
The Last Night II

The tournament stadium looked different this time with the field covered with bodies as far as the eyes could see. The stench of rot covered it all. Even the skies and the clouds were red flooding the stadium. The seats were all but broken, the stadium itself looked like it was lost in time, never to be serviced again.

I saw tall shadowy red eyes crawling out of my body. For a moment I froze but as their numbers were increasing one by one, I hid against a banner peeping from a corner. They stood on all four with dog like ears but human like bodies, they were all still as soon as they crawled out, just standing their blank. I decided it was best to crouch to the stadium and find an exit without disturbing anything.

I scrapped both my knees while crawling to the stadium building and I realized I was in my jersey. The insides of the building wall were all covered in spider webs; it looked as if bodies were buried in these thick webs waiting for the right moment to be born.

I silently crossed them in the stadium hallways, the floor was wet with black water and from the other side a sharp noise of metal clanking was echoing. I took a turn and dashed away from the sound.

On the next turn I saw the map of the building posted in one of the walls of hallways. In case of emergencies or fire, these maps guide people to the nearest exit. Beside it I found a fireman's ax lodged in a mirror case. I instinctively broke it and took the ax for myself, hoping it would be useful ahead in some way.

The maps were strategically based all around the turns of the stadium, so I quickly went around the stadium, it was pretty much empty and saw the exit gates.

The exit gates were covered in thick webs laced with blood, with body parts all tangled in it. Pretty soon I realized this is not a normal spider web, I can't remove it with my bare hands, I must chop it down with heated iron as I did with the Pishach.

As soon as I turned back, I saw the whole crowd of red eyes staring at me blankly, their limbs slowly moving toward me. I ran with every inch of my body with my heart throbbing out of my chest. I took a glance back and they were still blankly following me with the same speed. I knew I couldn't stop because I don't know what will happen if they catch up with me.

I was soon stopped dead in my tracks because the same webs from before were blocking my way completely. I can't possibly go back; the only way forward was across the field now. There was a small staff opening in the seating area of the tournament, so I went through it.

Hoping to find what I saw before but to my surprise this small staff opening did take me to the seating area, but it was inverted, all the seats were now facing away from the field. The body-covered field was now empty with only one shadowy creature in the middle of the field. It looked different than others as if it was aware of itself. Its red eyes were surveying the whole of the ground and the seating area.

Let me tell you one thing: these shadowy creatures were very different from the Pishach that I destroyed earlier. The whole setting had a somewhat different aura to it as if it was more real from before. It felt like it wasn't The Pishach's doing but something else. It felt like whoever or whatever was doing it has taken some parts of my memory and merged all of them together.

Right now, I was hiding behind one of the seats trying to calculate an easy path to the other side of the stadium. I was a little less worried from before because I was getting a sense that nothing was looking to hunt me down here.

My train of thoughts was broken because the clouds above teared up in red rain. The red rain covered everything, even me, the rain was cold as ice but smelled like petrol. I realized the shadowy creature can't see anything in the rain and I dashed across the seats to the other side of the stadium.

I reached a place where I had to jump again to enter the building. I jumped and slipped on the red rain. The sound of the splash quickly caught the attention of the creature. Even though it couldn't see me, the sound of it dashing in the rain was enough for me to get up and run for my life.

I entered the other part of the stadium building with the creature now following my footsteps. I ran across the next exit hoping it wouldn't be covered in the webs of blood again.

To my bad luck the hallways were crawling with blank shadowy creatures, but they seemed uninterested in me. So, without disturbing them as quietly as possible I reached an exit.

It was too covered in webs of blood. I needed to light up the ax, it was still drenched in the flammable red rain. I quickly started hitting it against a nearby iron pipe in hopes it would catch fire.

I can feel the creature from before rushing toward me from the hallway. I increased my speed, hitting it harder and quicker, little sparks were coming out of it and finally it was burning.

The creature from the ground was now bigger, unable to properly fit in the hallway; it had to bend and walk.

I saw it rushing towards me, it was now shouting, and gibberish came out its mouth. I took a step back and slipped on the black water that was running in the hallway.

The hands of the creature swallowed me avoiding the flame and took me near the mouth of the creature, it was still shouting something in gibberish, and I was unable to understand it, taking my chance I quickly swung the burning red ax across its face and it quickly threw me away.

Its burning body fell on the webs of the blood, burning it. The body quickly turned to liquid and mixed with the black water on the ground.

The next moment the ground started shaking and the whole thing started to collapse, swallowing itself in the process. I quickly jumped out from it and landed in the pine forest.

Behind me I saw the whole building collapsing in itself with red blood coming out of it as if it was screaming in pain.