
Chapter 11 - The Christmas Wedding Part 2

Three hours till the wedding. Two hours to make a cake. How hard could it possibly be???


Thrilled with my father's response, I skipped merrily to the pantry to collect ingredients. Zach left earlier to catch on his jetlag so it was just me and the kitchen.

It had been a long time since I was in the kitchen. Ever since I was young, I had loved the idea of baking. I remember when I interned at dad's restaurant for my work experience once. People eating at the restaurant noticed something different to their dishes as they ate.

A chef working for mum and dad at the time of their marriage told me once that my mum loved cooking as much as I did. Whispering to my ear, the chef had told me that I pinch of sugar and salt in dishes balanced the sweetness of my dishes, causing the food to race people's taste buds.

Although I always hated the fact of getting dirty when cooking, it made me feel close to my mom. I missed her lots and wished one day that I'd be able to meet her.

As made the batter for my cake, my phone kept on vibrated non stop. After seperating the batter into 5 tins, I picked up my phone with curiosity.


Zoe Higgins💎


"Hi girlfriend, how are ya doing"

"Great, just except the fact that my ex and Tiffany are going to my dads wedding, Together. I haven't felt more enraged in my life. The she-devil just wants to reveal some dark side of me or something. All I know that she's a physco!!"

"Don't worry babes, don't let your crown fall. So what, all she's doing is that she is showing her Satanic side by trying to reveal some non existant shit."

"Yeah. So how's the alps?"

"It's great! My family and is getting along really well with my boyfriend. It's like a miracle happened or something"

"Aww lucky. I gotta go know the cakes nearly done and I'm gonna get ready for the wedding."

"Alright, just remember to send snaps, lots of them."

"No problemo Queen thank you so much!!"

"Your most welcome! "



I'm so lucky to have a friend like Zoe. She's so caring and kind she's like my own little miracle.


After a long, exhausting 30 mins of frosting, icing and decorating the cake with a personalised picture of my dad and future step-mom, I've finally finished the dream cake!!

Rushing to my bedroom, dad's stylists waiting outside my bedroom with clothes and makeup for both Zach and I.

"Sorry, let me wake him up". I whispered as I ran across the hall to the guest room.

Stumbling into the room, his six pack was glistening and he slept peacefully like a baby. I felt bad to wake him up from his peaceful state of mind. As his alarm came blaring up, I slipped upon his tablet.

Expecting a loud crash, the sweet smell of Dior fragrance came rushing into my nose.

"Nice to see you enjoying yourself Chlo Blo, but we have a ceremony to get to".

Wtf, İ fell onto his lap??!?

"Oml, I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy. The stylists were waiting outside but they didn't want to overwhelm you."

"It's ok i understand Chlo"

"OK, so bye!"

Running out of the room, my heart began racing uncontrollably as I flushed bright red.....


''Alright, there love?''

Oops, I was so overwhelmed back there I forgot that dad and his crew were just standing right outside?!?!?!

''Yh, dad, I'm good just bit my tongue when I was speaking.''

''Shall I call Shannon to come to check your tongue?''

''Oh no thanks dad you're worrying too much it's just a cut'' I whispered as I saw the staff raising their eyebrows.

Zach came out, blushing as he wore one of dads designer robes he had lent him for the occasion

''Must have bitten your tongue too, am I wrong?''

''No, no sir I was just startled when I saw a shadow looming over me''

''Apologises Zach, I shall go to prepare for the night.

As I ran quickly from Dad, all those embarrassing moments came flashing back quickly, Omg, it is the first time I've embarrassed myself in front of a boy for a long time, boy it feels painful. When I went t pick up my dress from the office, my phone started ringing, I hope it's not those perverted Gilbert boys from across the street.


''Hi C, just checking if you have already faced down with that she-devil. You deserve to have a go at her for all the satanic things she has done. I wish I was there with you''!!?

''Don't worry Z I will have someone to record the whole event so it will feel that you missed nothing. Gtg now I'm running extremely late!!''

''Girl you go do you're thing but remember TO GET THAT BOUQUET??!?!?!''

''Geez, don't worry ill get that bouquet only if you get those french croissants specially made In the Effiell Tower.

''Done deal, don't you forget now woman, ciao!''

Zoey has been begging me to catch that bouquet ever since I mentioned about the wedding details to her. I remember her telling me that those exclusive flowers were made in Berlin by the most famous flourish in the world, Monleit Venue. It is her hobby to collect and as her BBF, I do anything to get my hands on it.


After accidentally spending 50 mins to be prepared for the festive night, I went to the limo to drop off the cake. As the box was blocking my view of the limo, I glanced every five seconds to get a good sense of where I was walking. Upon walking clumsily, some soft fingers came to connect with mine as I felt the cake slide off my hands.

''Next time you decide to carry a 5kg cake, just gimme a shout.''

I could recognize that voice anywhere.

''Thanks, it really did a number to my back..''

''Um, Chloe, can you turn around? I want to give you something that would look amazing with your dress1''

As I turned around, I laid eyes on a beauty that would fulfill one of my life-long dreams.

'' I know how important your mother was to you so I did some research and tracked down one of the original necklaces your mother made''.

Tears began dwelling into my eyes as I stood there, overwhelmed with such powerful emotions.

''Oh my goodness, thank you so much for finding this for me. I gave up on finding this ages ago as it was very difficult to find.''

As we stared at each other's dreamy eyes, we began to come closer to each other. I could feel the warmth of his sweet breath as we kissed passionately.

Holy shit I thought. I actually stirred up my courage to kiss him.

''Let us go, Madame Claudette, to the royal wedding!''

''We shall attend the night of wonder. Monsieur Zachary!''

Laughing hysterically, we climbed into the limo as we were whisked away to the rare beauty of the Night.