
Last Heavenly Amazon

She was being tortured by her so-called parents and being isolated in their house for 18 years as she can't see what's the beauty lies within outside. It is her dream to achieve the freedom she wants. The day happen she can now see the face of the World Outside of their walls, will she felt happy and felt the freedom? Knowing she do something that triggered her fear and result to nightmare? Will she accept the New Dimension that the Fates give to her? Or will she stay the same Introverted Girl, afraid of giving trust to anyone? What if she discovers the story of her existence? Will she excitedly face and dig the truth about it? Or she will stay in the past that stops her in discovering who she was? It is not just her story but the story also of the people she will meet. And how there lives interconnected to each other. What will you choose? The fate that will no longer change because it is already written? Or The Will to subside the destined happenings of their life? "A forbidden rule, is forbidden forever knowing it waa the God's who made it. Death is the punishment whoever breaks the rule..."

Scriptamagina · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Chapter 103: See the Light

 Chapter 103: See the Light

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."


"Can you please stop walking back and forth and just relax?" I scratch my hair annoyingly, stop from walking looking on her direction. She widens her stares at me like, I am not the most interesting creature she ever seen…like I was just NOTHING…

"Relax? Did you hear the words, which come out to your mouth? "I countered, as I hissed and grunt an amount of air to ease my irritation. I am waiting hear for almost two hours… They didn't come back yet together with the cure. That's why I acted; nervous it is because of the rumbling and huge explosion far away from this hidden cave or what she called The Life-line of the mountain.