
Scorch Trials 7

A head spun in the air, sprinkling all the blood to its surroundings. Then, came another head flying out from the same position as the first head did.

Raiden had entered the crowd of zombies. Without any hesitation or fear, he went charging alone inside the crowd of zombies. He showed those zombies they were no match for him.

He ran through the crowd by slashing the head of zombies standing ahead of him. He didn't stop, and neither he looked back. All he had in his mind was to cross this big crowd of zombies. 

He ran in a straight line cutting the head of zombies immediately as they came ahead of him. All those zombies on his sideways couldn't even lay hands on him as he even cut their hands as they tried approaching him. He did all that just while running through the crowd and in seconds he made it to the other end. 

He left the crowd while making a perfectly straight line of corpses behind him in the crowd.

Then, he ran straight away from the zombies. As an obvious response, all the zombies ran after him.

'Oof. That could have gone worse,' Raiden said while still running from the zombies.

'Hey! It wasn't that bad.'

'Oh. Hell no. Even a second of slacking could have gotten me bitten.'

'Sure. Sure. I have been hearing the same thing for the last 5 years. So no way you would go down that easily.

'I sure hope not!'

Raiden looked behind and they were right off his back.

The train was moving forward and the noise invited some zombies to try and catch it. While Joel was still worried about Raiden.

'Right after the flare, came the explosion. I wonder what happened to Raiden. And, what could have happened to him if I didn't give him that grenade? Was that the right move or wrong?'

Several questions filled Joel's mind. And the answer to those questions were missing. The only thing that could give him answers was the second station. He hurried the train to reach the station. 

Raiden was in hurry too. The non-stopping run once again began for him. They both wanted to go to the station as fast as they could. 

The night was still dark. Even the moon was hiding behind clouds. That night a man was running and a train was moving. Both were followed by some flesh-eating zombies. Their destination was the same. That was the terrifying and bizarre site of Aomori city. 

At last one of them came to a stop. The train reached its destination. Joel reached the second station. He looked out of the window with his flashlight but there was no sign of Raiden. The zombies following the train finally caught up to it and started banging on the metal of the train to get inside.

Joel was ready to wait as long as for Raiden to arrive. He took out his big knife and came out from the train's cabinet. 

'I'm sure Raiden would be here as soon as possible. And, possibly bringing a huge horde along with him. I have to keep the train ready to leave as fast as possible. But, first, I have to get rid of these zombies.'

He jumped down and started slaughtering the zombies. There weren't so many zombies there but that was a good amount to give anyone trouble but Joel killed them all single-handedly without even dropping a sweat.

All there was left for Joel was to wait patiently inside the cabinet.

One hour passed.

Joel neither said a single word nor did he look away from the entrance for a single second. 

Another thirty minutes passed.

Joel still stood in the same position, glaring at the entrance.

Then came a sound. Joel was startled by that sudden noise. He finally shifted his gaze in confusion. The sound came from behind the train. He peeked outside the window and saw a bright light shining on his face from a far distance. Not just his face but the entire station shone from that little light.

It was Raiden on a motorcycle. Driving on the rail tracks, coming closer to the train while bringing a massive horde of zombies with him.

Joel was filled with joy but there was no time to space out. He went back on the panels and started the train. 

Raiden reached the train just when it started moving. He pushed breaks, jumped from his bike, and ran to catch the train. He managed to grab onto the metal stairs hanging down the train. And, he climbed up.

That was a close call. Zombies reached the train too. Raiden entered the cabinet and asked Joel to speed up the train.

Joel nodded and ran the train at its full speed. Zombies started losing the train. They were left behind but still were running to catch the train.

Joel and Raiden were finally out. Raiden laid down on the cabinet's floor and relaxed.

Joel laughed and said, "That was some adventure. So, what the hell happened to you out there?"

Raiden sat on the floor and said, "It was just too crazy. First off just when I found the car, the centipede found me. I tried everything to get away from it in the car but it was always a few centimeters behind me. And then, those stupid holes. I almost fell into one of those. That was one scary moment when my car was hanging by that hole. Then the centipede pushed my car and it fell on its back. That was the time you fired the flare and the centipede started moving towards the station. I somehow managed to get outside the car and shot at it. The guy was a tough one, bullets didn't do shit to it. Then, your grenade came into the clutch. I threw the grenade at it and the centipede ate it. Stupid thing literally ate that shit. Then, the grenade exploded and the centipede ran back to its hole. After that, the shitty zombies came. I had to run from street to street to lose that buch. Finally, I found a motorcycle. I lock-picked it and hurried towards the station."

"Holup! Holup! Holup! Dude, at least take a breath between your sentences. You said the whole thing in one go."

Raiden calmed down and gasped some air.

"Anyway, so crazy things happened. I'm glad you are alive thought," Joel exclaimed

"Yeah, me too. I don't know how I survived that."

"At least we are fine for the time being. If the train doesn't stop running, these zombies would never be able to catch us."

Joel looked at all those injuries Raiden had and said, "Are you really ok though? You seemed to have taken quite some injuries."

"Oh, yeah that. Don't worry these are nothing. I'll just patch myself up in the coach behind and it's not hurting that much anyway."

"Yeah, you got it. Rest assured."

Raiden left the cabinet and entered the empty car. There were no seats or anything so he sat down on the floor. He looked over his left had and found an injury which he got from the broken in the car. He took care of all those injuries with the medical kit he had for an emergency. 

After patching himself up, he laid down on the floor and closed his eyes.

'That was a crazy day in these 5 years after the world ended.'

'I wonder why this world had to come to an end?'

'I wonder why all those things had to happen 5 years ago?'

'I wonder if we could have done something different to not see this outcome?

'I wonder…..'

Raiden fell asleep as he thought about the world and its end.