
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Colorful and Precious Tomb


That's the name of the last persona who'll take part in this world along with his introduction with a total of four personalities before him. Although there's no such thing like a number or order of who is the best between them, Loli-man never thought if he's within the strongest or upper echelon.

Unfortunately Loli-man is not a loli, he's still the same as Zeimachi's posture and figure without any gender change or bishounen attribute. He got some costume change to match with his name though, unlike Sengoku who alter some part of Zeimachi's body.

The background of his description is another persona who have grown to like any girls within the age of clock (1-12) , and petite woman as long they got loli feature such as Loli baba and Legal Loli. Another sad facts, he also count himself as a cunny cultist.

To make short of his description which mostly composed of Loli and petite girls.

He's just a degenerate lolicon along with El Dust who likes BSDM.

Loli-man also has his past of why he received this shameful name even though he got a better one. However his past would be meaningless for now, the same as others. So let me told about how he is in the present.

Loli-man is the type who liked to do his job such as documents and reports first so he can fully enjoys his break without any burden. After he cleared his job and assignment, he'll indulge in his hobby of stalking any young girl.

He knows about his limit so he won't cross the taboo otherwise he will gotten himself a seal like how Sengoku and El Dust are. Not only he can't enjoys his hobby of stalking little girls if he got those seal, he also can't enjoys his hobby of collecting cosplay image of a loli.

About what his tools, power and weapons are, it'll be revealed as he rolled into his Loli journey. Loli-man is not the same like Necro-phi/Vandango so there's exclusive weapon for him just like the other three. Well...More like Necro-phi/Vandango is the distinct one.

Now then, that's more or less about him. Those who like him or not are neither an issue as long he could catch a Loli in bag and 'have a fun time' with her, not even the greatest FBI or the Bonk Master could stop his march.

When he has spotted a loli in his radar, he'll clear his job, task and assignment so he can follows her in the dark. This traits sometimes got abused by Zeimachi so he could clear meddlesome jobs just like when he's in the office of Azur Lane academy.

I don't have a character to compare him because there are few legends of the cunny bearer. There's also a chance if I'm not cultured enough to know them.

One more thing about Loli-man, he can't handle Ara-Ara aura from a Milf. (Maybe I should created a list of their weaknesses.)

There's only one thing for his priorities.



Before his story unfold just like usual, I'll tell about the others development and also how time works for them. Right now there's Zeimachi and four ship girls in the Void, Cera and Hylia in the train, Moriarty's guarded blank world, and Azur Lane academy who still hanging after his abrupt absence.

Time move slower in the Void compared to the train, so maybe Cera and Hylia are still fighting over with Fuwa while crossing over the dead zone.

A simple description of a dead zone is. It's a zone far from their Void which housed many cosmic, nameless entity or being with unknown origins. It doesn't have the same function with the Subnautica one but it served as the limit of where a human should stop from exploring...Wait...That's the same.

"Gyaaah! Lia! That walking corpse over there!"

"Aye sir!"


Hylia smashed a nameless who took shape of a zombie into mushed meat, its corpse got kicked by her sole and disappear somewhere in the dead zone. It looks like she got a quite decent combat technique while in the world with the same theme of DanMachi.


Fuwa also helps with throwing rainbow energy balls to any threat that tried to touch her train. Yet this chaos was created because of her who honked the train and taunting many cosmic and unknown entity to theirs train.

There's a few bumps on her head comically from anime.

"Cera~ There's a huge wormhole on our ten~"

"What wormhole? That's the World Eater! Ughh...Even though I want to see his story..."

Not far from their direction appeared a huge dark storm of space debris and twisted mouth just like the mouth of a jagged sandworm. However this being is extra massive to match with its ecosystem in the dead zone.

"What ecosystem?!!"

A vortex of destruction swirled towards them to engulf the carriage along with all of them. Not only that, there were many other creatures and entities that followed their train to do the same as the Dream Eater.

Cera could handle that thing alone but she can't be sure if the train will still intact after she cleared the World Eater.

"Cera~ There's a blue glowing sting ray on my hand~"

"That's a....What is that? A sting ray?"

"Hmmn, a sting ray. Look~ Isn't it cute?"

A small being composed of cosmic energy and blue color floundered on top of Hylia's hands. It doesn't show any malicious intent nor can it harm them so Hylia picked it up before it got swallowed from a bigger one.

"No, you can't pick a stray fish and bring it home. We don't have any fish tank in the Void."

Hylia walked off and returned with another fluffy mascot on her hand after she let that cosmic sting ray flies in the dead zone. Nobody should knows what happen to that poor cosmic fish.

"Fine~ Can I bring cute rabbit?"

This mascot doesn't have any cosmic energies flowing in its bodies, there's only its round and fluffy body floating in the dead zone.

"What? How can a Nousagis in here. No you can't."

"Why not?"

"...Don't involve yourself with a war criminal."

Hylia keep putting one being and one entity on her hand and asked Cera to keep it. However, all of those are flatly rejected. Hylia didn't got discouraged at all even when all of her suggestion are rejected, but Fuwa nervously watch every thing on her hand and kicked them off board after it got rejected by Cera.


Fuwa can feel if her position will be endangered.


On the middle of the sea where Zeimachi dive into the portal together with Javelin, Ayanami, Laffey and Z23. There's a small beacon made of a signal transmitter which gave its position to other's ship girls radar.

Z23 leave this beacon in case this is another Siren's trick who tried to kidnap him, or that area is a mirror sea which could trap them. Although they're still in a friendly water it's better to be cautious with Siren.

However, this speculation are wrong when she entered the Void together with her friends. That's why this beacon served another purpose as mark of their last position before all of them gone missing. The beacon didn't drift to far from its former direction, until a few minutes passed and the other fleet detected it.

"Helena, how is it going?"

Taking the role of their leader in this commission is Cleveland. She lead them to the way that beacon afloat with the help of Helena's SG radar together with another two member in this fleet.

"So far we're in the right track Cleveland, we'll soon reach the appointed coordinate."

"Helena nee-chan...Are you really fine?"

Behind Helena's back is a heterochromia destroyer with a light blue hair who asked Helena's condition. She has the same aura as Laffey who mostly spent her time with sleeping or staying in her room, however there's eye bags beneath her eyes which made her looks unhealthy to Helena who knows her.

"Thank you Nicholas, I'm just...thinking of something. Did you stay awake all night again?"

"...I'm not...Hoaaammmm...Not really."

The destroyer name is Nicholas. Nicholas yawned while the last ship girl watch their conversation from the back of their formation.

It wasn't that she didn't want to get into their conversation, this ship girl actually have a difficulty when she need to talk. But when she saw Nicholas acting as if nothing was wrong, she felt that Helena was really lucky to have someone to protect her.

"...Fast...Pick Commander..."

"Yeah Eldridge, we'll soon met that guy again. How did your first mission feel?"

"Eldridge, will try my best." (Eldridge puffed her fist with a small sparks from her hair.)

Cleveland also invited Eldridge to talk together as this is also her first mission after a very long break in rehabilitation. Those who need rehabilitation are the one who suffered psychical and mental damage in the 'three days of hell'.

Back then Zeimachi fixed their broken parts, body and rigging to their former with Astra ball. They should be fine if its about their body because he 'fixed' it, but those who suffered heavy trauma in that days also have a feather for each of them.

The feather functioned as Zeimachi's consciousness who dive into those ship girls minds and solved their problem by fabricating their dream. The 'dream' will end if the subject noticed the illusion or it's time for them to wake up.

Not even Zeimachi knows about every little detail of those ship girls, so the criteria of their awakening are different. What they choose also affects whether they will wake up from their dream or not.

More so for Eldridge who suffered than the three of them in the port because of her class, even though she can't remember her dream very well...Eldridge did not choose to stay in her dream and woke up to the real world.

"...Cleveland, what do you think of him-Commander?"

Helena asked Cleveland after she patted down Nicholas' head. They didn't stop and continue their sailing while talking to each other.

"About him huh....That's unexpected of you Helena."

"I...It's the first time I got to see his face. At least I want to know him better than the previous."

Cleveland took a deep breath while looking over her head where blue skies and white clouds filled her views. It's very different during that time when she got carried by him to her dorm, but she can't reject it if Zeimachi at that time appeared fishy and mysterious for her.

Her past commander who had abandoned her as well as the many girls who put their hope on him, and then this new guy knocking on their door with his pitiful incomplete corpse.

Every ship girls in the port already knows if their Commander has left them and escaped while leaving them to rot in the dark of abyss. However this man told them different reason and if their past Commander actually got controlled by that transmigrator to act like that.

Zeimachi told them if their past Commander really care about them, but he doesn't has any other choice beside leaving them after he got trapped by that transmigrator and he lost his life because there's other chasing after him.

Such lies could be believed by most because its sounds plausible for them, however not all of them take it by granted. They doubted him, until he told them if he's the one who end their previous Commander suffering.


Eldridge remembered a fragment of her dream when she heard their conversation. She become less excited the more this conversation goes on. Eldridge can't remembered it very well but from the looks of her face, her dream doesn't mean a good thing.

"Didn't you got carried by him, Cleveland? Sandy spoke that news when we bath together last week."

Nicholas chimed in about a hot topic of who got to look at their new Commander's face, and Cleveland who got to saw it in a close distance bashfully answers her.

"W-What?! That San Diego...*Sigh* If you want to know what my opinion is..."

Helena chuckled when she got to see Cleveland who tried to hide her embarrassment. Cleveland who is in the middle of finding the perfect words for him looked back at Eldridge who curiously wanted to hear the next part.



Cleveland stay silent for a while with her eyes looking at her hand which have failed to protect her sisters. That painful memories can't be erased no matter how they're now after he 'fixed' them.

Her sister, friend, and many girls she fond with have fallen before her eyes while she can't do a thing beside watching how their face were before their 'death'. It's a short and common day like usual, until their dorm got swarmed with many strange man who lust over their body.

"...I'm sorry Cleveland, I didn't mean to..."

Helena spoke while apologizing to Cleveland because of her silent.

"Hehe! What are you apologizing for Helena? Did you really think I'm still haunted by that?"

Cleveland laughed while reassured Helena if she has done nothing wrong when asked her, it's the otherwise, Helena has helped Cleveland to remember her oath with him on her fist.

"I'm sorry, I think my words struck you about that."

"You don't need to feel sorry Helena, I'll always believe in myself!"

Cleveland once again reassured Helena with a clear and firm sentence from her heart, maybe Zeimachi thought of it as a small talked with another one of his favorites girls. However it's different for Cleveland, as the knight of the sea and also the older sister of Cleveland class. Their fist bum served as her oath to once again believe in herself.

They sailed until a few moments later Helena detected something near in her radar.

I want Summer Vikala...

See ya

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