
Last Luna

Belladonna is the last werewolf on earth, thanks to a freak event where a wolf was spotted man kind armed up and hunted werewolves down. On the run for the past two years Bella met a man also in the run from the law named Nicolas and starts to trust him, but she gets grabbed by a criminal organization not for the massive bounty in her head, but Tony, the mob boss, wants to use her as a means of negotiation, a tool to threat his opposition, in return Tony offered her protection, a warm bed, and her days or running was over. Nicolas in the meantime still tried to rescue her and met a man named Deno, who was sent by his siblings to kill Bella but he instead decided to protect her and told Nicolas he's actually a vampire and one of four lords that has no weakness accept for the bite of a werewolf. Anastasia Le Blanc, the vampire countess wants Bella dead at all costs. the last of their eternal rivals being alive holds back a grim plan they have for man kind. It is up to Deno and Nicolas to help Bella become a Luna, the fabled female alpha spoken of only in legend now. But can Bella become a Luna without a pack? Will she be brave enough to face the vampire lords? Or will she stand back and allow the vampires to have their way with man kind? Humans have hunted her down and caused her nothing but agony...

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
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231 Chs

I'm talking about a Luna

Deno lowered his hand an folded them behind his back "You see my dear pup, surge day is one of the few days one is able to truly find out if a female wolf can rise to the peak of what she can be" he said looking sternly at Bella.

"Okay?" She said with big eyes.

"I tell you, there is nothing like her, I've met only two in my lifespan... And loved one" Deno closed his eyes and turned walking slowly away "She was the very epiphany of brilliant, a woman so confident and radiant when she walks in the entire room comes to a stop to look at her, human, vampire, even other wolves alike, she's what I call a one in a million" he said and turned back to them, but his eyes still on Bella.

"Sounds like a real babe?" Tony said.

"Do not dishonor her with that word, she is finesse, strength, cruelty and kindness, she rules your world if you allow her to and if she finds a liking in you, she will even die for you"

The room was quiet, everyone tried imagining this woman he spoke of but Deno smiled "Know what I'm on about Bella?"

She shook her head.

"I'm talking about a Luna of course"

"A Luna?" Nicolas asked "What's that?"

"In wolf terms an alpha female, I doubt any of you men has ever met a Luna before, they are a rare breed of woman, when she sets her eyes on you, she will have you, and I'm not talking of lite scratching oh no, she can make your life as beautiful or as dark as you can imagine it to be..."

Nicolas looked at Tony then the two looked at Bella together "So what does this have to do with Belladonna?" he asked.

"Our pup over here is still considered an omega among wolves, and the only way she'll ever face my siblings is if the Luna in her can waken and bloom like a flower in spring"

She folded her arms "You must be joking, a Luna is a pack alpha female, I can't be a Luna because I don't have a pack"

"To you really think so?" Deno asked and chuckled "You think being a Luna is merely a title Bella?"

"Well, its obvious..." She said frowning.

"Who do you think Nicolas is to you? Tony? Me? What about that woman who came in here just now? I hate to say but Saria and Elaine, don't forget my precious Paula..."

"You're not werewolves!" She said.

"Ah, but define the word pack? Its a group of creatures in the dog family moving together as a unit..." Deno said holding his hands to the rest "We are all dogs, in one way or another"

Bella sighed "Fine! Let's say everyone that's close to me I consider my pack, how will I know of I'm a Luna?"

Deno snapped his fingers "Well firstly, we need to get everything you need out in order to be the perfect woman for the job, starting with your anger"


"Have you ever gotten so angry that you just want to bare fangs and slaughter someone?"


"Not even at the wretched men who hunted you down?"

She shook her head.

"Okay let me ask you this, have you ever killed someone?"

"No again"

"Not even in self defence!?"

"No! I'm not a killer!"

"What about food!? You have to eat!?"

"That's called hunting! Not killing! And even then I only hunted deer, rabbits and birds, I never hunted humans!"

Deno slapped his face "Oh dear me"

"What's wrong? Being a killer can't possibly be the answer to her becoming this, Luna?" Nicolas asked.

"On the contrary my dear Nicolai, a Luna is an expert killer, in the pack the only one who bests her at it is the alpha male!"

"Then maybe I should just remain me, I won't descend into being a killer" she said.

"That's too bad, because a Luna is so good at being a killer she even knows when not to kill!"


"Yes, she can face her most hated foe and decide its not in the best interest to kill him, that will probably leave him open for torture, but that comes later" Deno said gesturing "Now come"

Bella walked over and he took her by her shoulders, after pushing her to stand in front of Wayne's passed out body he stepped back.

"Start pumping yourself up, get angry, this man tried to kill you and I want you to take you're revenge on him"

Bella frowned over her shoulder "My revenge?"

"Yes, show him he should have never bared a blade at you, get angry and when he wakes up speak your mind and beat the shit out of him"

She looked at the man taking a deep breath, balled her fists and gave a grunt.

Everyone in the room watched her slant those eyebrows and clench her teeth, mentally working herself up, then Wayne groaned and opened his eyes.

"Oh my gosh he's up!" She squeaked backing up and Deno slapped his face.

Wayne looked around but Deno stepped forward and he tried backing away to no avail in that chair.

"You remain right there or I'll kill you"

"Y, yes..." He said lifting his hands.

Deno stepped aside holding a hand "He's all yours"

Bella took a step forward but her arms were up and her fingers touched her lips, Deno saw the uncertainty.

"Get angry!" He said and she flinched.

"But, hes unarmed!"

"Oh listen to the poor pup croak, he's~ unarmed~ how pathetic!"

"I'm not attacking an unarmed man!"

Wayne moved like a bolt of lightning but Deno had him faster than that around his throat, the very blast of movement had Bella stagger back and fall.

"Where the Hell do you think you're going!?" The man in his grip choked but Deno lifted him from the ground "Didn't I tell you if you move you die!?"

The movement between the two was so sudden no one in the room really followed, Deno threw the man down and pointed at Bella "Get up!"

She hesitantly rose to her feet.

"Now get angry at this man! Show him your wrath! He attempted at your life a second time now!"

She leered at him then looked at Wayne sitting with an equally as demented stare in his eyes, but that alone made Bella back a step "No I, I can't"


"I can't, I'm afraid of him"

Deno rolled his eyes then swiftly twisted Wayne's head off his neck, Bella screamed seeing this and held her mouth.

Deno looked at her as she stood stricken by this scene, then lifted the head and held it to her, she screamed again backing off.

"Are you serious wolf!?"

"Leave me alone!" She screamed and ran out the room.

Nicolas and Tony stood watching the door she violently slammed shut then turned to Deno who dropped the head.

"That was excessive..." Nicolas said looking away from the corpse "Was it really necessary to behead the man like that?"

"Yeah I agree, overkill" Tony said.

"Oh quiet, its clear that wolf is worse than an omega, she's a pup, judging by her reaction now I'd say that was the first time she witnessed someone die" Deno said wiping his brow "She's very far behind, it could take years to get the courage out of her"

Tony sighed "Well, you think she'll do better when her opponent isn't a vampire?"

"Half Tony! This mongrel was half a bloody vampire! Even you could have choked the life out of him!" Deno said.

"I understand but that's me! I'm used to getting blood on my hands! We all have clearly underestimated her, she was never a fearsome predator..." Tony said.

"I agree" Nicolas added "If only the world knew they were in pursuit of a frightened girl with a fur coat on this entire time"

Deno sighed kicking the corpse "I suppose we should find her a more suitable chew toy and start over"

"What if we give her all the advantage? Tonight is a full moon right? I wanted her to interrogate someone who owes me money?" Tony said.

"Does this scum deserve to die?" Deno asked.

Tony shrugged "Uh... Yeah sure, if he dies his wife needs to pay me, she's just as deep in the dept as he is"

Deno smiled "Good, maybe if we can get the taste of human blood on her tongue she'll realise how good it tastes"