
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
534 Chs

Small Teaser

The large dark boulder rumbled and shook as a large thing moved behind them. A bear, a size of a car, stood on its hind legs, its whole body covered in volcanic armour, magma flowing down its body.

Its reptilian eyes were burning in flames, its long curled claws glowing in heat, looking like searing hor iron knives.

"Grah!" the bear turned towards the players, its colossal body dwarfing them all.

"What is this thing? I never heard of a monster like this?" Brown pointed his giant crossbow at the bear-like monster, its string glowing in silvery light.


Analyze result:

Species: Giant Mountain Bear (Draconified)

Level: 30

Danger level: weak


"It's just a mob!" a tall player with eagle wings on his back, looking like a mountain of muscles, rushed forward, the ground under him cracking and a powerful shockwave sweeping across the surroundings.