
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Characters Profiles

Name: Arin Lightwood ( Main Character)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Rune Mage

Magic Affinity: Rune Magic

Magic Level: Master

Association Rank: Emerald

Adventuring Team: The Arcane Vanguard Founder and Leader

School Hall: Dragon Hall

Appearance: Arin has short, messy brown hair and bright green eyes that seem to twinkle with excitement. He has a lean and agile build, and his movements are quick and precise. Arin wears a black tunic with gold trimmings and carries a small leather satchel filled with his rune-inscribed stones. He also wears a pendant with a mysterious rune on it, a symbol of his mastery of rune magic.

Personality: Arin is curious and adventurous, always eager to explore new places and learn new things. He has a deep sense of justice and a desire to use his powers for good, which sometimes leads him to take risks that others might shy away from. Arin is also fiercely loyal to his friends and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Abilities: Arin is a master of rune magic, able to activate and combine runes in powerful and creative ways. He won the interhall Spell Duel Tournament with Dragon hall's team, using his knowledge of runes to outmaneuver his opponents. Some of the runes that Arin knows include Stone Bullet, Wind Blade, Flame Serpent, Radiant Blast, and Demonic Familiar Summon: Commander (Azazelith). Arin also created a magic dagger inscribed with the Radiant Blast rune, which he gave to his familiar, Azazelith, to use in combat.


Magic Dagger Inscribed with Radiant blast Given to his Familar

Leather armor

Adventuring Association Rank: Emerald Rank

Backstory: Arin spent his entire life believing that he was a non-magic user, until he discovered his natural affinity for rune magic while exploring ancient ruins. He dedicated himself to mastering this art, even going so far as to create his own magic dagger inscribed with one of the most powerful runes he knows. Arin is a member of The Arcane Vanguard, where he uses his powers to protect others and seek out new knowledge and adventure.

Name: Luke Blackwood

Age: 15 Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Melee Combat Mage

Magic Affinity: Fire Magic

Magic Level: Skilled

Association Rank: Silver

Adventuring Team: The Arcane Vanguard

School Hall: Unicorn Hall

Appearance: He has long, wild hair that matches the color of flames, and his eyes are a bright, piercing green that seem to glow in the right light. He is tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a rugged, handsome face that is marked by a faint scar above his left eyebrow. He wears a black leather jacket and matching pants with sturdy boots. He also wears his signature fighting gauntlets on his hands, now inscribed with the Wind Blade Rune.

Personality: Luke Blackwood is a skilled fire mage with a fiery personality to match his magic affinity.

Abilities: As a fighter, Luke is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is proficient in the use of many weapons but his primary weapon are His gauntlets, inscribed with the Wind Blade Rune, allow him to create razor-sharp blades of wind to slice through his enemies or when mixed with his fire magic could create a devastating combination. He is quick on his feet and can move with great agility, dodging and weaving through enemy attacks with ease.


Inscribed Fighting Gauntlets

Throwing axes

Chainmail armor

Adventuring Association Rank: Silver Rank

Backstory: His last name is Blackwood, and he comes from a family of powerful mages who have a long and storied history of magic use. Despite his family's reputation, Luke is determined to forge his own path and prove himself as a mage and adventurer in his own right. During Adventuring class he was paired up with Arin and Kira who he quickly became close friends with, He later joined the Adventurer's Association at the same time as Arin and Kira and together they have been on many quests and adventures, each time growing stronger and more skilled. He became a Founding member of The Arcane Vanguard with Arin and Kira.

Name: Kira Riverstone

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Water Mage

Magic Affinity: Water Magic

Magic Level: Expert

Association Rank: Silver

Adventuring Team: The Arcane Vanguard

School Hall: Dragon Hall

Appearance: Kira has long, wavy, dark blue hair that cascades down her back, and bright blue eyes that shimmer like the ocean. She is tall and slender, with a graceful, fluid movements. Kira wears a light blue robe with silver trimmings and carries a staff that she uses for combat. Her staff is the Staff of Elemental Mastery, which allows her to wield not only water magic but also fire, wind, and earth magic.

Personality: Kira is quiet and reserved, preferring to let her actions speak for her, Kira is a student of strategy, always seeking to understand the intricacies of the world around her and to find ways to use her magic to her advantage.

Abilities: Kira is an expert water mage, and her magic is incredibly versatile. She can create water shields, manipulate currents, and summon powerful waves. In combat, she wields her staff with precision and grace, using it to channel her magic in powerful and devastating ways. The Staff of Elemental Mastery allows her to use fire, wind, and earth magic, making her an even more formidable opponent.


Staff of Elemental Mastery

Throwing knives

Leather armor

Adventuring Association Rank: Silver Rank

Backstory: Kira was born into a family of water mages and was trained in the magical arts from a young age. Her family encouraged her to go to Arcanum School of Magic where she met Arin and Luke. They quickly became close friends and have been on many quests and adventures together, using their unique skills to complement one another and overcome even the toughest challenges. Kira joined the Adventurer's Association at the same time that Arin and Luke did and became a Founding member of The Arcane Vanguard.

Name: Samantha "Sam" Lightwood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Wind Mage

Magic Affinity: Wind Magic

Magic Level: Expert

Association Rank: N/A

Adventuring Team: N/A

School Hall: Phoenix Hall

Appearance: Sam has long, wavy blonde hair and hazel eyes that change colors depending on the light. She has a slender build and is slightly taller than average. Sam usually wears comfortable clothing in neutral colors, preferring function over fashion. She often ties her hair up in a ponytail or bun to keep it out of her face when using magic.

Personality: Sam is a responsible and level-headed person, often taking on a leadership role in group situations. She is fiercely protective of her loved ones and will go to great lengths to keep them safe. Sam is also a perfectionist, always striving to be the best in whatever she does. However, this can sometimes lead to her being too hard on herself and others.

Abilities: Sam is a skilled wind mage, able to control the air currents and create powerful gusts of wind. She is also adept at using wind to enhance her own movements and to dodge attacks. Some of the spells that Sam knows include Gale Force, Feather Fall, and Wind Blade.



Leather armor

Backstory: Sam is the oldest of three siblings, with Arin as her younger brother and Peter as her youngest. Their parents are both fire magic users, with their father serving as the captain of the guard in their hometown and their mother running a popular inn/tavern. Sam and Arin are the only ones in the family without fire magic, causing them to feel left out at times. However, Sam found her own passion in wind magic and has worked hard to become a skilled mage in her own right. She has been heavily involved in her school career, working hard to become a prominent figure in Phoenix Hall. Despite not being a member of an adventuring team or having an association rank, Sam has a bright future ahead of her and is determined to make the most of it.

Name: Azazelith

Race: Demon

Gender: Female

Appearance: Azazelith is a towering figure, standing at least eight feet tall with broad, muscular shoulders and long, sinewy limbs. Her skin is a deep obsidian black, and shimmers in the light with a fiery crimson glow. She wears a suit of black, metallic armor that clings tightly to her powerful frame, each plate etched with ancient, demonic runes that pulse with dark energy. Her face is angular and fierce, with piercing, almond-shaped eyes that burn with an otherworldly intelligence. Her lips are full and sensual, with a dangerous curve that hints at her deadly power.

Personality: Azazelith is a master of strategy and tactics, a brilliant commander who can lead her troops to victory against even the most overwhelming odds. She is ruthless and cunning, always seeking out the weaknesses of her enemies and exploiting them to the fullest. In battle, she fights with a grace and ferocity that is truly terrifying as she darts and weaves through the chaos of the battlefield.

In the presence of Azazelith, even the bravest souls feel a chill run down their spine, for she exudes an aura of malevolence and darkness that is both mesmerizing and terrifying. She is the embodiment of the power and cunning of the Abyss, a true demon among demons, feared and respected by all who know her name.

Abilities: As a demon commander, Azazelith possesses a range of powerful abilities. She is a skilled fighter, with a mastery of many forms of combat, including swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, and magic. She can also summon and control lesser demons to fight on her behalf. Her armor is infused with powerful demonic magic, providing her with enhanced strength, speed, and durability.