
Chapter 9

C... Chantel? Seeing the curly haired girl who stood at her door to welcome her, she suddenly felt a strong sense of satisfaction and longing.

Welcome home Vera.

I..I Vera really didn't know what to say. She had always imagined this scene just that it was the other way round. Holding an apple cake and welcoming her friends back home.

A tear somehow found it's way down her cheek. The caring and motherly Vera has returned.

Calvin stood at the side and only looked at Magnus whose smile and dimples could still clear one's sorrow. Their silent greetings was enough for them.

They both looked at the girls who were now hugging in years they couldn't help but shake their heads. They had completely neglected them.

A few minutes later...

We're all settled so.. what's the plan?

Calvin who just joined after making a call repeated impatiently.


We're to go on another mission and this seams to be quite important to the king.

Really Magnus what is it this time that they had to join four of the best forces.

Vera I think we're to steal from a country's bank. I guess that's why they joined four of us.

What country is that?

The JUDE Bank in South America.

And we're to move tonight.

If I'm not wrong Chantel you mean the four cooperation Bank.

Wait are they sick we'll get killed before we get there. That bank is protected by the worldt best security forces. Has the best manager. The best technical planner and worse their scientific technology is such your brain will be blown up before you touch the vault. Remember the cooperation was purposely to save the money of the world's best billionaires.

Calvin is right, you guys must have a good plan or else we're dead meat.

We know Vee and that's why we got our information and plan settled.

Also this will be our last mission together. They are moving us to who knows where. Chantel chips in looking quite grieved.

Ok so now this is absurd!

Why will they do that?!

Enough with the chatting we have a life and death situation here.

So the Security council is controlled by Mr Eugene Oregon.

He's a special Army agent fought multiple wars protected the country's border for several years and a very good spy.

He's ruthless and kills when he finds it suitable.

Chantel you're responsible for getting the security code that he keeps.

Also the CEO Daniel Denova.

He controls all the management and with only his finger print can the vault be opened so Vera you're getting that.

The technical planner we need to know how to control the company's technicals to buy us time.

So Calvin you are to get all the information we'll need from Jessica Simpson.

And as of me I'll be getting the information from the company's planner I'll know when and how we can get our way in.

I guess we're almost settled.

The plan? Calvin asks.

The plan comes after we get the information.

So plan begins tomorrow night at the Lotus bar.

As of now... pack we're leaving.

You guys are insane!

Calvin screams.