
The World in Chaos

One decade later:

POV A new secondary antagonist:

The tall, smooth castle walls towered atop the steep cliff, forming an impassable barrier. Runes and magic circles engraved into the wall's base faintly glowed, giving a mystical look.

The imposing towers reached into the sky, their black shadows blocking the moon's and stars' shine.

Houses, villas, and paved streets stretched in all directions, surrounding the cliff and the castle.

A player stood in the unlit and empty side alley, a few metal plates gleaming under his cloak.

'The former royal castle. Truly a fortress worthy of a king. Today humanity will take back the old capital.'

The dragon was gone for more than a decade, either dead or deep asleep. It was their chance to act.

The masked woman by his side nodded, "I hope you will succeed. We need to expel the monsters ruling over humanity, once and for all."

He didn't answer. Instead, he drew his sword, its long and shiny blade shimmering in the moonlight.

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