
Chapter 33

That shitty crazy bitch! Fuck her and that stupid schemes she's making. God should probably warn her fake parents to stay away for she was pretty sure the next time they meet it would probably be their heads on a silver platter!

Jessica had been cursing ever since she gained consciousness however she knew deep down it was only something she did to cover up the fact that she reffused to accept she had lost everything including her last hope the only thing that didn't make her feel like an item of trade. And that too it was her fault. Yes she blamed her self for all that had happened after all she could have chosen to not impress her parents and be selfless however she chose to be selfish and this was probably her retribution.

Shit!! She couldn't help but curse again. She felt the extreme pain in her heart and the tear she had been holding up with finally flew down her left eye. She couldn't wipe it away for her hands were tied and her eyes covered with a blindfold.

I hate her I hate myself I hate those shitty bastards who pretended to be my parents and I hate whoever bought me! She kept screaming histerically ignoring the fact that she didn't know where she was or the state she was in right now. Her heart was in a mess as tears kept streaming down her blindfolds. She didn't look like the crazy and sassy Jessica anymore she only looked like a haggard and broken soul left to cry in despair.

She knew that wouldn't get her friends back however she couldn't control the overwhelming emotions that shot arrows into her chest. She wished had Vera to lean on or probably Umi to destruct her or maybe Calvin to try to make her laugh. But who was she kidding she had sold them out the only people she had left in her life were gone because of her own selfishness.

She had no right to hate anyone for she was probably hateful herself. At least who ever bought her gave her a new life. The life of a slave who must obey the rules of her master for he owned her life . She stopped her actions which had only turned to hiccups and soft sobs when she heard the door creek open.

She could feel the presence as the person looked down at her. She couldn't help but think how pathetic she looked at the moment.

Instinctively she knew this was her master and she as a slave couldn't help but tremble.

However the stranger seamed to just stand there and watch not really doing any of what she'd imagined.

Or wait was her master an old woman who is a girl trafficker? Was she going to sell her for another bigger price?

Those words coming out of her mouth sounded rather ironic. Jessica Simpson the girl who tolerated no nonsense and was never going to allow anyone to tame her was now guessing who her master ,her owner would be.

Sad wasn't a word to describe her emotions at the moment for she was devastated. It was as if the burning fighter had been put off and what remained was dark and lifeless ash.