
Last One Standing Vol 1 The First Wave

Last One Standing is a 60,000+ word novel about a 17-year-old boy met with a challenge to preserve the world from devastating attacks and defeat powerful monsters rushing through gates that have turned the world upside down. Utilizing his unique system to vanquish his enemies, Aoi, is capable of leveling up and extracting information solely disclosed to him. Last One Standing, Vol 1 - The First Wave, is a novel where the leading character Aoi, must overcome many hardships. Suffering the loss of his comrades and friends but also meeting his supposedly deceased family members. Aoi must bear the weight of many heroes before him. For the past thousands of years, the system has selected many legendary heroes. And yet all have failed. It's now up to Aoi as the last chosen one to save the world with his unique fighting style. Fighting alongside him are his friends and rivals, Celeb, Aoi’s closest friend is capable of controlling pure mana allowing him to fire attacks greatly superior then those who control natural mana. Whereas, Aoi is capable of controlling anything and everything that contains matter. Unlike the others, Aoi is capable of leveling up his skills ranks, allowing him to grow to vaster lengths than the others. Granting him the ability to improve an infinite amount. However, Aoi is in a rush. The longer it takes to attain victory the more innocent people have to die. Will Aoi be able to save those around him? Or will he spend the rest of his life regretting the loss of his fallen comrades?

Anthony_Quimper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 12

Despite having the obvious surprise attack advantage I chose against doing so, since in 15 minutes I won't have that same advantage, it will be a fair fight where I won't be guaranteed a surprise attack. With the time I have left I need to learn its attack pattern and strengths to be able to counter them in the concrete world. I look at the imperial straight in its eyes. It's a human-like figure looking back at me with a grin as if it knew it was better than me. As if it was exciting to have fun hurling me around the room. Just as I raise my guard it moves so fast that it took me a second to realize what just happened. As I turn around the monster, strike me from behind with its spear Going through my stomach and sticking out in front of me. My blood dripped from the blade. It wrenches its spear back, and I drop to the floor. Lying down on the floor unable to move due to the incredible pain, I passed out from blood loss. My eyes closed. I hear a voice "hey, twerp, get up you'll be late for school." This soothing yet annoying voice is my brother, I open my eyes and look at him. His face which I formerly saw as annoying and frustrating is right in front of me. I feel a tear run down my face. I can't help but jump out of bed and hug him as hard as I possibly can. We both fall to the floor, "what the heck are you doing twerp get off me," he says, I wipe my tears on his leather jacket as I get up. He stands up and punches my shoulder. We make our way downstairs and have breakfast before I leave for school, and he heads off to work. The school day goes by, I couldn't help but think about my brother coming back. I missed him so much. Throughout the few years I had been left alone without him or anyone to cherish me, I couldn't help but miss him the most. He was the only one to provide for me despite struggling himself. School ended at the same time as usual, everything was going fine. Just as usual, until Brad showed up. Although I felt terrible for his miserable death, I sure as hell didn't miss him. Both him and his friends jerk me into a dark alleyway. The same as before when they would beat me up. Punching and kicking me, whichever way they could think of ill-treating me they utilized it. However, differently from before, someone showed up. Someone who I never believed would show up and defend me again. "Hey, leave him alone you jackass's '' it was my brother, from the memories I had with him he was always stronger and keener than I was. In fact, he was better than me in every way. Unlike me he was relatively popular in school for his looks. I don't know how but he was, in addition, a skilled fighter. Brad never liked him, for apparent reasons, so he picked after me since it was the easier thing to do. This was in fact the most significant reason for tormenting me throughout the years. He didn't appreciate how I stood up to him, like my brother did. As expected Brad runs away, seeing someone better and stronger than him. He could do nothing but run away.

My brother stoops down and places his hand out. As I grip onto his hand, he lectures me "Why do you let them hit you? Do you enjoy it?" "no," I answered, timidly looking down at my feet. "Then fight back!" He says, with lots of pride behind his words "stand up for yourself no matter how much it hurts fight back! Even if you lose, don't give up!"

I wake up once again, this time I was in a much more miserable position than the previous. Blood Splashing out from my stomach I put my hands on the wound and bite down as hard as I can. I handle the heat on the palm of my hand and press against my wound. Scorching it shut. Screaming in pain, I stand up. Just how my brother taught me. Even if I lose, I can't give up. The imperial levitating in the air staring at me waits for me to take a stand. 7 minutes and 34 seconds. That's how much time I have left. I need to stall as long as I can. I lose in every way possible. It's impossible for me to beat it. It's stronger, faster and better than me at everything. I bend down and pick up my weapons, gripping them as tightly. Once again, it moves faster than ever. However this time I expect it, to counter its movement I take a step forward dodging a lethal blow. Consequently, it cuts across my back. From my right shoulder all the way to my left hip. Before being able to fully get out of its range, it once again strikes, cutting my right hip. The wound is deep, Having injured me so much already has reduced my speed. Barely making it out of its range. As I ultimately turn around it flings its spear towards my head. Barely being able to reflect it, it cuts my right cheek. Due to the damage dealt to my hip, my ability to move is reduced exponentially. Barely able to stand, I develop an area inside the room using my matter manipulation to reduce its movements by creating a cold area and increasing the strength of gravity around it. The ground around it turns to ruble as it kneels onto one knee. It looks up this time with a frustrated face; It flaps its wings and flys forward aiming for my head. Unable to perceive its movements I present my swords swiftly in front of my face blocking it. Despite it being a fluke, I stand proud of being able to completely mitigate the damage. 2 minutes remain, this time it's in the air, for some reason it doesn't seem to attack. I can't grasp why it's doing so. Is it a taunt? Perhaps a bait? Does he want me to attack? I can't seem to grasp why it's doing such a thing. That doesn't matter right now, I seize this opportunity, for the first time I have the chance to take the offensive. I attack by jumping in the air and using both of my swords to create a mana slash, both attacks crossing diagonally and rapidly making its way to it. The split second before it hits The imperial blocks it in one swift motion, almost as if trying to demonstrate the sheer gap in our powers. I follow the attack by using heat in one targeted place to melt it. However, it once again fails, the imperial doesn't even take any damage, it merely stands there and waits. 1 minute remains, This time I use both my mana slash and matter manipulation to attempt cutting it apart or at least weaken it. The matter manipulation doesn't even leave a cut and the mana slash is once again blocked without any effort. Face to face, I take a stand before launching my final barrage of attacks. Exploiting every technique, I know. From regular imbued mana slashes, to freezing it and melting it. No matter the attack it completely blocks or mitigates all the damage with its sheer strength It uses mana to block most of my attacks and its spear to block the attacks that it can see with the naked eye. Like mana slash and any other regular attack. However on the other end. If I try to cut it with my matter manipulation, it simply uses mana to mitigate the entirety of the damage. It's an absolute loss. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Congradulations! I fall to the ground completely exhausted from the battle. I'm bleeding greatly from my hip and back, and the wound on my stomach is still bleeding despite having burnt it shut. 

You have completed the Class selection quest.

As a reward you have been given Matter manipulation.

Due to your excellent skill demonstration you will be given warmage as a class. This class gives you increased mana and intellect while holding the weapon of your choice.

My last piece of advice for you is to prioritize your Mana and Intellect stat. You can increase your strength and agility by letting mana flow through your body.


Unique class,

Increase your mana and intellect by 15% for each equipped weapon. The weapons must be held in your hands to receive the bonus.

Current bonus: 30%

Your final reward for defeating 1000 Orcs, and 500 Titans is two pieces of equipment.

Warmage Cloak

+15 intellects

+10 mana

The cloak possesses a skill which automatically activates a mana barrier while being attacked from behind. No matter how strong the attack is you will not suffer any damage.

Skill: Cant get hit from behind once every 12 hours.

If all 7 items are equipped The cloak protects the user from any attack.

Set bonuses:

(2/4) - Increase each stat by 10 while items are equipped.

(2/7) - Upgrade each items unique skill

Warmage Mask

+5 intellects

+5 mana

Passive skill: The mask releases gasses which regulates the speed at which you get out of breath Saving your energy for longer fights. (endurance +20%)

If all 7 items are equipped the masks endurance increases to 40%

Mana/Health Regen Activated!

My wounds all over my body begin healing one after another beginning with the bigger ones on my stomach and onto my hip, and lastly healing up my sliced back. 

I equip my cloak and mask, The cloak, a very dark color Its size is perfectly wrapped around my chest and shoulder. Not too tight but not too loose. The cloak, going all the way down to my feet practically touching the ground making it easy to move my legs. Buttons on the upper half of my body whereas the lower half is let go. Revealing my pants, and lower abs. 

The mask is a hard black metal covering both my mouth and nose. Leaving my eyes and forehead showing. The hood of my cloak covers my forehead, giving shade to my eyes, and making it hard to see them. The silk and smooth steel mask is making it impossible to see who I am. Which is good to make sure no one can identify me unless I let them do so.

A new notification appears in the air in the middle of the room.

You will be returned to Earth shortly

Enjoy the trip






A flash of light blinds me out of nowhere, suddenly I found myself falling from above the Grocery store we had once been hiding in. The wall the titan had broken is still there, however, there isn't a single monster to be seen. Not in the schoolyard or the store, I make my way off from the store using matter manipulation to lower myself, gradually reducing the power of gravity by half making it easier to jump off. I look around and still, nothing to be seen.

There is no sign of Bee, Daiki, or Aiko. I look around the plaza for a short period before making my way to some other place. I suddenly remember the fight I had with the imperial monster, remembering how it flew up with its wings, yet they did not move while it was flying.

I came to the only conclusion that it was using mana to maintain its height or something of the sort. The thought of lifting my shirt up and down while in the dungeon also came to mind and I decided to try it on myself.

Slowly lifting up and down, shifting left to right, over and over again until I've mastered it. About a minute goes by and I'm able to stand still in the air without falling or losing balance. Although it's easy to lift myself it's quite challenging to stay balanced and under control.

A few minutes go by, and I'm able to move around as if I were walking. The sole difference, however, is I am now considerably faster than when I walk. I, in addition, possess a better view making it easier to search for the others.


I begin by going higher in the air making it easier to see from afar. I go higher and higher as fast as possible. I can see everything in my path, scanning for any possible movement. Far away about 3 to 5 kilometers away, heading in the opposite direction from the school. There's a horde of monsters still chasing them, the remaining goblins, trolls, Orcs, and both Titans pursuing them at a slow pace. The Goblins were in front followed by the trolls, Orcs, and finally the Titans. I make my way there as fast as possible.

"Aiko, can you run any faster?" Daiki says, "I'm running as fast as possible," she answers. "We need to do something about these guys; they won't stop following us. If we don't find a solution, we're done for" Daiki shouts. Bee barks at a high pitch volume, almost as if agreeing with Daiki. "We have nowhere to go, we're on open roads, and the closest place is the school. And we can't go back there, Aoi is most likely dead" says Aiko. Daiki responds "Don't say that; he'll come back I'm sure of it." Bee barks again in the same tone as the previous. "They're getting close to me," Aiko says. "They're catching up," she adds. One of the goblins jumps in the middle of the air about to stab her in the back. Bee jumps and bites the head of the goblin off before tumbling down. Daiki and Aiko both stop and turn around. Bee is surrounded by goblins on the ground, about to be stabbed to death. Aiko screams "NO BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

At that moment, Before getting brutally murdered everyone pauses. A loud rumbling noise comes from underneath Bee. 

Spikes splurt out from the road stabbing all the goblins surrounding Bee. Killing them instantly.

The rest of the monsters, confused, look around, unable to see anyone or anything in the close surroundings that could have caused it.

Subsequently, strong pressure came from the school's direction pulling everyone down to their knees including Daiki and Aiko. No one's able to move. The final few goblins, trolls, and orcs are all on the ground groaning from the pressure emitted onto them.

Although the pressure can't directly injure them. Opposingly, It still causes colossal amounts of discomfort and stress on the body. If received in large doses can sometimes lead to symptoms like coughing blood or falling unconscious. The pressure causes most of the weaker monsters, goblins and Trolls to vomit blood. The Titans barely able to stay on one knee, look up to the sky.

Pointing out an anonymous figure,

A black cloak, a mask covering the lower half of its face. It's a male-like figure with muscular arms and upper body. Glaring down at the monsters, a storm begins to rumble; a dark gloomy storm has arrived, thunder and rain coming down on them. The lighting behind the anonymous figure creates a flash revealing its dark eyes for a moment. The pressure gets stronger and stronger. You can feel its rage coming from the pressure.

Out of nowhere, a cold area appears around the monsters, the Goblins trembling from the cold whereas the Titans are barely affected by it. It gets colder and colder over time, and The goblins are unable to move from the cold. The Titans, still getting pushed down by the pressure, start to tremble from the cold.

Their mana is no longer able to handle the sheer cold. Another thunder hits behind the figure. Revealing yet again it's terrifying eyes. The man in the sky is still getting angrier and angrier. Daiki and Aiko are completely terrified. However, on the other hand, Bee is completely unscared, not even in the slightest. He seemed almost relieved, Daiki was confused, but what he didn't know was that Be remembered a familiar scent from the man. A scent he's memorized for a few months now. The strange man, Pulls out swords, Both Aiko and Daiki remember those familiar short swords. they were Aoi's swords, the second the ominous man had taken out his swords the pressure had increased significantly, and so had the cold. Killing many of the monsters instantly without needing to make a singular motion. The man launches himself toward the ground where most monsters are located. Crushing and killing all of them on impact, he was simultaneously slicing all of them. Without even swinging his swords he was able to kill all of them except for the Titans. They had been left out of the attacks. Almost as if the man wanted them for last. At that moment, the obnoxiously strong male was facing the two titans face to face. Having released his pressure the Titans were able to stand once again. Still suffering from the chilling cold. However, without even being able to see him move. The man leaps behind them, Daiki and Aiko being unable to keep up with his speed. He moves behind the Titans and stands still. Not doing anything. The Titans turn around and prepare to attack as two blue flashes go through their neck. In the millisecond The man had moved behind them he had already sliced both their heads off at the same time by imbuing mana into his swords. The still-standing bodies of the titan slowly drop to the cement road. The man now turns around and finally takes his hood and mask off, finally presenting clear evidence to Daiki and Aiko that he has returned.

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