

Jordan Alarick is a self-trained inventor with a mission of inventing something vital that could stop all the crimes in his country, Baleria. Jordan’s father sent him out of the country at a young age to avoid being part of all the fiasco in the country. Now Jordan came back to Baleria to find answers to his suspicion about his father’s death and to continue his father’s lifelong mission. Saving Baleria from the crime rings. In his journey to finding answers, he employed Valencia as his personal assistant. Valencia is the estranged daughter of person who wanted Jordan dead the most. What will happen to these two in this fast paced story of betrayals, unrequited love and crime?

Aleem_Kabirat · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Jordan had not expected the scene that greeted him as he entered the house that morning. The lady that opened the door for him stepped aside with a sombre look. He did not want to believe what came to his mind as he saw the young lady looking so morose. No, they couldn't possibly know. He had been specific with his instructions at the station the night before when he informed them not to send anyone over to Eric's house yet.

"I would do it first thing in the morning. I just want that poor woman to have a good night's rest first" he had told them and his colleagues had expressed their understanding as they promised to leave it to him to break the news.

"It couldn't be," he thought in denial as he followed the young lady to the living room.

"Yes, it could be" he affirmed when he heard the most hateful voice he had ever heard in all of his life. The soft-spoken, well-modulated voice of Lance fucking Dickson.

"You will have to hold in your grief, ma'am. I understand that you might be distraught now but this was part of what he signed up for, what all of us signed up for. I am sure that you would be able to move on from this very soon. You are a pretty woman and…"

"Jesus," Jordan thought in anger as he overtook the girl that was leading him to the living room and entered where they were seated in anger. He was aware of how his hands had fisted at his sides. It seemed his fist had a recollection of what happened the night before and wouldn't mind repeating it.

"Oh, there you are, Seargent, nice of you to join us. I was just breaking the news of our comrade to his lovable family" Lance said in such a cheery tone that one would think he was talking about how fine the weather would be that day. Jordan gritted his teeth as he looked over at the hateful man. His sweet-smelling perfume permeated the room so much that Jordan felt like he would gag. He could barely see the black eye he gave the bastard the night before. It seemed to be concealed by something but that didn't completely cover the discoloured part on his fresh baby face. Jordan was almost tempted to lean over to check what he had used. Make-up? Revulsion washed through Jordan's frame.

"And a fine job of it I could see you doing, Inspector" he responded in a tight voice even as his eyes sought out Aria's. She was not looking at him though she was looking straight ahead as his hands clenched and unclenched against the throw pillow on the couch she sat facing the bastard who had said god knows what to her before Jordan got there. That bleak look was worst than if he had met her crying. For the sake of her child, he wished she would cry and not just sit like that. Like a statue save for the movement of her hand, he was sure she was unaware of.

"Ah, don't pout, Junior. I was only doing what you neglected to do on time. You know, being your supportive superior. I couldn't sleep overnight when I heard that you would rather go home to have a good night's rest first before you informed this poor woman of the great tragedy that had befallen her. That was not well done of you, Alarick. I thought you were friends with…err. The deceased" he said with a sly look at Aria.

Jordan felt like descending on the bastard who was deliberately twisting his own words to suit his purpose. Jordan had no idea what his purpose was but he knew he couldn't allow himself to sit here any longer upsetting this woman that was trying to be strong amid the unexpected calamity that befell her family and failing. He saw an involuntary shiver shake her frame and he knew that she would break soon. He had to get this pompous pig out.

"Now that you have done your patriotic part. I would suggest you…"

"Yes, officer. Now that you have done your patriotic part. I would like for you to leave sir so I can mourn properly. As you said, I need to start my grieving so I can forget him as soon as possible, don't you think?" Aria Bruce said as she levelled a chilling smile on Lance that made the bastard chafe a bit as he removed his cap in a sign of respect, nodded his head and stood up before picking the pristine white handkerchief that he had laid on the couch that Aria offered him. The bastard.

Jordan remembered how cheerful her voice was on a normal day, not this dreary tone instilled with a steeliness that she was using now but he couldn't help but respect the way she was able to dismiss Lance without so much as raising her voice or sounding disrespectful all while showing how less she thought of him. Fresh grief snaked through Jordan's system as he could see one of the reasons why Eric loved this amazing woman so much. This was a woman to rely on.

Lance shuffled his feet. Jordan knew that he was not used to women levelling that kind of hostile look on him, they had always been putty in his hands in face of his fake smiles and impeccable manner added to his baby face that made most of them think him cute. Married and single women alike.

He made a slight bow to Aria as he said "Okay then, I will leave you to…it, ma'am. If you need anything, you can just call on me or ask of me at the station. I am Lance Dickson, Inspector Lance Dickson, your husband's superior" he said grandly like he was expecting applause.

"Does this bastard has no shame?" Jordan thought as he pondered the earlier rejected urge to punch him on the other side of his face as well. He wondered briefly how he would be able to talk that down.

"I get that the first time" Aria responded with her smile in place "Right before you told me how my husband got himself killed by getting himself involved in a senseless operation led by Seargent Alarick. Yes, I remember, thank you for the offer"

What? The bastard said that? Jordan wondered why he was still surprised by anything that the unscrupulous cad did.

Lance looked shamefaced for a moment as he said to Aria "Okay, ma'am. A good day to you" then he turned to Jordan with his perpetual sneer "You heard the woman, Alarick. She wanted to have time with her family and she wants no…"

"Oh, Jordan can stay. He is a friend. I won't see you out, Inspector" Aria replied with her eyes on Lance as she emphasized the word friend, making it known to Lance that she didn't count him as one.

Lance looked at Jordan then back at Aria.

Then he nodded and left.