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A theif is running fast in a road after robing a purse from an old man in to the nearby bus stop and he was followed by a strong built man who was following him continuously, after a strong chase the man is close to him he is near to catch him ,but suddenly both were stopped by a police Jeep and both were rounded by the police .It was the first attempt of rob by the theif ,so he was quit nervous as he was caught by the police , The inspector had went close to him with the handcuff and the theif knows what would happen next but in contrast to him the hancuff is for the strongly built man who followed him.He got shocked as the police arrested the strongly built man And gave him the info about the accust that ,he was the most wanted criminal in 5 states of India he was a deadliest murderer ,he used to kill and rob from many middle class citizens and escape to different states , the old man in bus stand was also his partner in his crimes, and the old man was his father. we were following him for several months but we can't crack him but today luckily we got him.you just made us very easy to catch him because he was aware of our plan so he just planned to escape from the city but luckily you holded him which made us easy to catch him .

This was the story said by arjun ,nice story arjun said by kamlesh , the climax can be done better arjun said by raju,arjun gets ratings for his story from his friends ,mam shouting arjun come and sit in front of me always talking can't you close your mouth for 5 minutes, class laughs, arjun sat in first bench without any intrest.

Arjun gets free periods frequently so he just use to write stories and share it to his friend, his stories were frequently read by his friends, and they use to motivate him a lot eventhough his story was bad they don't hesitate to read, writing stories is more then hobby it was his passion ,his dream is to write a story which could satisfy all set of readers around the world and he wants his story should win many hearts, so he just tries to write stories frequently but his stories does not satisfy his needs because his stories does not have any emotions so it does not tell what he need to say, he concentrate only in the concept not giving importance to charecters so his stories are not complete but he tries to do it.

After the free period he asks his diary from his friend raja, where he used to write all his stories,raja replied I will return it on evening when the school gets overed . Everyday his school life goes dump other then the free periods, school was bore to him