
Last Ruler Of The Empty Throne

Earth has been visited by the Embryiniel records, so the world and its habitants is been pushed toward the path of evolution. Strange monsters only made up by imagination are appearing everywhere and the world changed to a situation of either survival or death. Jon is a normal student in Palflic university, all he thought about was finishing his school and how his parents might have abandoned him but little did he know about himself and what the world had in-store for him. Other worlds and universes, clans and sects, people and monsters stand in his way, will he prevail or succumb to the desires of others. . . . . .

pricklebells · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Cynthia’s Skill- Field Observation

Unbeknownst to Cynthia, Jon had already pieced together that her ability was more than just keen intuition—it was likely a skill that allowed her to detect danger and steer clear of it, much like a living map.

The first clue came when she insisted on joining them, even if Jon had refused. The second was the unnerving silence around the dormitory. When they first entered, the area was swarming with zombies, but now it was eerily still.

The final clue was her confidence when she suggested they check behind the dorms, as if she was absolutely certain something awaited them there.

Jon was impressed with himself for figuring it out based on just a few hints, and in this chaotic, apocalyptic world, such deductions could mean the difference between life and death.

What's more, he realized that whatever was behind those dorms wasn't something Cynthia could handle alone.

Jon had survived the day so far, and he intended to keep doing so as long as possible. Dying to benefit someone else's gamble wasn't on his agenda.

Without turning toward her, he muttered, "I hope what's out there is worth it." Cynthia glanced at him, recognizing the underlying message, and simply nodded before leading the way.

When they reached the back of the dormitory, the reason for the silence became horrifyingly clear. The zombies had gathered here—hundreds of them, standing motionless, as though in a trance.

At the front of the horde stood a bizarre sight: a small tree, no taller than an adult man. It looked fully grown, its leaves lush, but its height was disconcertingly stunted.

For a moment, they were frozen, taking in the unsettling scene. Then, the tree began to vibrate. As if the zombies had suddenly awakened, they turned not toward Jon and the others, but toward each other, attacking with brutal savagery.

Though it seemed a small mercy that the zombies were killing each other, the relief was short-lived. Once a zombie had killed five others, it bolted forward, faster and more dangerous than before.

The three of them tensed, their traits keeping them from panicking, sharpening their focus instead.

"We need to take them down before they get even stronger," Jon said, his voice serious. Cynthia and Jenny nodded in agreement, and they moved in formation.

Cynthia, in the middle, leaped into the air. Channeling her mana, she summoned bullets of air and formed a swirling tornado with a fluid motion of her hands. She sent both attacks forward, taking out five zombies with precise shots to the head while the tornado tore through seven more.

"Wow!" Jenny exclaimed, awestruck by Cynthia's skill. "She's controlling the air!"

Jon, too, was impressed. "Air manipulation," he muttered, realizing the nature of Cynthia's ability. She eyed him suspiciously.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"I guessed," Jon replied with a shrug. "It's kind of obvious, though." Without waiting for her response, he moved forward, gripping his spear tightly.

He didn't even realize that the instant calculation skill did more than just speed up his thoughts.

Jon extended his left hand and spent a portion of his mana to permanently sever the consciousness of ten zombies, dropping them lifeless to the ground.

He used the remaining mana to halt the movements of twelve more before stepping in with his spear, its tip glowing with the energy of the moon.

His movements were fluid and precise, every strike clean and efficient. Gone were the clumsy attacks of earlier; now, he fought like a seasoned soldier.

As he exhaled, the pale blue energy of the moon flickered softly around him. Jenny, still riding the high of excitement, dashed to her position on the right, raising her hands to summon fireballs and silver whips, which she swung with reckless abandon. Her sword, forgotten, lay unused in her inventory.

Despite the chaos, the zombies continued killing each other, growing stronger with each kill. Soon, only five were left, but these five had a dangerous gleam of intelligence in their eyes.

Jon noticed it, but before he could voice his concern, a series of system notifications began to flood his vision:







Quickly checking his status, Jon saw his new level:

[LEVEL: 17]

"Focus," he whispered to himself, looking at Jenny and Cynthia. "These last five are different. Full power."

Both girls nodded in silent understanding.

Jon concentrated his moon energy into the tip of his spear, while Cynthia compressed the air into a dense ball, and Jenny summoned energy gauntlets that crackled with intensity.

The five remaining zombies charged at them, hands curled into claws. Jon attempted to freeze the nearest one in place, but it struggled, resisting his power. It was enough, though.

He dashed forward, thrusting his spear into its skull with a sickening boom, the head exploding on impact.



The battle intensified, with Jon narrowly dodging a swipe aimed at his head. In a fluid motion, he severed the zombie's hand with his spear and quickly decapitated it.


Meanwhile, Jenny and Cynthia handled their foes with equal ferocity. After a brief but intense fight, all the zombies lay dead. The three of them stood still, breathing heavily, trying to recover.

"Whew, that was something," Jenny said, wiping sweat from her brow.

"Yeah," Cynthia agreed, but her eyes were fixed on the tree. Throughout the battle, it had been shaking, and now that the last zombie had fallen, it suddenly went still.

Jon noticed her gaze. "Should we check it out?" he asked.

Cynthia hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I guess we'll find out when we get closer."

They approached the tree cautiously, keeping their guard up. But as they got within five meters of it, the tree let out an ear-splitting scream.


The sound was so piercing that survivors across the campus heard it, many collapsing in terror. Jon, Jenny, and Cynthia were worse off.

Blood poured from their ears, eyes, and noses as their eardrums shattered. They fell to the ground, choking on blood. Then, the tree's roots tore free from the ground, thrashing violently—and they were right in its path.

Struggling to stay conscious, they summoned walls of magic—moonlight, air, and silver—but the roots smashed through their defenses effortlessly, sending them flying.

And now, the tree's roots, sharp and deadly, were aimed directly at their heads.