
The Members

Miss Yuna, The Bloody Bear, or simply Yuna.

There were a number of names that she responded to, well, maybe not the second one. That name was just one that she had earned in response to her actions during her time being a member of the Adventurer's Guild, and it was probably never going to go away.

It had been around a week now since she had been isekaied into this new world, and while there had been a number of troublesome situations, it was mostly smooth sailing. Though, she did have one major issue right now that had been pulling at her for days now...

"Ugh... I need fish! Tuna sashimi, fried shrimp, anything!" Yuna's voice cried out as she was rolling back and forth while on her bed. She had yet to change out of the ridiculous bear costume that she had on as she immediately jumped into bed after getting back home.

Ever since coming to this world, Crimonia, the city that she now lived at, only had a supply of freshwater fish that came from the nearby rivers. Due to this, there was a very limited assortment of food that she had been able to eat. Due to the lack of ocean marine animals here, she was suffering...


『You have been invited to the Multiverse Chat Group』

● A place where members can communicate with one another from across worlds, a place that bridges the gap between realities, connecting individuals from across all of creation! Join us, and prepare for an adventure of excitement and thrill! Would you like to join?



"Huh...?" Yuna heard a strange voice speak out as she lifted her head from he pillow, she had expected it to be another message from 'God', but she immediately dismissed that idea as the voice was more robotic. "What the heck is this thing?"

Yuna deadpanned as she stared at the holographic screen that had appeared in front of her, and it seemed to be offering her something. Reading over it, she could only raise an eyebrow in confusion as all the words were processed in her mind.

"A chat group that connects different worlds, huh?" Yuna muttered as she just continued staring at the screen with a blank look on her face. To normal people, they would be thinking they'd gone crazy. But, considering everything that had happened to her thus far, this didn't sound too crazy... "Why not?"

A lot had happened so far since she had arrived here in this new world, but if she was honest, most of it was kind of repetitive. Wake up, go the guild, slay monsters, go home, repeat. True, a few other things happen every now and then, but nothing completely noteworthy so far.

『We welcome you to the Multiverse Chat Group!』

『We thank you for accepting our initiation! We are now connecting you to the group, please standby. Please refer to the general information page below while we connect you』


In the peaceful nation of Liyue, a certain individual could be seen sitting down at a table while calmly drinking from a small cup. In front of him was an assortment of different foods, all of the plates appearing to be rather fancy in nature.

He was all alone in the room that he sat in, though that didn't seem to bother him much as he just continued to drink with a peaceful look on his face. This person was none other than Zhongli, otherwise known as Rex Lapis, or the God of Contracts as well as the Geo Archon.

He had faked his death not too long ago, and he had his own personal reasons for deceiving the people of his nation. He wanted to see if they were capable of thriving without his support, after all, it wasn't like he was going to be around forever despite how old he was now.


『You have been invited to the Multiverse Chat Group』

● A place where members can communicate with one another from across worlds, a place that bridges the gap between realities, connecting individuals from across all of creation! Join us, and prepare for an adventure of excitement and thrill! Would you like to join?



"What is this?" Zhongli narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the screen that appeared in front of him. In all his years, he can't say that he had seen anything like it before. The screen looked to appear as if it were made of a fine glass material. "Interesting..."

His sharp eyes gazed over the information that he was provided, and if he wasn't who he was, he would have thought he'd gone insane. Being the Geo Archon himself, the knowledge of other worlds existing was not far-fetched.

True, none of the gods that have ever existed in this plane of existence had ever actually made contact with anything beyond the borders that separate realities, but the knowledge that they exist is true. Was this possibly the work of another deity?

He threw away the idea that one of the archons may be playing some kind of silly game with him through this screen, he knew that none of them had such an ability like this. He was also not foolish enough to believe that gods don't exist beyond this world, so it very well could be the work of a foreign deity or extradimensional entity.

Simply by reading the message that came along with the offer, he could assume that the person who had invited him to this so-called chat group could be someone who had a rather playful personality. The way they emphasised on a thrilling adventure was evident of that.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't curious to find out what this chat group had in store for him. He was very much interested, in fact, to see what kind of people exist outside of his known world. Perhaps they would be other gods unknown to him? Entities beyond even his own comprehension, perhaps?

Seeing no harm, he might as well see what this entity has in store, right?

"It wouldn't hurt to have a look." Zhongli gave a small smile as he extended his hand forwards after placing his cup back onto the table. He was a bit surprised to actually feel the screen in front of him, it was as if it was a physical object. "Intriguing..."

『We welcome you to the Multiverse Chat Group!』

『We thank you for accepting our initiation! We are now connecting you to the group, please standby. Please refer to the general information page below while we connect you』


Akane Sakurada, that was her name, and she was the fourth oldest child in her family.

Her family was an odd and special one, both for the fact that they were the royalty of their country and that they all had supernatural powers. The fact that they had powers was a now known symbol that they were of royalty, proof that they were from the Sakurada family.

Akane herself was given the power that had been given the name of Gravity Core, which should give you the general idea of what she could do with it. In simple words, she had the ability to manipulate the gravity of herself as well as anything and anyone she touches.

Of course, there was a limit to her power, the same being said for her siblings. The heavier something was, the more concentration and power it would take out of her. If it had no limit, then she could easily lift anything she wanted or fly as fast and anywhere she wanted.

But, none of that mattered right now. She was just currently standing in the bathroom right now with a confused blank look on her face, and the only reason why the bathroom wasn't cramped right now was because the others were already downstairs getting dinner prepared and also that it had been her turn to take a shower.

The reason for her current situation was because of this strange blue screen that appeared in front of her face after she had stepped out of the shower. From what she read, it seemed to be some kind of invitation to join some kind of chat group.

She knew full well what a chat group was, but the nature of this thing was anything but normal. The fact that she didn't receive this so-called invitation on her phone and was instead in front of her in the form of a floating hologram was more than enough to tell her it was supernatural.

It obviously wasn't some kind of advanced form of technology as her father would have been fully informed if such an advancement had been made that they could now project solid holograms, so just what in the world was this thing and where did it come from?

She already knew full well that it wasn't the doing of one of her siblings as none of their powers could do something like this, so did that mean it was another person's doing? Did someone have powers like they did and none of them knew about it?

It sounded crazy.

Only people who were a apart of the royal family were born with powers, so the idea of someone outside of their family having powers was unbelievable. Their powers were a symbol of them being proven to be royalty after all.

"This can't be real..." Akane was doubtful when she read the part about how this chat group connected people from different worlds. Even if she had supernatural abilities, it was still hard to believe in the existence of other worlds. "A chat group that connects different realities. This is too much, it can't be real!"

"Akane, are you okay in there? Is something wrong?"

"N-No, mom! I'll be finished in a few minutes!"

Akane quickly responded when she heard the voice of her mother sound from the other side of the bathroom door, she had obviously heard her freaking out to herself. Thankfully, it seemed that she didn't pick up on what exactly it was Akane was freaking out about.

"I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt, right...?" Akane smiled nervously as she turned her gaze towards the yes option on the screen. If there really were other people with powers, it would be interesting to find out who they are. She may be incredibly shy, but since this was a chat group and not face to face, she should be fine. "B-But, what if they really are from another world...? What would I do then?!"

Akane began having a small freak out once again as she clutched her head, her eyes tightly shut as she thought over the situation. What if they really were people from another world? Would they be hostile?! Just what would she get herself into by accepting?!


With a pushed effort, Akane violently pressed down onto the yes option as the screen shattered.

『We welcome you to the Multiverse Chat Group!』

『We thank you for accepting our initiation! We are now connecting you to the group, please standby. Please refer to the general information page below while we connect you』


Sadao Maou, otherwise known as Satan Jacob, was currently working his shift at the MgRonald's as he was currently watching over the fries that were currently being cooked at the fryer. A small smile on his face as he could hear his fellow employee, Chiho, taking order at the front counter.


『You have been invited to the Multiverse Chat Group』

● A place where members can communicate with one another from across worlds, a place that bridges the gap between realities, connecting individuals from across all of creation! Join us, and prepare for an adventure of excitement and thrill! Would you like to join?



"Wha-! Holy crap!" Maou freaked out in a comical fashion as a sudden hologram suddenly appeared in front of his face. He had almost stumbled back and hit his head on the machine just behind him. "What in the world is this...?"

Maou had his eyebrows twitch in annoyance as he narrowed his eyes towards the hologram, which soon made him widen his eyes as he saw the abnormal sight in front of him. Whatever the thing was, it was by far anything but normal.

He had learnt of this world's technology, while far more advanced compared to Ente Isla, was still not capable of producing things like holograms. He tried to detect any magic from the screen, but to no avail as he couldn't feel anything coming off of it.

'This can't be magic, this world doesn't have magic...' Maou frowned as he stared at the screen. He couldn't detect magic coming from it, which meant that no magic being or anything of the like. That begged the question. 'Where did this thing come from?'

Keeping his guard up, he walked back towards the fryer as he continued to keep an eye on the chips while also reading the information on the hologram. His eyes narrowed further upon reading everything that was being displayed with the offer he was given.

'Other worlds, huh? Does this thing know who I am?' Maou frowned in both interest and suspicion. He wasn't surprised by the fact that it mention other worlds, he wasn't from this world after all. In fact, he was a Demon King from the other world, the world of Ente Isla. 'Whoever made this chat group must be powerful, no normal person can do something like this...'

Creating portal towards other worlds required an incredible amount of power, especially to one's that don't exist within one's plane of existence. Even he himself, a Demon King, while capable of travelling to other universes, couldn't traverse past the Multiverse borders that separate different realities.

The fact that this message was saying that it connected people from different realities spoke volumes that they must be immensely powerful. If what it said was true, then who knew just what kind of being he was dealing with here.

Back in Ente Isla, he was THE Demon King, someone that even gods feared. There were a few gods in the world that even he would struggle to fight against, most of them feared his power. He knew that he was incredibly weakened now due to his inaccessibility to a reserve of magic, but he had a feeling even with his full strength, he would not be able to defeat whoever this chat group creator was.

'I guess I should just accept it. Who knows, maybe I can get some magic from this thing.' Maou knew that rejecting this offer may prove to be a bad idea. The person behind it was obviously immensely powerful, and he knew nothing of their personality, so it was dangerous to reject them. He was a Demon King, yes, but he knew when he was potentially outmatched.

『We welcome you to the Multiverse Chat Group!』

『We thank you for accepting our initiation! We are now connecting you to the group, please standby. Please refer to the general information page below while we connect you』