

POV Vesuvius:

"Go, my draconids. Search the coasts until you find that mansion." The dragon's order resonated through his entire divine kingdom, the command reaching all the beasts waiting just for it.

The smoke swirled as dozens of wings flapped, and the fiery lights enshrouded by thick haze entered the golden portal.

'The coast is long even when excluding the other continents and all islands scattered throughout the ocean.'

Luckily for Vesuvius, he wasn't alone, as he had flocks of his loyal monsters ready. He now had the path forward right before him, and all he needed to do was wait until his servants located the first thief.

'Maybe if I get players involved, I could find it faster. With the forums in play, someone who saw it would respond. The problem is something like that would quickly spread as it would not involve only trustworthy players, but the entire forum.