
Chapter 21

Magnus had just escorted Umi back to the bar after having eaten several ice creams. Umi understood something now. She had always wanted to be known or should she say popular. She hated being invisible and being treated as non important. After all in highschool she was the only unknown subject amongst her friends. Vera was the caring nerd mother, Jessica was the rebellious kid, while Chanty was the girl who talks with her fists. And her? She was practically a nobody. Well the girls did make her feel like a princess but to her it was not enough she wanted everyone to see her the way the girls did. And what other way could she do that than to tame the wild and crazy Eugene. Eugene was one of the new students who joined the school. He was actually devilishly handsome with sharp features and very well built figure albait he being a junior high student he was more like the renowned prince of England however his attitude had nothing to do with the gentle and charismatic nature of a prince. He was rather the opposite. He'd hit girls and skip classes. He'd even gotten the worse English teacher kicked out of the school.

So he was known as the bad boy. And definitely every girls crush. The truth is girls like bad boys. Why? It's simple they think they can change them. And changing something so unchangeable makes you special unique and very cool.

This was the little seed known as the way to popularity Umi had planted within her heart. She hadn't thought it will grow into a tree of excessive obsession and infatuation.

In the end she was the beauty who never got to tame the beast. And while trying to do so she hurt her friends her close friends.

She didn't know when she had again entered the bar. She thought she felt someone push her but she totally ignored it. She found her self a counter and gave her card to the bar tender who stared at her with loose jaws.

Umi knew that look and totally ignored it. Now that she thought about it she had never accepted advances from other males she hadn't even thought them important was that all cause of an infatuation?

She gulped the first drink she'd been offered and sighed saying; This is to being very foolish.

she drunk another and continued ; this is to chasing Eugene.

Another and another and another...

All while muttering things she shouldn't have done or did wrong.


A few moments later Umi was dead drunk. Tons of bottles and empty glasses laid before her. She looked around and realized that almost all the everyone in the bar was gone. The only person with her was a man who seemed to be concentrating on the contents of his drink. He seemed spaced out. Since he sat at a distance away, Umi moved in a zigzag pattern and managed to sit beside him.

Hello I'm Umi. She said in a drunk voice. However there was no reply.

It's fine if you don't want to mind me. After all I'm a bad ... bad person.

He still doesn't turn. His side profile alone was mesmerizing . His features weren't as sharp as Eugene's however they could be considered more flexible. He looked like the kidnapped prince of hell who had just come out after being released.

I'm not so bad you know. Really I'm not I only turned bad when I became big. You see when I was this small. Umi was now making hand gestures while she talked. I'll never decive anyone. I only had one wish. Do you know what it is? Still no response.

I had always dreamt of marrying a cute and devilish prince. We'll live in a beautiful castle with several maids which I can play with. I really didn't no how to cook and I still don't however I wishes I could feed my husband till he becomes fat .... well not like a pig.

I'll. e in the kitchen with him while we cook together chop the onions tear up and wipe each others tears. At night we'll watch my favorite twelve dancing princesses and eat coloured popcorns. We'll kiss each other good bye and sleep while cuddling. I'll call him hubby and he'll call me princess. And in summer we'll play with our four kids Hannah, Emy, Lucas and John. We'll visit a beach and have barbecues. We'll feed them sweets and they'll love us and feel safe.

What a dream I'd had back then. We'll ever child is stupid and indecisive.

Haha... She gave a hearty laugh filled with self mockery. But look at me now I've grown obsessing over someone I never really loved and now Im facing the truth it hurts so much.

Tears were welling up in Umi's eyes as she forced herself to not cry. She takes another shot.

The man who was now facing her couldn't hide the amused smile he had on his face.

Your story is fascinating. A melodious and semi heavy voice sounds.

Umi looks up at the owner of the voice only to find the prince charming on her dreams had followed her to the bar. Her eyes widened comically as she stared and blinked repeating the action several times.

Have you ever thought of the devil looking cute and yet devilish? Well that was exactly what Umi was facing. Dark eyes, straight nose with a cute round end. Very long and scattered lashes in dark and a bobbing Adam's apple.

First she stares, robs her eyes and stare, and then she reveals a scary and wild smile which looked rather cute on Umi.

Hehe... I guess I had this dream again. She looks around . And this time in a bar? You know what forget it.

I had always wanted to do something before the dream ends. She looks at him with sly eyes.

What? The voice sounded again.

Umi pushes forward puts her arms around his neck and gives him a lingering innocent kiss. She pushed pack and sees he's still there. Her smile broadened again as she looked at him once again. Well I guess this dream isn't going to end anytime soon. Why don't we have our first baby. She jumps onto his thighs not allowing him to say a word.

The man could only blink and stare.

He really didn't know what was going on.

Umi continues her kissing spree leaving lingering kisses all over the stranger's face. She was like a child.... a teenager kissing the portrait of her crush.

She stops for a moment and says ; you look cute.

The scene continues as Umi sits on his laps and acts like a spoilt wife.

However the scene ends when Magnus appears to take her away and apologize to the stranger. Everything happens she fast as they step out of the bar.