
Last Child of Eden: Blood Angel

Leon had always been nothing but trash in the eyes of others. That is, until the man he would end up calling 'master' came into his life. After a terrible turn of events, Leon is forced to become the man his master always knew lived inside him. Along his journey, he will learn to control a powerful system, to gain confidence in himself, make unlikely friends, protect a beautiful vampire and untangle an insidious plot of blood corruption. The stakes are high, and failure means the end of the world. Will Leon be able to live up to the legacy his master left behind?

NovelPleeb · Urban
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27 Chs

Ch 14: Sylwia’s Story

Sylwia's story is not unlike others I have heard over the centuries. A girl from a poor family. Her parents didn't have money to feed all the hungry mouths so when people come around with money, willing to buy fresh stock for their slave trades, there were a few less mouths to feed that day.

Rafat and his crew trade is all sorts of wares and services. His merchandise circulates all over Europe, connecting to other such networks of the slave trade.

People like to think that slavery is a practice of the past. Not at all. It is still practiced in every corner of the globe, even the so-called 'first world' countries.

Sylwia was not old enough to work and not young enough where she didn't eat too much. Being a teenager, her body needed a lot of nourishment. Her, and three others were bought. An older brother and a younger sister.

Horror followed. They were not together for more than ten days when her younger sister was bought by a sheik from the Middle East. Her brother was drafted as a challenger in an illegal fight ring.

Sylwia didn't get news of his death until years later, but apparently, he hadn't lasted more than a year before someone smashed his skull with a rock. Of her sister, she has never heard word.

For herself, Sylwia caught the eye of Rafat's right hand man's son, Dariusz. He courted her and for a time, she thought that he really cared for her. Because she was with an important man's son, she thought she was saved from the terrible fate other girls suffered, being trafficked as sex slaves.

She did not know Dariusz half as well as she thought she did. It turns out that many men propositioned to bed her without his knowing. Dariusz was just waiting for someone to come up with a price he thought was fair.

The night came, just a few days after her 19th birthday, Dariusz took her to a party. She was drugged and she woke up to a nightmare.

They hooked her on drugs, made her into the clients' plaything. For four years she endured a hell few can even imagine.

Sylwia went from being numb, to wanting to end things, to hoping against hope that someone, some when was going to save her. One night, during a time when she had no hope, her world turned upside down again.

Dariusz took her back to her hometown for the cruelest reason. To choose a new girl bring into their world. The new girl had to be one of her younger sisters.

Sylwia begged and pleaded. She promised anything she could think of. Dariusz only laughed and told her to choose, or he would choose for her. Sylwia's younger siblings looked at her, confused, barely recognizing their long estranged older sister.

In the end, Sylwia couldn't choose. She just couldn't. Dariusz shot Basia, crippling her and told her that if Basia dies, she dies. So ever since then, Sylwia forced herself to keep working and living through hell after hell, all so that her sister could live.

Despite wanting to save Basia, she still could not help but have moments of darkest despair. Where the kiss of a blade to her neck seemed so much sweeter than the smile on Basia's face.

Being Dariusz's concubine and Basia's caretaker. Living in a world where all she was useful for was to be used. It was all becoming too much. Every day, the thought of death seemed stronger and stronger.

One night, after satisfying a particularly disgusting client, Sylwia was crying in the bathroom. She had the shower on so the putrid pig wouldn't have the satisfaction of hearing it. A knife was in her hand. She had kept it hidden for years. On nights like these, she thought about just slitting her throat and ending her suffering forever.

Something stayed her hand that night and she set the knife down as she had all those times before. Sometimes she hated herself for not following through. That she was being a coward. Yet there was a voice in her that true courage comes from moving forward no matter what. From choosing to keep living and surviving despite all the horror and pain and misery.

She came out of the bathroom to find the piece of filth asleep. She slipped out of the hotel room and sat outside on one of the benches. After lighting a cigarette, she notices a woman coming up the street. At first, she thought she was seeing things, but she realized that the woman was wearing a habit. A nun? Out and about in a trash place like this? Never!

Sylwia tried to blend into the background and become invisible. She knows exactly what she looked like. A whore. A f**king whore. What nun wants to speak to an ugly thing from the gutter of society like her?

The woman was about to walk by when suddenly she turns on her heels. Sylwia's heart froze. Something told her that this was no ordinary nun, or woman for that matter. When she looked up, two shining eyes stared back at her. Sylwia gasped, dropping her cigarette, wondering if she was seeing things. Or maybe this woman was really some kind of monster!

The woman asks if Sylwia can see her eyes. Sylwia never needed to answer her. The woman knew already. So, the woman removed her hood, revealing that she was indeed an otherworldly creature.

Sylwia wanted to run, but the woman's next words convinced her to stay. Not only that, but to trust her.

The woman reached out her hand, offering it to Sylwia, a gentle, beautiful smile on her exquisite face. "Come and be free, child."

Sylwia took her hand, they rescued Basia and disappeared into the night.

"So, that's how you met Ulyssa." I say.

"Yes, that's how. She brought me here, where other girls in trouble were. It didn't matter to her who we were, only that we needed help." She says.

I look at her. "Surely you know that there is more to it than that." I say.

"What else would there be?" she says.

<She doesn't know?> Grace says. <She doesn't know she has the Blood of Eden in her veins.>

<Ulyssa must be trying to protect her.> I say. <Until we know for sure the reason, should keep this to ourselves now.>

<You're probably right. The last thing this girl needs is another war to fight. She deserves some peace.> Grace agrees.

"I guess nothing." I say, smiling. "I'm happy that you escaped that life. Not many are so fortunate."

She nods. "Trust me, I thank God every day for everything I am blessed with. He, Ulyssa, everyone. They gave me a second chance." She says, tearing up. Even someone like me, who did all those terrible things."

I come over and sit next to her. I pull her towards me, and she lays her head down on my shoulder.

"Now, we can't blame ourselves for the things we do to survive." I say. "Would you believe that in my youth, I was just a street rat among thousands crawling around in the city slums?"

Her head raises. "What? Someone as perfect and gorgeous as you? I don't believe it!"

I chuckle. "Oh, I wasn't so perfect once upon a time. Trust me, I was rather pathetic for a long time. There were rats bigger than me lurking around."

Sylwia laughs. "Is that true? Were there really?"

"Absolutely. Many a boy or girl would go missing if they weren't careful. Rats are more dangerous than people give them credit for." I say.

"But you made it out." She says, laying a hand on my chest, looking deep into my eyes. "Just like I did. So, tell me, Leon, who saved you from the terrible darkness?"

Sylwia seems way too close all of a sudden. Is it just me or is she leaning way into my personal space here?!

I turn my head away. "A man saved me from being killed on the whim of a tyrant. He was a great man and I called him master in my youth. He trained me, gave me every kindness and privilege one could ever desire."

"He sounds like a great man." Sylwia says, tracing the line of jaw.

"He was the greatest, more than I can say or that anyone will know."

<Ugh. You make it sound like he was the Lord Savior himself! Barf!> Grace says, making a retching sound. <Sometimes I wish you had a mute button, virgin.>

"Leon." Sylwia says, turning my face back towards her. Our noses are almost touching and all I can do is stare at her soft, full lips. Her voice is a breathy whisper. "We were both saved for a reason. Maybe that reason is right here. Right now."

"Sylwia, I don't-." I try to say something, but it is cut off as Sylwia closes the remaining distance between us. Our lips press together, and it takes me a second to realize it, but this is it. I am finally having my first kiss!

My body feels like an electric current is moving through every circuit. My hands move on their, grasping at her shirt, moving over her back, but stopping before they wander to more private places.

I am nervous. I feel awkward and I am absolutely rock hard in my pants and so I am uncomfortable too.

<My, my.> Grace says. <You say you haven't kissed a girl, yet I can tell from what's going on here that are natural pro. Congratulations rockstar, keep this up and definitely straight to home base tonight!>

<Grace, will you knock it off! This is my moment! Can it!>

<Whatever, have fun.> Grace says, clearly hurt. Then she is silent.

I start to feel like I should have been a little kinder with my words. I am about to apologize to Grace until I feel Sylwia's hand grab my penis through my pants. She makes a sound in her throat that is both a moan and a growl. I find it both sexy and terrifying.

She rubs me over my pants, and I find myself helpless, wanting her to keep going, wanting more and also not knowing what I want.

Suddenly she swings her legs over mine and is straddling me. I hug her to me, my hands wandering over her shirt.

She gives an impatient grunt and shoves me back into the couch. Her eyes are ablaze with desire. "I need this f**king shirt off, right the f**k now." She says, practically tearing at my top.

I maneuver so she can get at my shirt and in one smooth motion she lifts it over my hand flings it to the ground. She gasps as my chiseled body comes into view.

Her hands wander over my chest and arms, across my shoulders. She runs her fingers over the creases in my abdominal muscles.

"Oh, my G*d, you are absolutely perfect." She says, biting her lips. "I feel like I am in the presence of a Greek god."

"I-I don't k-know what t-to say." I admit. I hate that I can't help but be bashful. Here is this gorgeous goddess worshiping my body and all I can do is stammer like a buffoon!

She gives me a playful grin, leaning down and biting my lower lip. She traces her tongue down my neck, eliciting sounds from me that I've only ever heard others make in the throes of passion. It seems so strange for it to finally be my turn.

"You don't have to say anything, Leon." She says, kissing down my body. "I'm going to take care of you."

She slides down to the floor and begins to pull at my belt. The click of the clasp suddenly snaps me back to the reality of what is happening.

<Holy s**t!>

<Language, Leon. Seriously, how many times do I have to remind you watch the swearing?> Grace says.

<Grace, um, she's doing, uh, the thing to my pants!>

<Yeah, you virgin. It's called taking them off.> Grace says. <This is kind of where the magic starts, so enjoy ride. Then you can just die.>

<Magic? Wait, what was that last part?>

Grace doesn't answer and I am suddenly brought back to Sylwia when I feel her teeth nip at the top of my underwear. All that is between her face and my bulge is one single layer of very thin and breathable fabric.

She grabs the waist band. She prepares to yank down.

All of a sudden, I am on my feet. I jump back from her. She looks at me confused.

"Wait, what are you doing?" she says.

I hold a hand out to her. "Uh, w-wait. I-I, can we just, um, take a second here?" I say, hoisting my pants back up.

She blinks, confused. "Um, sure." She lifts herself and sits on the couch. "Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no." I say, wanting to punch my own face in. Why did I stop her?! I try to slow my breathing down, but my heart won't stop racing. "It's just-."

There is a pause. "It's just-?" she says, concerned. "It's just what?"

I zip up my pants and latch the belt buckle. I turn away, leaning up against a beam.

"You're going to think I'm lying." I say. "But I have never been with a woman before." After a while I add, "Actually that was my first kiss."

There is a pause as I wait for her to say something. It goes on for a long time, and I am about to back around when I hear padded footsteps just behind me. A moment later, Sylwia's arms are wrapping around me from behind.

"It's okay. We can take things a bit slower, if that's what you want." She says in a whisper.

I turn around in her embrace. She looks up at me with big, earnest eyes. I can't help but give her an embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry." I say.

She snorts. Then bursts out laughing. "You don't have to say you are sorry, you know." She says. "But your face was just priceless at that moment."

I rub the back of my head. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"I've never seen a god-tier man like you act so timid." She says, tossing me back my shirt. "Usually types who look like you, mind you, no one looks like you, but you know what I mean."


"What I'm saying is that beautiful men tend to be real a*sholes." She says.

I grin at her. "You don't say?"

"You know it's true! Don't deny it."

"I can neither confirm nor deny." I say, giving her a playful wink and pulling on my shirt.

She bites her lip. "Woof. What a shame to put all that away." Then she sees the time and sighs. "I guess it is getting late."

<Leon. A call is coming for you. It's Ulyssa.> Grace says.

"Excuse me a moment." I say to Sylwia and pass into the next room.

"Leon, go ahead." I say.

"Leon, you've been gone for hours. Are you still mad at me?" Ulyssa says.

"Uh." For a moment, I totally blank on what she is talking about. Then I remember how our conversation ended, and I clap my forehead. "Oh! Look, I'm sorry for storming out like that. Super unprofessional of me."

"No, I am the one at fault. Sometimes my mouth gets me into trouble." She says. "Anyway, change of plans, Sasha is available sooner than expected for a meet up. I need you back to get prepped right now."

"Okay, I'll be right there." I say.

"Right. I'm sorry if I was interrupting anything private." She says. Does she sound a little annoyed?

"No, it isn't any-." Click!

<She disconnected.> Grace says.

<Yeah, I gathered.> I say, returning to the living room.

Sylwia perks up as I enter. One look at my face and she slumps back down. "So, I'm guessing I shouldn't ask you to stay the night?"

I give her an apologetic look. "That was Ulyssa. Duty calls." I say.

She gets off the couch and I realize her shorts are off. Oh lord her shorts. Are. Off!

"Eyes up here, big boy." Sylwia says, directing my chin upwards until i am looking into her eyes. She leans against me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Promise me that this is a rain check and not goodbye forever."

"I promise." I say, not trying to seem too eager to go. As hot and lovely as Sylwia is, the business awaiting me is serious and now has my full attention.

Sylwia must sense this, because she relinquishes her grip. "I'll hold you to that."

I nod and make my way to the door. "Goodnight, Sylwia."

"Goodnight, my shining knight."

Here concludes some firsts for Leon, but certainly not lasts! Unfortunately for our hero, the world needs him and the tragic but fortunate Sylwia is going to have to wait. Thanks for reading, all! Vote, comment and come back for more :)

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