
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Let the hellfire comfort pt.1,75

Another moment of respite.

Several days prior, while working tirelessly to heal the ship's girls returning from HQ, there're many incident that made the commander constantly cautious around them.

It was all thanks to the seeds of affection sown and nurtured by Amour, tiny sprouts began to emerge and grow in each of the hearts of the ship's girls who had encountered him.

Despite having endured terrifying moments and suffering injuries, they didn't dwell on it too much, especially when they could finally speak directly with the man they had longed to meet.

And then at one point, a girl sought his attention.

"Commander, could you enlighten me on the precise use of this water?"「Perseus」

"Uh, just soak yourself in the bath while using it, then it'll naturally heal most of your wounds," (Sakura Zeimachi)

This time, his presence was sought after by a ship girl carrying a bucket filled with a greenish liquid. Clad in attire resembling that of a nurse, the pink-haired ship girl approached the commander, who was lost in his own thought.

The sight of him caught Perseus's attention, and she couldn't help but continue to gaze at his face, captivated, at least until he finished his own thoughts.

"In that bucket you're holding is something called Instant Repairs Liquid, so technically... it should work the same for you ship girls. However, if it doesn't, ask Akashi to provide you with some Manjuus' assistance in using the Quick Finisher and Reparation Kit. Did I make myself clear?" (Sakura Zeimachi)

"...Sorry, it's my fault. I think there's some damage to my senses, so I didn't hear everything clearly. Could you repeat the explanation? Maybe five more times..."「Perseus」

"Five times?! I think you should get that checked with Vestal..." Sakura Zeimachi suggested.

"It's not that serious; just listening to your voice could cure it fine, I think," Perseus replied with a faint smile.

At another time after he finished a meeting, he was then dragged along to attend a casual feast held to lighten the mood.

Accompanied by a ship girl named Trieste, the commander was being offered unique cuisine from her faction. On the palm of her hand was a plate filled with pasta and a special sauce from Sardegna.

The ship girl seemed intent on making her commander enjoy the food, even if it meant feeding him herself.

But for some reason, the commander's antics since earlier made her feel like committing a war crime.

"Commander, repeat after me. Spa..."「Trieste」

"Spa?" (Sakura Zeimachi)


"Ghetti?" (Sakura Zeimachi)

"Good, now say Spa-Ghetti."「Trieste」

Silence enveloped the room as Sakura Zeimachi pondered his response.

"..." Sakura Zeimachi remained silent.

"..." Trieste mirrored the silence.

Until finally, he reverted to his usual antics, once again irritating Trieste.

"... Tallarines👍" (Sakura Zeimachi)

"(Angry Sardegna noise)."「Trieste」

There's one who attempted to marvel the glory of her own little sister (Portland), another acted like a pet while occasionally nipping at his face (Yuudachi), and then there's one who invited him for a one-on-one conversation about a crucial topic (Ark Royal).

Of course, there's many who're practically wanted to drag him to their bed.

Not only once or twice did he have to deal with ship girls who wanted to teach him some lessons; there were also times when he had to once again encounter several ship girls with rather "extreme" temperaments.

Whatever it was, among these extreme ship girls there're some similarities between them, though not all. At times, their extreme behavior disregarded the commander's boundaries and personal space.

"Oh my, why are you preparing to leave so suddenly, Commander? Do I scare you that much?" Roon teased, her voice laced with mischief.

For instance was Roon.

"H-Hooh... you're approaching me?" (Sakura Zeimachi)

"I can't do these thing to you... without getting closer~"「Roon」

When that ship girl drew closer to her commander, she hastily begun to cornering him against a wall, effectively blocking any chance of escape. Gripping his wrist tightly and even placing her foot on his shoe, she seemed determined to finish whatever business she had with her commander.

One might wonder why this ship girl appeared so daring and proactive.

Could it be she wanted to learn tax evasion with her commander? Or perhaps something more sophisticated that only a pure soul could comprehend.

But fortunately, in every difficulty there always seemed to be a solution to help him.

"Umm, let's not push the Commander to do something he doesn't want to, shall we?" Leipzig interjected, breaking the tense atmosphere.

When she heard those words, initially Roon reacted with defiance: "AHAHAHA, who do you think you are to try to control me?! If you're looking for trouble, then I'll make you pay-" because after all, it was the commander himself who allowed her to approach him.

Albeit reluctantly.

However, as soon as Roon felt the firm touch of the figure on her back, her fervor suddenly subsided, morphing into a sense of sublimity that made her say, "... Yes, ma'am."

Thanks to Leipzig's intervention, other ship girls didn't need to interfere to handle Roon.

The two of them then bid farewell to the Commander, intending to assist in any way they could.

And if one were to observe the two ship girls from afar, they could see a scene where Roon appeared rather tense while speaking with Leipzig who always wore a smile.

This made the Commander curious about why Roon seemed quite docile in front of Leipzig, so he asked one of the Iron Blood ship girls he encountered, and her response jogged his memory about something.

"Yeah, I think that priority ship girl got some help from Leipzig back then. When Roon was trapped in her depression after hearing that the old commander had left us, Leipzig instead stomped on the balls of the rapist who tried to entice her. Despite her innocence, she's quite tough you know?" Prinz Eugen explained.

"Ahaha, I'm pretty sure you have now... but, doesn't this seem just like that NTR Doujin... well, no matter. Then, Eugen, is there a need for you to approach me?" (Sakura Zeimachi)

"Before that... how about a drink first?"「Prinz Eugen」

Aside from assisting in medical matters, after the majority of the ship girls had begun to recover, the Commander was also invited to join them for drinks, or perhaps more accurately... forced to accompany them.

One after another, each time they got the chance to be alone with their Commander, the ship girls always used it to their satisfaction.

What a fleeting and short time it was for them, but for the Commander, who continuously conversed with the ship girls, the time spent was not insignificant.

Moreover, after holding a brief meeting with the faction's top ship girls, he now had to organize and arrange the information for use in his planning.

It was indeed a hassle, but not like he disliked it either.

"...We ended up drinking too long because of Eugen. If it weren't for Kaga, she might have succeeded with her ploy to take me to her room. Hmm? ... Don't worry, I know drinking isn't good for my body, but once or twice should be fine." (Sakura Zeimachi)

As he finished going back and forth to attend to the calls of the ship girls, the day was still dark, and the atmosphere had become quiet so that the ship girls could rest their bodies.

But since he's a commander however, he still had duties to input data and compile reports based on the information into the device he previously borrowed from a ship girl named Reno. Fortunately that ship girl had one of her gadget with her.

To clear his head from the lingering party atmosphere, he decided to take a stroll along the beach with the tablet-like touchscreen device.

Before long, he turned it off to enjoy this late-night walk.

"Yeah... my feet feel more comfortable without shoes," Sakura Zeimachi remarked.

The moon in that world was indeed the same, it's none other than the same moon that tells the warmth of the sun. The same for the fine white sand that enveloped his feet and recorded the footsteps he had taken.

With the cool night sea breeze caressing his body, the commander continued to walk along the shore.

He's alone without any ship girl accompanying him, although if he wished, there would be many ship girls lining up to accompany him there.

"...They're some good girls. But why did that previous commander stoop so low as to even sell them off... Even though I know that the System user is the cause, still... in his final moments that I granted him, did he still think of them?" Sakura Zeimachi pondered aloud.

❛Dead men tell no tales, my friend.❜「Als」

Unbeknownst to him, as he glanced behind, he was surprised to see several Meowfficers and Manjuus, accompanied by a furry creature, frolicking in his footsteps along the sandy shore.

It was then he realized he had ventured quite far.

"It's nighttime, fellas. Time to head to bed." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"Fuwa~" came the cheerful response from the furry creature.

"So, these are your new friends, huh? That's great for you my little mascot friend." (Sakura Zeimachi)

Deciding to escort the furrball and their companions, he made his way back to where the modest party had been held. There, he found many ship girls sprawled out, some from being drunk, while some others from sheer exhaustion.

He beheld a beautiful sight where sister ships embraced each other in their slumber, as well as scenes of ship girls still radiating beauty even in their sleep.

There were countless such scenes to behold.

There's even the sight of a ship girl bound in the ceiling with both of her hands tied (San Diego). How she came to be there remained a mystery.


While another example is Arizona, who now lay unconscious, leaning against the edge of the counter. Observing the glass still clutched in her hand and the lingering aroma, it was highly likely that Arizona had succumbed due to her inability to hold her alcohol.

This brought a slight amusement to the Commander, as he understood that Arizona was not the type to enjoy drinking. However, surrounded by so many people, perhaps she wanted to be part of the festivities.

Or perhaps she was simply coerced into drinking by her friends and sisters.

"I've been in that place before." (Sakura Zeimachi)

Unfortunately, the fleeting sense of joy tinged with nostalgia didn't last long.

"... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being dirty."「Arizona」

"..." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"Please don't hate me... for being not pure anymore..."「Arizona」

Without needing to use Fenghuang Down, Sakura Zeimachi understood what was happening in the ship girl's subconscious. Although they had awakened from their dreams, the wounds they had sustained were not yet fully healed.

As the lingering memories and nightmares continued to haunt Arizona, it seemed that they were difficult for her to forget. Therefore, while offering a few gentle strokes to her head the commander while also the same person from her dream, silently expressed his wishes.

"...I'm not sure why you feel that way, but you should be proud of your bravery. You're not dirty for being courageous." (Sakura Zeimachi)


"Moreover, even though you may feel stained, your heart's desire for purity still shines through. Hold onto that yearning, courageous warrior of the sea. I have no doubt you will overcome." (Sakura Zeimachi)

Not long after conveying his hopes, because although he himself was content to provide solace to restless souls, he still had duties to attend to.

Leaving Arizona and the others in the care of the Royal Maid corps and several other ship girls, the commander departed from the scene. Some wanted to accompany him, but once again the man declined their invitations.

Just like that, he withdrew from the room.

Upon his presence is not within her range, unbeknownst to him the ship girl who had previously received his words of encouragement slowly opened her eyes, thanks to a beautiful dream which had replaced the nightmares she had endured.

"...Thank you, commander."「Arizona」





If divided into several zones, there are roughly five battle zones having been prepared.

Each zone presents unique situations and conditions, attended by different individuals compared to the others.

″Zone One: Coastal and Shallow Waters″

The first zone constitutes the vanguard, where ship girls with the highest life expectancy directly engage in confrontations in the coastal and maritime areas.

Whether armored or swift, only ship girls confident in surviving slightly longer than others are admitted into this garrison. Their primary objective is to protect the front lines of the port and academy while also buying time for those behind them.

Then, it doesn't need to be explained again, this zone is where the largest confrontations are taking place. Hundreds of ship girls and dozens of fleets must face the forces of three System Users with hundreds of artificially enhanced human soldiers.

Of course, they are not ordered to advance without support.

In addition to the Reality Anchor, some ship girls on the battlefield have yet to play their own ace cards.

The same goes for the System Users.

"Littorio sir! We're getting surrounded!"「Carabiniere」

"Good, then we can fire in every direction!"「Littorio」

″Zone Two : Port and Academy″

The second zone serves as the central line where the academy and port are located. Ship girls assigned here are tasked with assisting in evacuation efforts, supporting the front lines, and providing aid to those behind them.

The location designated as the Center & Command is also hidden within this zone.

In this zone, Freidhard's presence has also been confirmed.

After defeating several ship girls he encountered, he must now face the starter squad along with Shinano, who're also trying to buy time until reinforcements arrive.

The reason why he is acting separately from his comrades is still unknown.

However, considering how most of the ship girls he defeated seem to be deliberately spared, there is a possibility that he simply wants to collect the ship girls who catch his attention.

Furthermore, according to the battle plan transmitted through their comms, this zone contains an Energy Matrix used as the energy source for the Photon Barrier to function on the front lines, as well as twice the number of Reality Anchors compared to the frontline zone.

Therefore, in addition to support and evacuation missions, some ship girls are also tasked with protecting vital points there.

Whether it's to safeguard the Energy Matrix, Reality Anchors, or other critical infrastructure deemed crucial.

"Requesting assistance? Though my capabilities are limited... I'll head there immediately."「Arizona」

"Umm... if there's anything I could help with, then I'll tag along."「Leipzig」

"I'm currently free as well, so where are they now?"「Perseus」

Zone Three : The City″

Still quoting from the battle plan received by the ship girls.

In the information excerpted from the detailed Operation Heavenly Blue, four pieces are mentioned. The first is the Photon Barrier, followed by the Reality Anchor, then the BFG-999, and finally Fuwa as the emergency card.

This third zone encompasses two of the four pieces.

Zone Three is The City of Rite, the rearmost line where the main weapon BFG-9999 is mounted, which will undoubtedly be operated and guarded by several ship girls. It can also be considered the ultimate weapon for their victory in this battle plan.

Less than five ship girls are stationed at positions quite distant from the front lines.

However, despite their remote location, these ship girls can still provide their own support.

This is made possible because the ship girls chosen to operate the colossal weapon are The Four Unbreakables from the Dragon Empery.

Among many abilities, they possess the capability to launch missiles.

Following their discussion on R&D matters with Akashi, they were also outfitted with a new generation of missiles. These projectiles boasted not only extended range and enhanced destructive capabilities but also a bath of other upgraded features.

However, they are not allowed to launch their missiles indiscriminately towards the front lines or visible enemies. This is not only to maintain the secrecy of the BFG-9999 from enemy view but also to minimize damage to The City of Rite as much as possible.


And here, Fuwa is on guard.

"... That white bun! Where has that white bun gone to!?"「Fu Shun」

"Fu Shun, if you're caught wandering far from your post... you'll be scolded by An Shan again, you know~"「Chang Chun」

In addition to the three main zones, there are also Zones A&B designated as retreat points if conditions force them. According to the battle plan, Zone A is a bunker meticulously examined by Sakura Zeimachi along with the Bullins and prepared for crucial moments such as their defeat.

As for Zone B, its significance will unfold as this story progresses.

This roughly outlines the current war situation divided into five zones in the initial stages. For now, not all have been engulfed in the flames of war.

However, little by little, those flames will spread to every zone.

And only a select few chosen individuals can stop them.




The Hanged Garden of Babylon

Hovering high in the sky with her Siren equipment, an Observer stands vigilant, observing the unfolding events from a distance with eyes filled with curiosity. Down below, a multitude of events stirs her hunger for knowledge.

However, her gaze soon shifts, transforming from that of a curious onlooker to that of an irritated young woman. Particularly when she spots the persistent nuisance that refuses to let her focus in peace.

Her expression turned cold as she observed the humanoid creature before her.



Despite having none other than that particular NOMU accompanying her in the sky, Observer felt deeply repulsed and dissatisfied with the situation she found herself in.

If this were her former self, she might have been curious about the technology used to create such superhuman artificial beings. No matter what kind of data she could gather, she felt she would be content with whatever she could bring back.

However, not with her current self.

Not only did Observer dislike them, she also looked down upon these superhuman creations.

'Nothing more than a powered pawn... that's what Evoker said so wasn't it?'

Despite her profound disdain, the Observer remained unable to rid herself of the nuisance.

Despite unleashing rays of vibrant purple light and extending her anthropod limbs in an attempt to vanquish NOMU, the superhuman creation consistently evaded her attacks with remarkable agility.

Certainly this wasn't something an Elite Siren could do, but she still felt annoyed by the insect-like behavior.

"What if you try something else before I truly grow tired of you?"「Observer」

Silence was NOMU's only response, but as soon as she finished her words, a subtle shift in NOMU's expression caught Observer's attention.

A sudden gust of wind stirred the air, and in an instant that NOMU disappeared from her view, only to materialize beside her moments later.

Followed by a swift and powerful motion, NOMU's massive hand tore through one of Observer's tentacles before that black creature seamlessly retreating to its original position.

The Elite Siren watched in disbelief as NOMU devoured the severed limb right before her eyes, its actions reminiscent of a primal, savage beast driven purely by instinct and brute force.

"... You actually did something."「Observer」

Not only had she lost a part of her body, but from that sudden QTE (Quick Time Event) she had also gained valuable insight.

The Elite Siren began to formulate her own hypotheses. She became convinced that the creature would only act if it received some form of response or stimulation from her.

That explained why she had been unable to land on the flying fortress and had to continue hovering alongside NOMU, who persistently obstructed her. Yet, if she were honest with herself, Observer was eager to see what was happening inside the fortress.

Questions swirled in her mind about the commander's intentions in eagerly enlisting her cooperation, despite her status as a highly antagonized Siren in the world. She pondered the reasons behind why he's orchestrating all these battles.

'What do you seek from this side?'

After being apprehended and brought into the Port, the commander proposed two things to her: cooperation and a "Friendship Package." He sought to exchange these for Siren technology and their Reenactment capabilities.

Thus, after lending her abilities for simulation and some Siren technologies, it became difficult for the elite Siren to resist her curiosity and desire to see firsthand what the Evoker intended to accomplish.

About his ultimate goal, as well about the impact he intended to make on this world.

It was markedly different from Yulijer's case, where she and her faction showed no interest in nor acknowledged all the efforts he had made and the initiatives he had undertaken.

"Sigh... I wanted to witness the end he envisioned for all those simulations, but now I'm trapped in this state of curiosity and battling a creature attempting to kill me. Boring~ it's so boring it could kill me."「Observer」

As Observer floated in the air, perched atop a pile of regenerated and thick tentacles of hers, she couldn't help but feel her day has been ruined.

Right there exist something lied within her wild imagination, a fuel for her curiousity.

And yet here she is, so close to witnessing the culmination of all those simulations she had been so curious about, only to be thwarted by the relentless interference of the black, fast, man-made nuisance.

This situation was truly disheartening for her.

'And I don't think bargain will work with this thing... but maybe THAT will work.'

Observer turned her head, her Siren intelligence buzzing with calculations and strategies to rid herself of NOMU's interference. As she contemplated her next move, she absentmindedly licked her new tentacles, a curious gesture driven by instinct.

Meanwhile, a change was unfolding within the flying fortress, unbeknownst to her.


「The Chamber of Mind」

In the sanctuary of consciousness where Sakura Zeimachi's personas resided, he found himself amidst familiar yet mysterious surroundings.

Seated within the room guarded by distorted doors and walls of fractured colors, he conversed with Als about matters still relevant to their current situation.

From minor concerns regarding the absence of other personas to significant discussions about their ultimate goal, he delved deep into various topics with one of his personas.

"Don't worry, my friend. Whether it's Dust, Necro, or Loli, they already know the assignment. They're ready and waiting. As for Amour and Sengoku themselves... you know how it is, right?"「Als」 reassured.

In most cases, it was indeed Als who provided explanations or corrected Sakura Zeimachi's misunderstandings. Like a mentor speaking to his friend, that's how their conversation unfolded.

"... Human emotions are something beautiful, and beautiful things should be left as they are. I'm just a little surprised that my past self could imagine using emotions as a source of power. " (Sakura Zeimachi)

"We, who reside here, are mostly pieces of your damned past, my friend. Neither our way of thinking nor our beliefs have changed from the memories we hold from those times."「Als」

His conversation partner neither confirmed nor denied the statement, merely gazing thoughtfully at a cup of tea held by Als, contemplating the meaning behind what his persona had just said.

"My damned past, huh... I suppose that label isn't entirely wrong." (Sakura Zeimachi)

The many personas he created consisted of a combination of memories, emotions, regrets, desires, and, not to forget, experiences. By infusing them with a bit of his own soul, they came into existence.

As for what he knew, the memories given to Als were from a time when he found himself in one of the Honkai-Verses, spending time with someone in that world.

Entwined with emotions blending regret and longing, driving him to act beyond the constraints of reason or human conscience. In the end, everything revolved around one individual: Fu Hua.

And for the duty he chose to bore after learning under her teaching, "to do what must be done and to accomplish what must be accomplished."

"Even then, I'm still a piece of your past, my friend. All I... all we want to do still hasn't changed much from back then."「Als」

"Guess that explains why conversing with you feels as strange as revisiting my dark past." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"But that's true, my friend. I am particularly the most beautiful part of your past. Even if your insecure self hates you and decides to curse it, I'll be your last piece who'll beg to differ and breathe until our last."「Als」

"This part of you... or me, is what I've always disliked the most. Why am I so positive anyway? Sigh... and why are you even mimicking Fuka-san's way of speaking? Are you trying to tarnish her name?!" (Sakura Zeimachi)

Als chuckled in response.

"... Let's leave it at that." (Sakura Zeimachi)

After a prolonged silence, they delved into discussing the most pressing matters at hand.

They began with the situation surrounding The Void, delving into the conditions plaguing the Azur Lane Academy and its vicinity. They also touched on the status of Hylia, currently undergoing her inner teaching regimen.

Despite facing Yulijer in the real world and enduring life-threatening injuries, they surprisingly showed little concern for the System User. Perhaps... in their carefully laid-out plan, Yulijer's existence wasn't particularly crucial at the moment? Who knows.

All in all, it was time for them to proceed to the next phase.

"Next is Maquia, isn't it? From what I've observed across various battlefields, everything seems to be proceeding according to plan. Though there's one 'Star' that seems to recognize me... I believe we're still on track." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"My friend, before we proceed, I must remind you that this is the final point of retreat. If we decide to move forward with the next operation, we will have crossed the point of no return. Are you still willing to do this?"「Als」

Hearing those words, he couldn't help but find it amusing why Als would ask such an obvious question. It seemed like the answer was already self-evident. Once again, Als chuckled at his reaction as he rose from his seat.

"Hahaha, very well! Let's proceed to the next operation. Passing through King-Slayer and Heavenly Blue, we'll prepare the field for the growth of Maquia. Before finally sealing everything with Magia. I'll accompany you until we reach the end! Have you steeled your balls, my friend!?"「Als」

Certainly, his resolve was firm.

However this time, Sakura Zeimachi couldn't let that remark slide. "Stop tarnishing Fuka-san's reputation you bastard!!!" he exclaimed, choking Als and leaving him suspended in the air, attempting to put an end to the embarrassing conversation.

Before remembering to inquire about the progress made by Hylia and her new friends.

"S-She's likely still probing the power of Seilenos. As for her whereabouts... ah! It seems they're currently leveling up in the swamp forest biome. Do you want to send her your regards? I can channel it through TB. And also... could you let me down?"「Als」

Sakura Zeimachi opted not to send any message.

He believed that their group of seven was capable enough without his encouragement. However, Als proceeded to send the message he had composed on behalf of the commander anyway.

Before they concluded their brief conversation, preparing to return to the real world for their final showdown.

"You know, my friend, this is just me speaking hypothetically... But if you were truly pushed to the brink of defeat, would you submit to his rule? To corrupt those who believe and love you?"「Als」

"...Nah, I'd win. But even if I had to lose, I know it's not Gojover yet." (Sakura Zeimachi)

"After all this time, I'll keep saying it... I'll stand by your side. But if you ever decide to play by his rules, I don't think those girls would mind. In fact... I think they'd be quite pleased if you're doing them," Als remarked with a mischievous grin, his words carrying a hint of jest.

Upon hearing this, Sakura Zeimachi swiftly distanced himself from his persona and regarded it with disdain. He couldn't help but wonder what had led him to create such a twisted reflection of himself.

With a mixture of frustration and regret, he watched Als with a sense of disgust.

Then, without further ado, they returned to the real world to conclude their business with Yulijer.






Sorry I'm just too lazzyyy these days...

Ugghh, I don't even have any will to say Anyway, see ya just like usual.

Strunomcreators' thoughts