
Last Mission ABO Dimension.

"Hearts in the Dark: Between Doubts and Desires" follows the story of two friends and a criminal who are transported to a world where secrets from the past and fears of the future collide, shaping the destiny of men destined to "not" meet. Damián, a hardened ex-mercenary scarred by life's hardships, suddenly finds himself linked to Adam, a powerful Alpha Prime. But while Adam yearns to explore the possibilities of love and a new world, Damián finds himself trapped in a spiral of distrust and self-doubt. He doesn't believe in the promises of a different future, nor in the possibility of finding redemption in the arms of another man. As Damián and Adam struggle to overcome the barriers that separate them, their journey intertwines with the story of Aster and Callum, whose own romance blooms amidst the shadows of uncertainty. While Aster and Callum defy societal conventions and embrace the intensity of their forbidden love, Damián faces his own inner demons, struggling to find the trust needed to fully surrender to the other. As the paths of these two couples cross and intertwine, they discover that the true power of love lies in self-acceptance and the courage to trust the unknown. In a world where the past threatens to consume the present and the future seems uncertain, love reveals itself as the guiding light in their darkness, showing them that together, they can find the peace and redemption they so desperately seek.

Lee_8053 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Revelations, 89

Aster was greeted by an employee of the imposing Kadman mansion, immediately realizing that he was entering a world completely different from the atmosphere of the Campbell mansion. Every detail, from the welcoming atmosphere to the environment to which he was accustomed—the simple act of crossing the mansion's threshold brought with it a sense of perfect tranquility.


The aroma that permeated the corridors of the house was an enveloping mixture of fresh flowers and subtle notes of polished wood, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Each breath was like diving into an oasis of tranquility and refinement—a sensory experience that engaged all of Aster's senses.


Aster dressed with the distinction and good taste characteristic of someone accustomed to the most refined circles of society. His black tailored trousers, meticulously cut to fit perfectly to his form, exuded discreet elegance. 


Complementing them, a blouse of substantial fabric, adorned with a delicate floral print on a light background, conveyed an air of sophistication and charm. The puffed sleeves, with subtly controlled volume, added a touch of refined drama to the ensemble, balancing classic style with a modern flair.


On his feet, polished black leather shoes completed Aster's impeccable look, with every detail of his attire contributing to the aura of elegance and confidence he radiated.


As he walked towards the room where Mason was, Aster reflected on the complexity of his feelings. He had experienced both love and loss on a monumental scale, delving into the depths of intense and dark emotions that shaped his existence. 


This visceral experience, permeated with complex nuances, was where Aster truly felt at home. Perhaps it was this familiarity with the darkest corners of the human soul that allowed him to establish a deep and strange connection with Lady Sarah Campbell.


Far from being too proud to admit his mistakes, Aster acknowledged the possibility of being wrong about his actions and about what he had planned for that day. He even hoped fervently to be mistaken, as it would mean he wouldn't have to flee hastily, as he felt the imminent need to do so.


He knew there was a small spark of hope for Damián, a remote possibility of starting a new life. At least, that's what he deeply yearned for—to see Damián find happiness. It's not just about a new home; he sees in this opportunity the chance for a rebirth for Damián.


Despite considering that perhaps it's the opportune time to flee, he refuses to accept that idea. No, he doesn't want that—maybe... or at least now, everything they've been through might be worth it!


Of course, here's the updated scene description, with the suggested changes:

As Aster entered, he found Damián wearing a front-zip jumpsuit adorned with suspenders and belts, reminiscent of a stylish race car driver's suit. The fabric was smooth to the touch, and the combination of contrasting colors enhanced his slender figure, giving him an aura of modernity and sophistication. Every detail, from the precise finishes to the meticulously crafted buttons, reflected the care and attention to detail characteristic of a haute couture brand.


"Aster looked curiously at Damián's outfit. 'What's this?' he questioned, surprised.


Damián smiled, displaying an air of satisfaction. 'Do you like it? There's one here for you too, in a different color, of course...' He explained, pointing to a similar outfit in a different shade. 'The brand belongs to a friend of Lady Elizabeth. I found the piece quite stylish, and you?'


Damián spoke openly in front of Mason. 'I receive gifts and pampering every day. I'm just being nice by wearing them.'


Aster greeted Mason with a discreet nod, conveying a gesture of courtesy and respect. Mason responded with a nod back, his gaze revealing a mixture of perplexity and fascination at the interaction between the two men before him. 


To him, the scene seemed so surreal that he could hardly believe in his own reality. As Damián handed the clothes to him, Mason felt it was a disguised farewell, a farewell wrapped in gifts and smiles.


'He made mistakes, yes,' Mason thought to himself, observing the exchange between Aster and Damián. 'But he also learned from them.'


Aster and Damián continued to converse animatedly, discussing the colors and styles of the clothes. 'Mason will go with yellow, I with red, the blue is yours, and the white is for Emeline,' Damián suggested, seeking Aster's opinion on the color choices."


Aster approached Damián with a curious expression. "I thought we were going to the gallery today."


Damián smiled, revealing a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "I thought of something a bit different for today..."


"After all, a good day cannot be common; it has to be distilled, a show of improvisations," he added, with a mischievous smile.


Observing Damián in his peculiar outfit, Aster couldn't help but comment with a touch of irony: "You're exuding privilege."


Aster raised an eyebrow, considering Damián's suggestion. "So, where exactly are we going?"


Damián replied enthusiastically, "To a special place. A leisurely stroll through the charming town of Vhenator. It's a coastal spot further south of Markarian, with stunning beaches, vintage-style stalls, and a traditional kiosk, all framed by a picturesque Victorian town."


"And, of course," he continued, "Mount Galekil. A place where multicolored sand meets the topaz blue sea, sculpted by white limestone rock formations. It's simply amazing, don't you think? Perfect for a day among friends."


As the three friends bid farewell at the entrance of the imposing Kadman mansion, Lady Elizabeth expressed her concerns with a gentle smile, but with a touch of apprehension in her eyes.


"Damián, please, take good care of Mason, alright?" She directed her gaze at Damián, conveying her trust in him to look after their friend.


Damián nodded solemnly. "You can count on it, Lady Elizabeth. I'll make sure Mason is safe."


Aster also joined in the farewell, expressing his own wishes. "We'll be careful and have fun. We'll be back before you know it."


Lady Elizabeth smiled, giving them her blessing. "Have fun, but take care of yourselves. I'll be waiting for you."


As the three headed towards the parking lot, Damián took the lead in choosing the car, carefully examining the available options. After a moment of deliberation, he selected an elegant and sporty sedan, confident in his choice.


Meanwhile, in the surroundings of the Kadman mansion, two employees watched the scene closely, their silent cameras capturing every step of the three friends as they walked through the well-manicured gardens. Their voices murmured in whispered conversation, speculating on the nature of the friendship between Aster, Damián, and Mason, while their lenses recorded the moment with precision.


The three friends arrived at Emeline's house in a sleek and sporty sedan, smoothly cutting through the quiet street of the residential neighborhood. As they got out of the car, Damián cast a meaningful glance at Mason and whispered firmly, "Search the car for any trackers or cameras and disable them." His eyes conveyed a fierce determination, indicating the seriousness of the mission they were about to undertake.


Mason nodded silently, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Alright, I got it," he replied, his voice firm and confident.


While Damián and Aster made their way to Emeline's house entrance, Mason headed to the car, conducting a meticulous search for any surveillance devices. With skill and swiftness, he located and neutralized any trace of monitoring, ensuring that their presence left no unwanted traces.


Meanwhile, inside the house, Aster and Damián handed the clothes to Emeline, greeting her with friendly smiles and exchanges of small talk. Emeline received the gifts with gratitude, expressing her appreciation for her friends' kindness.


When Emeline finished dressing, Aster, Damián, and Emeline returned to the car, where Mason awaited them. Damián cast an inquisitive look at Mason and asked, "Is everything clean?"


Mason nodded with a satisfied smile. "It was surprisingly easy," he replied. "The job is done."


With the duty fulfilled and the feeling of a successful mission, the four walked away from Emeline's house, ready to face the next challenge that fate had in store for them.


The journey continued smoothly, with the soft sound of the engine echoing through the road. Damián broke the silence with a direct question to Mason: "Are you Austrian?"


Mason pressed his lips briefly before nodding. "Yes," he replied, his expression remaining neutral, though his eyes revealed a mixture of discomfort and caution.


Meanwhile, Emeline remained silent, but her lack of knowledge on the subject was evident. She didn't recognize the name of the place Damián mentioned, and Aster kept the conversation in a casual tone, as if there was no tension in the air.


"I find your country fascinating," Aster said, with a friendly smile. "The geography and terrain, especially the Alps, are impressive. And we can't forget about Eisriesenwelt, the world's largest ice cave, with 42 kilometers in depth. Incredible, isn't it?"


As Aster spoke, Emeline cast a brief glance at Mason, her eyes conveying a mixture of understanding and solidarity. Mason returned the look with a nearly imperceptible nod, expressing his gratitude for her silent support.

The conversation continued smoothly, and at one point, Mason directed his gaze back to Emeline and said sincerely, "I'm sorry."


Emeline responded calmly, a slight smile playing on her lips, conveying comfort and acceptance in the face of the challenging circumstances they were facing. "It'll be okay."


The cold air of the city enveloped the four friends as they walked the winding trails of Mount Galekil. Despite the chilly weather, the beauty of the surrounding landscapes made up for any discomfort, with their majestic mountains and verdant valleys stretching as far as the eye could see.


As they walked, Emeline expressed her admiration for the city and her suggestion to spend more days exploring that charming place. Their footsteps echoed softly on the packed earth as they shared stories and observations about the nature around them.


Upon reaching a high and secluded point on the mountain, Aster and Damián unloaded baskets containing a selection of food and drinks. Despite the serene environment and the apparent normalcy of the moment, the discreet presence of a weapon at Damián's waist added a subtle tension to the air.


With skillful gestures, Aster spread a towel on the ground, creating an improvised space for a picnic. As Damián assumed a stance of discreet vigilance, Aster began to pour the wine, filling the glasses with the ruby liquid that gleamed in the light of the setting sun.


Despite the stunning beauty of the scenery, the delicious food, and the exquisite wine, a strange atmosphere began to form among them. Under the golden light of the sun, the murmurs of conversation were replaced by a silence laden with meaning, while fleeting glances were exchanged and unspoken thoughts hung in the air.


Aster took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words that were about to come out of his mouth. He looked at Emeline, seeking courage to share the truth he had carefully guarded. Finally, he spoke with a firm voice, but laden with emotion:

"Emeline, there's something you need to know. My name isn't Aster, and the same goes for Damián. In fact, we go by Spencer Walker and Josh Smith. We're not the real Damián and Aster you knew."


Aster took a deep breath, preparing for Emeline's reaction. When he finished speaking, she was silent for a moment, her gaze alternating between Aster, Damián, and Mason. Then, with a serious expression, she said:

"Tell me the truth. What are you hiding? Do you think you can fool me with this talk? I just want to protect you."


Her eyes fixed on Mason, a flicker of concern crossing her face as she continued:

"He's threatening you, isn't he? You did something. I want the truth."

Her voice trembled slightly, and there was a note of desperation in her words, as if she were clinging to hope that it was all just a tasteless joke.


Mason swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Emeline's words. He knew he could no longer hide the truth and that the time had come to reveal what was happening. With a heavy sigh, he began to speak, carefully choosing his words as he explained the situation to Emeline.


Meanwhile, Damián watched the scene with a mixture of anxiety and apprehension, his mind spinning as he tried to anticipate what would come next. He knew that Emeline's reaction would be crucial.


He didn't choose that place randomly; accidents happen, and he never thought he would feel bad for Emeline.


The discussion grew more and more distant as he got up; it was time to resolve.


Rising with determination, he approached her, his expression expressing remorse and sadness.


"I'm sorry, Emeline."


Sensing Damián's approach, Mason felt a desperate impulse course through his body. With surprising agility, he pressed a small device embedded in his arm, triggering a sequence of extraordinary events. An intense glow erupted from the device, and before Mason's eyes, a holographic panel suddenly appeared, filling the space around him with three-dimensional images and vibrant colors.

The holographic panel manifested before Mason, displaying a futuristic and fascinating interface. In rapid succession, the holographic system activated two additional panels, one for Aster and another for Damián, while a mechanical voice echoed through the air:


"Access was recognized and accepted by Special Agent Spencer Walker. Access recognized and accepted; Mercenary Josh Smith."


An aura of suspense enveloped the environment, intensifying the atmosphere charged with expectation. Each word echoed with profound meaning as everyone waited in silence, aware that something extraordinary was about to happen. Then, abruptly, everything ceased. A second mechanical voice interrupted the sequence, addressing Mason calmly and impersonally:


"User unidentified. Access denied."


The ensuing silence weighed like an anchor, heightening the tension in the air to its maximum point. Incredulity gave way to a wave of confusion and disorientation. Emeline felt lost amidst the confusion of chaotic thoughts swirling in her mind. She clung to the hope that it was all just a mistake, an illusion created by her overactive imagination.


However, as the gravity of the situation imposed itself on her, fear began to creep into her heart. A shiver ran through her body as the cruel reality settled in, and she found herself facing the unknown with a mixture of apprehension and dread. The idea that her friends might be aliens, beings from another world, left her feeling on the edge of an unknown and frightening abyss.