoku, Gislainder, Loli-man and Vandango? And then-" (Zeimachi)

❛Wait! Why is Necro earned his true name and not me?!❜「Loli-man」

❛... sigh Lolicon, please don't drag me down along with you. What's more important, your name or our reason in here?❜「Necro-phi/Vandango」

❛And it's Nanekluh ref Rednialsig, waga tomo yo!❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Zeimachi found amusement, especially when conversing with many of his personas who behaved foolishly. As he stroked the pillow beside him, the young man took the chance to gaze at the scenery outside.

"Well I'm glad no one with extreme charm got awakened. Now what should we do in here? Cera is the one playing her card again, this much is obvious. But how should we do about it?" (Zeimachi)

Spread out before him was a residential complex, a sight common in areas densely populated by residents and humans.

Judging by its height, it seemed his room was on the second floor, the highest floor of the building or house where he resided. Looking below, he also spotted a garden and a small terrace shielded by walls and a fence standing on the grounds of the house.

❛Kukuku, whatever we're doing, I don't really mind about it.❜「El Dust」

❛How about we wreak havoc in this world?❜「Sengoku」

❛Its indeed a very rare occasion, but filling it with a bunch of comrades will fix any moments.❜ 「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

❛If this is a world created from my part as well, could it be there's loli paradise as well?❜「Loli-man」

❛... Did I miss a page or something? What paradise?❜「Necro-phi/Vandango」

For a moment, Zeimachi pondered the significance behind each of their remarks. He cradled his head, leaning both elbows on the window frame of his room.

Actually, he had experienced something similar in the past, albeit to a lesser degree.

Similar to how El Dust almost dominated his will due to desires and urges filling him, he too could be overtaken by Sengoku if only he didn't control the hatred and vendetta within him during his fight.

Recalling this, he always restrained himself. Hence, an idea emerged in his mind.

"Hmm, let's do it then. Switch." (Zeimachi)

❛Switch? The game one?❜「Loli-man」

❛What switch? I don't see any switch?!❜「Sengoku」

It seems that some personas were genuinely clueless, so he had to explain the meaning behind "Switch," which was the exchange of selves. In other words, he would switch with his personas, letting them roam free in that world with a few limitations.

It's a good time to take a breather, and while Zeimachi allowed his personas to play and indulge themselves, he would observe them from a distance.

❛... I don't mind it, but are you sure? While we're having fun here, there's a possibility that what Cera mentioned might indeed happen somewhere else.❜「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"I'll handle it myself. Besides, I want to discover what I can do with my own strength." (Zeimachi)

❛Well, testing own's strength is a great thing. But don't forget my friend, we're also a part of you. So we're technically you as well.❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

❛The power we possess is yours, and the power you have also stems from each of us. Fragments of your past, brother.❜「El Dust」

Hearing their words, Zeimachi threw himself onto the bed and bouncing a few times as he seemed to be rather enjoying his current situation.

"The rules are simple, each of you will be given your turn. You're free to do whatever you want during your turn, as long as it's not too excessive." (Zeimachi)

❛Che, still sounds like a lie.❜「Sengoku」

"I know my own limits. Then, the time you get is up to you. I won't interfere with you in this body and will use a spare body instead. So, who wants to go first?" (Zeimachi)

Lying back on the soft and springy bed was incredibly comfortable, easing the exhaustion from his back and bringing a sense of relaxation.

However, he didn't simply allow himself to be carried away by the sudden onset of drowsiness.

❛Then again, Cera had got us for a few times yes?❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

"First about that pest, and Megumi. Then we got this false alarm about the waning of Wedge. Haha, just what she's trying to do this time..." (Zeimachi)

Looking at the clothes he was wearing, he realized he was dressed in casual sleepwear, quite different from what he wore when he entered the Void.

❛Hah! Like I said that woman is no good!❜「Sengoku」

❛Well, Dame Cera is not a skilled prankster, but it looks like she got you brother.❜「El Dust」

His various personalities chuckled at his own foolishness, and he couldn't help but join in, laughing at himself as well.

"Back to the laptop, who's the first?" (Zeimachi)

❛Let's be simple. Simple is good.❜「Loli-man」

❛Did I heard 'Simp' just now?❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

They all resumed their discussion, often veering into silly and absurd topics, straying far from the original conversation. Yet, in the end, a decision was made.




"Then Dust is first, second is Als, third is Sengoku, fourth is Necro and last is Lolicon. Deal!" (Zeimachi)

❛Als?❜「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」


Oh my my, why does it have to be me again first. Fine, it can't be helped then.❜「El Dust」

❛Suck to be you! Anyway I just had my fill didn't I? Never did I said rejecting the second chance, but are these weirdo fine with it?❜「Sengoku」 

"You're the same as them Sengo, and deal means deal! No question allowed. Now thhen, Dust... I'll leave it to you this body. Have fun." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi closed his eyes, clutching the Feather tightly—the key to manipulating various aspects of that world. Entrusting what lay ahead, he shifted his consciousness to his spare body stored elsewhere.

And as his consciousness departed, another swiftly replaced it within that body.

"Kukuku..., you can leave it to me, my brothers."「El Dust」

Yahoo...I can finally use some bs reason to create my own fantazizes.

Well...for a few next chapters are mostly about each of their doing and Zeimachi who tranferred his consciousness to other feathers in different worlds.

Like I said I'll keep doing this.

See ya

Edit: Wtf did I just write?

Strunomcreators' thoughts