
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Light of Pettiness

*PoV of Zeimachi*

This is the time, the moment where I need to put everything into my fist. Taking a few breath to circulate the air into and from my lung, every muscle around my body tensed up with the increase of my blood circulation.

My body slowly warmed up and I unconsciously let out a steam every time I breath out through my mouth. My eyesight began to become clearer, and voices became easier to hear.

'Status condition..."Spell"...Switching to secondary...Current objectives...Foreign factor...'

While closing my eyes, I was also trying to obtain the situation and conditions of the current battlefield. Starting from my condition until the choices to be made in this world.

"End discussion. Starting the operation."

The break time is over, now after I opened my eyes it's time to move out while observing the battle field. Enemies start marching toward female group of avengers who conveniently started to group together, and not wanting to lose their epic entrance, I started to run from my place to cut the enemies' formation from their left wings.

"They look tanky than before."

The waves this time seemed tougher than before. Although there was a possibility of them hiding or taking cover from the bombardment, but seeing the seemingly endless number of Thanos' troops arrived, it seemed there's something fishy from their space ship pilot's aim.


Big guy, troopers, troopers with gun, giant flying alien creature, beast type and Squidward who's still stunned. Those were most of the types I could identify based on our distance. I aimed at the big ape type and knock him back a few meters since the bigger their body, the easier they're to hit.


The beast lets out a deafening roar after I slammed on his huge armored chest. This move was taken from Fu Hua in her normal combat suit, it was Valkyrie Accipiter if I'm not wrong.

"Yama Kuzush!"


After that, I leaped and smashed him into oblivion by using Ki-Avalanche. As the name says, it's a Ki based move from Fu Hua.

She used her Ki, and channeled it into her fists to destroy her enemies. In the game this is one of her ultimate moves by using her SP. In the manga, there is also a scene where she smashed a medium-sized rock in the sea with her fist when she joined Chiyou exploration.

'AoE is not that large. Maybe it's better than T'Challa shock wave.'

While I'm still comparing our DPS damage, more enemies are starting to notice something odd where a floating feather has destroyed the battlefield.





Some starts shooting toward me, some lunged their weapon at me while some just ignored me to keep marching forward. But I mean... Where are these guys going, don't they see their opponent the Valkyrie flying on top of her pony.


Said by me, just like when a nurse calls my name for a monthly injection. Sometimes a nurse's voice does sound cold especially for people who are not too handsome, or maybe it's because I hate injection shot.

Oops not the time for that, several lasers grazed my body when I stepped on the big guy I had defeated earlier, but I didn't stop and jumped using the beast's body as my stepping stone and throw another flurry attack.


At first I wanted to mimic another one of Fu Hua's ultimate from a battle suit known as Night Squire. The ultimate of that battle suit let her to use her combo attacks indefinitely as if she's teleporting to one enemy onto another, but in the end I did another Jojo reference instead.

In order to atone for my mistake, this time, I control my breath once again and hold it down in my abdomen. Even though there's no aura or Ki coiled around me, with Calcification and Muscle control should be enough to mimic that.


Uppercut, elbow hit, round house kick, Moon Anseri (Sorry since I only remember this one), three times kick, then horse kick, punched face, Ki-Zenith, another Ki-Avalanche, Ki-Impact, up up down down left right left right B A Start...Wait I mean, no.

"Royal Guard!"


There's another big guy aiming at me by using his huge arms, but I just parry it by using the almighty move from pizza wacko guy. Maybe I can hold out with my physical fortification alone, but I need to use a parry since I'm a filthy casual.


I also threw in some of the smaller ones to take down those roaming the sky, but I can't hit anything beside empty space.

Slowly and steadily pushing through the enemy formation, I got a chance to spot at Thanos who was trying to stop Marvel delivery into the tunnel. I can only say if I'm beside Captain Marvel a few meters when she passed me, and she's hurting my eyes with that bright costume.

I decided to interfere like when Wakanda's delivery one, however, I stumbled upon one of unexpected factor. A few seconds after that Marvel delivery passed by, the feather that I used to conceal my presence let out a resonance toward the stone.

'What?! It really did?!'

I had thought of my distance when I was helping T'Challa with the Gauntlet before, so maybe the mind stone didn't show a reaction to my feather at that time. Looks like I forgot about it because my hype was too high right now.




With the disappearance of my concealment, more enemies aimed their weapon straight at me since they've now saw my figure. But who cares, I punched them before they shoot and kicked them before they could pull the trigger. Thankfully my bag has no hole from it, but my clothes are pretty much a mess though.

After that.

The Marvel delivery flew very fast after she passed me but somehow she slowed down for unknown reason right in the crucial time. This made me doubted whether the resonance just now was from Mind stone or Reality stone, unfortunately I don't have the time to think about it.


By the time Marvel delivery reached the quantum tunnel, Purple's sword had already reached the tunnel which created a huge explosion and blew up everything around it. The wave created from the explosion also hit me who was fighting another enemy.




"Standing here!! I-"

Although the explosion was quite loud, but somehow I managed to hold my ground without getting knocked back, and then shouting out the lyrics of a senator and Jack BGM.

However, the battle will not stop and the fight for the Boxing Gloves still going. I was ready to made another riot again right there, not until a figure came by to stop me by using his telekinesis.

"...I have no time for you."

"By please, I do."

He collected some rocks and created a vortex of debris to throw at me. He also tried to catch me with a snare made of it and throw awfully lot of smaller stone at me collected from his mind power.

'I really have no time for this.'

He gather another rubble around me and try to surround me with it, but I just smashed it with my fist and create a hole for him to see me. It's very unfortunate for him because he noticed a gleam from a feather within my hand and decided to ignore it.

"Got you!"

He then continuously gathered the rubble to bury me alive till he couldn't see me anymore. Realizing I'm trapped within the dome of rubble created by his telekinesis, he spinned the dome while I'm still inside which teared me apart and killing me for sure.

At least in his dream.


In front of me was Telekinesis Squidward who was standing still staring at his feet without any movement. This was one of the abilities of this 'Feather', which was to manipulate one's mental state.

'I can just show him an illusion of his death like Agatha but I didn't. I wonder why? Is it possible that I am similar to Gilles who likes to destroy hope?'

Without wasting any time for meaningless art appreciation, I punched him which made his body flew a few meters back and awaken him from his dream because of the pain in his stomach.

'Now then.'

Done with this side, I take look at the gauntlet side. Marvel delivery still fighting Purple over the gauntlet I see.

Purple used headbutt against Marvel delivery.


But its not very effective.

I'm certainly not standing still and enjoying the show, I'm now behind Tony and sitting comfortably after getting into a comfy position. I kept my distance from the infinity stone, since I didn't want the feather to suddenly resonance again.


'Ohh...Marvel delivery got blasted by Purple's purple stone. It's almost the decisive part.'

Marvel delivery or Captain Marvel got pushed back with the push of Power Stone. After getting rid of Marvel delivery, that Purple started to stand up and heaved a sigh of relief. Now he was trying to insert the Stone back into the gauntlet.




But it won't be that easy. While waiting for Tony the Iron man to wake up and waiting for the Mystic Wizard to raise his finger which signaled if this is the right time, I try to get more time with my feather on Purple.

'Opps...He found out.'

Yeah, I played with his perception just now and make him couldn't put the stone on the gauntlet for a few times. It was a pity because after several misses he noticed the feathers flying around him and canceled the illusion with the power of the Stone.



The stone has been put inside the gauntlet and Purple feeling like he got the power. However Tony wakes up just in time and takes the infinity stones from the gauntlet without Thanos noticing his loss.

I'm still watching carefully for the next development. *Siiip* while drinking this black liquid a bit.


Tony got knocked away. That Purple raised his hand proudly along with that empty gauntlet as if he's the victory of this fight.

And here comes the meme part.

"I am...inevitable." *Snap*


Be it his words and his face right now is really priceless.

Well I wan't to keep meme-ing him for a bit more but objectives comes first.

'Now! *Siip*'

If I had to use another reference then maybe this is the turning point, just like those leaker that I found spoiling a content from Jobless something.

'Don't absorb the energy or else, the snap won't powerful enough. Try to make it as an extended part of his body by consuming the reality and mind energy using the feathers and a bit more excessive energy from the others.'

Realizing Tony was assembling the rock in his hand, I started to move and used the feather as an energy-catalyst for him to spread the energy throughout it and not just hold it in his body.

There is indeed some resistance from other stones, but because of the previous resonance I was able to get at least two infinite stone energies flowing within the feathers, which also take some of his weight off. I tried to push further by continuing to slowly fuse the feathers with the other stone's energy to allow Tony live.

*Glowing feathers starts raining down on Tony*

'That's awfully lot.'

The energy of the infinity stone started to fluctuate but there was no thunder or rumbling from it. I added more feathers for the infinity stone catalyst and also for Tony who acts as a lever. Even though there're transparent feathers flying down his head, he didn't think much of it.

'Still more?!'

Another miscalculation has been made. I don't know if the Infinity stones or the Feathers are trying to devour each other or not, but if it's yes then I need to take another solution by burning those feathers away because now their energy circuit is developing more rapidly.

"And I....hahh....am.....Ironman." *Snap*

Instantly, a white light filled my vision. I instinctively tried to cover it with my hands and tried not to lose control of the feathers receiving a new stream of energy.

Then, another future has been created.




When Kiana tried to feed her honkai energy to the feathers where Fu Hua's consciousness resided, Senti-chan said if the feathers are not something easy to be played with.

Then, when Sirin realize the illusion Fu Hua put on her, she could use it after a few tries and the feather became a plaything for her. Using that feather, she trapped both Ziggy and Cecil.

This feathers definitely not from her, but I can use it just like how a Herrscher can. It's weird because I couldn't sensed any corrupted energy like Honkai flowing inside my body. Then, how did I gain this feathers...Could it be they're some kind of manifestation from my will and not the original from Honkai.

'She's the one who I admired the most, my friend.'


My head and thought becoming more fuzy after I toke all of those feathers back. Thankfully I could keep the control and didn't play some trick at Tony. After feeling calm and able to keep all the feathers, the scene immediately changed.

I won't say from who to whom and whose is the last one, but I can only say. The enemy troops that I could see, slowly and instantly turned to dust. Their bodies shattered and then dispersed in breeze of wind.

"It's over...I did...It."

Looking down there, I could see Tony gasping for air as he crumpled to the ground and tried to remove the part of his armor that had been shattered by the flick of annihilation. Tony did show some indication of pain but he didn't die. He's still alive and this result will create another timeline that is different from how it should have ended.


More colleague started to gather towards him, his close friend tried to help him up, Spidey also being Spidey supporting him on his side, his wife lovey-dovey act with him. One by one another member of avenger gather in my views.


Thor being chummy and hurrying to celebrate this victory, some member who spoke if they want to retire and others decided to back on their own journey. Doctor Mystic Wizard with red living cape look slightly perplexed because of the result, maybe he didn't saw this future in the millions.

There are those who don't really care about it and there's also this one guy who wanted to cheer and dance with a female and only to got kicked in his balls.


After that, I projected a feather in front of Tony, the feather gently floats with its warm glow. Others could also saw it right now, but since Tony had seen so many feathers before he unhesitatingly grabbed it and let that feather rest in his hands.

"Whoaa..What's this Mr.Stark?"

The other members start asking him about it, but he don't really care because of his exhaustion and said another one of his cocky utterance.

"A little souvenir."

Although he said it like that, he keeps the feathers carefully and told Pepper his wife to keep it. Somehow I feel sorry for saving him after he said that, but whatever.

'Nothing huh...'

I did it, I made a timeline where Ironman who was supposed to be dead is now alive, I've done my objective. Even if Tony somehow continues to build dangerous machines in the future, the people around him and a new generation of Avengers will rise to the occasion.

I managed to save someone in the end, but...

'Nothing, no happiness or satisfaction. I feel nothing.'

Seated on top of the rock while hugging my right knee, I could see the Avengers starting off and doing their own thing. Looking at this scenery I can feel my eyes starting to hurt because of how long I didn't blink.

"...Who cares, I'll just forgot about this scenery anyway."

Looking behind me, a "Gate" to my return has begun to open. Right now I don't really care if anyone finds out about this "Gate". For some reason, everything felt in vain and there was nothing that I could feel. I took a step towards the "Gate" while glancing at my back and noticing that no one was looking at me right now.

'...This is for the best.'

When I turned my head again towards the front the "Gate" has now closed, while lying to myself if in fact I can know of someone through the Sentience Perception, I took another step and arrived in the "Void".

It's already ten,time to enter the next content.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts