
Deadly Charge

"What was that?" Sheila got startled as they heard the gunshot.

It was 4:45 pm and the sun had hidden behind the clouds. The wind was quite harsh that day and it was blowing down the street. 

Birds were chattering all over the place. Due to the decent wind, they were having a great time. 

But, the loud gunshot disturbed all the peace among the birds and forced them to flee the scene. 

The flock of birds who were sitting around the Gas station got disturbed because of the gunshot and gathered above the Gas station to flee from there. 

Raiden and Sheila looked at the sky and felt like the birds were gonna devour them at any second. But, all of the birds flew away instantly, leaving the sky as clean as it was ever.

"A gunshot," Raiden whispered. "It was definitely a gunshot."

"It felt like it was somewhere around here."