
Face to Face

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"I need your help," Thane asked as he appeared within his mind, standing in front of Thalion, who was seated on his throne.

"Most of the time, I can sympathize with you, but in this instance, I can't fathom why you're so upset," Thalion commented, "You just had your first kiss, though Solara and Elara will be pretty upset that it wasn't with their reincarnations." 

Thane opened his mouth to reply when he had an intrusive thought, "Wait, did kissing Daphne count as cheating?" 

"I think you're the only one who still thinks you'll only have two wives. But we should focus on the issue at hand." Thalion asked earnestly, even while a shit-eating grin spread across his face, "What could you possibly need my help for?" 

Thane snorted, "You know what, and I don't consider this a laughing matter. If Daphne somehow figures out a way to circumnavigate whatever hold my beast has over her, I'll be sent to Azkaban and given the dementor's kiss." 

Despite Thane stressing the issue, Thalion didn't seem worried in the slightest, "While I'm unfamiliar with the magic your beast employed, it seemed powerful. I could feel your soul shift during the process. There is a powerful bond between the two of you. Frankly, I look forward to seeing how it develops." 

"Not helping," Thane replied through gritted teeth, and Thalion held up his hands in surrender, "While I can't help you with your bond to the young Greengrass Heiress, I can assist you in coming to terms with your beast." 

Thane breathed a small sigh of relief. "Thank you. I would appreciate any help dealing with it." 

"Then listen close as this is my first and most vital piece of advice," Thalion spoke up as he stood from his throne and walked down the dias to stand in front of Thane, "Your beast is not a separate entity; it is you, and you are it. The sooner you can wholly accept that the faster you will progress through your awakening, and the sooner you will reap the benefits of your union." 

"I know that, but it's hard to accept the part of me that's only interested in hoarding treasure, flying, feasting, and fucking." Thane rebutted, to which Thalion replied with an understanding nod. 

"Yes, which is why you and your beast must come to terms with your shared duality. The both of you must come to a comprise." Thalion explained. 

"Alright, then, how do I compromise with my beast?" Thane asked. 

"How about you ask him yourself?" Thalion suggested with a smile, "Invite him into your mind. Common ground is a good place as any to start a conversation between equals." 

"And how do I do that?" Thane asked again, his tone conveying his depleting tolerance for Thalions antics.

"You've lived inside your head every night for the last year." Thalion explained, "If you haven't figured out how to control it, I might begin to doubt your capabilities." 

Thane frowned but didn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes and reached into the recesses of his mind, where, even now, he could feel his beast lying dormant, sleeping. With a mental prod, Thane nudged his sleeping beast, who grumbled once before stirring, 'What do you want?'

'We need to have a talk,' Thane replied, 'It's about time you and eye get on the same page.' 

'Hmm...very well,' Thane's beast responded with a sigh before awakening fully and sending a wave of power rippling through Thane, making his eyes shoot open as the throne room around him trembled. Before Thane could act, the world dropped away, leaving him and Thalion floating within an endless black void. Thane grimaced as an intense wave of vertigo passed through him as he looked out into the abyss. 

Thane took a deep breath and tried to ground himself. Fortunately, the void rippled, and he looked down as a stone floor appeared beneath his feet, allowing him to stand on solid ground. Then, like wildfire, the stone floor expanded, spreading and pushing back the void. In a matter of seconds, a massive stone cavern had formed from the void, a deep underground cave lit up by silver glowing lichen and moss on the walls and silver roots that burrowed their way through the thick bedrock. 

The cavern also featured a large pool of water so deep that the bottom disappeared into a black abyss. The environment was breathtaking, But Thane's eyes never left the massive cave mouth built into the cavern wall, " It's no use hiding; I can feel you in there." 

Like thunder, a deep growl rumbled through the air as a massive form shifted inside the cave before slinking into the bioluminescent light reflecting off its silver hide, "I was not hiding...what purpose do you have for us meeting like this?"

Thane muffled his sigh of annoyance, trying to be mature, "I've been advised that fighting against you will only lead to more pain down the road." 

Despite lacking human features, Thane could tell his beast was surprised by his admission, "I...agree." 

"Good, but this isn't a one-way street; we need to work together," Thane continued. I can't have you trying to melt my brain from the inside out every time you don't get your way or you're upset." 

The beast's eyes narrowed. "I will not sit silent, idle inside our mind and soul, waiting for you to release me. I will not be held prisoner!" 

Thane dipped his head in recognition, "I never had that intention, and I'm sorry if I made it seem like you didn't have any say in the matter." 

"...Very well," Thane's beast replied after a moment before settling onto the ground, "I'm glad you've taken responsibility for all the problems you've caused for going against your nature." 

Thane blinked once, stunned by his beast's sheer arrogance. He stared at the overgrown lizard lying on the ground, and all attempts at diplomacy went out the window, "If my 'nature' had me go and bite a girl on the shoulder, then it needs to change!"

For a moment, Thane's beast didn't respond before lowering its head so it was eye-level with Thane, "We are helpless to change what we are; most, however, never realize the true depths of their character. But I was born from your subconscious. Your deepest desires and thoughts gave birth to me...a messenger for your suppressed psyche. You seek greatness but lack the arrogance and pride to achieve your true potential. You preach that we must work together but still do not understand that we are one. You move in the shadows and plot, hoping the wolves won't sniff you out, but they need to see you...they need to see us. Stop hiding what we are capable of. Let our brilliance shine so brightly that any who stand in our way become blinded by our radiance." 

As the beast spoke, its voice gained an enchanting quality, and it reverberated through the cavern. Thane, taken aback by his beast's words, failed to respond as the dragon stood up, "I believe we have exhausted our dialogue for tonight. But...I look forward to conversing more in this setting." 

Then, before Thane could get another word in his beast turned around and retreated into his cave, leaving Thane with more questions than answers.