

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

BoringStuff · Action
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7 Chs

Mysterious encounter in forest

The morning sun bathed the garden in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows that danced with the gentle breeze. Dewdrops glistened on the leaves of various plants, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of nature's beauty. I stood amidst this serene setting, my sword gripped firmly in my hand.

The sword, a faithful companion through countless hours of training, felt like an extension of my arm. For the past six days, I had dedicated myself to honing my skills and mastering the intricacies of basic swordsmanship. The sweat on my brow and the aching muscles were proof of my unwavering commitment.

Now, as a 3-star swordsman, I had earned my first rank in this ancient art. The world of swordsmanship was a hierarchy, and each star represented a milestone of expertise. Those who had achieved the pinnacle of skill as 5-star swordsmen were honored with the title of "swordmasters." The elusive 7-star ranking belonged to the revered "expert swordmasters," a select few who were considered legends in their own right.

Yet, there was a realm beyond even these esteemed ranks. The 10-star status was reserved for the elite few who could rightly be called "grandmasters." It was said that anyone above 10 stars had ascended to a realm known as "Swordgod," a title so rare and coveted that it was whispered about in hushed tones.

In the entire world, there had never been a swordsman to reach beyond 10 stars. Such mastery was the stuff of legends. Even the King, a powerful figure in the continent, held the esteemed title of grandmaster, a testament to his unparalleled prowess with the blade.

As I continued my practice in the tranquil garden, I couldn't help but dream of the day when my name would be spoken in the same breath as these legendary figures, reaching for the stars in the world of swordsmanship.

Alright, enough dreaming; that was all the training I could handle for today. The grueling practice session had left my body drenched in sweat and sore from head to toe. I made my way to the bucket of cool, refreshing water I had placed nearby. The sensation of the water splashing over my heated skin was pure bliss, much like the feeling of washing my face with cold water in the crisp morning air after a rigorous training session.

But just as I was about to savor the moment, a bone-chilling scream pierced through the serene forest surroundings, jolting me into immediate action. Without a second thought, I abandoned the bucket and snatched up my sword. I knew that scream meant someone was in grave danger.

My heart pounding, I sprinted in the direction of the horrifying sound, my boots pounding against the forest floor. Trees loomed overhead, casting eerie shadows as I darted through the tangled underbrush. I scanned the area frantically, my senses heightened, but there was no sign of life or movement.

Ignoring the voice in my head that urged caution, I plunged deeper into the forest, my strides growing longer and more determined. My breath came in heavy, rapid gasps as I continued my relentless pursuit of the source of the scream.

And then, amid the rustling leaves and oppressive silence, a flicker of movement caught my eye. It was grotesque, a monster-like something lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, I charged toward it, sword gripped tightly in my trembling hand, ready to confront whatever malevolent force lay ahead.

I ran to that place. It's a boy about the same age as me lying unconscious on the ground, his face etched with fear. But what truly caught my eye was the giant monster, a nightmarish creature that seemed to have crawled straight out of the darkest corners of mythology. Towering over us, it moved with an eerie, almost ghostly grace, its eyes fixed on the defenseless boy.

I knew I was exhausted, my body aching from the frantic sprint through the forest, but I couldn't stand by and watch this horror unfold. With renewed determination, I gripped my sword even tighter, my knuckles turning white. My heart pounded in my chest as I rushed towards the colossal beast, my footsteps echoing in the stillness of the forest.

As I closed in, I targeted its massive feet, hoping to disable it by any means necessary. With a swift, desperate strike, my sword pierced through its leathery skin, but the blade became lodged in its bone. The creature let out a guttural, otherworldly growl, its attention shifting from the unconscious boy to me. The silence that had shrouded the forest gave way to a malevolent tension.

The colossal monster, once eerily quiet, now moved with a hostile intent. Its immense hands, gnarled and grotesque, swung toward me with terrifying speed. I managed to leap aside just in time, narrowly escaping the impending blow. My heart raced, knowing that a single misstep could be my demise.


The ground quaked beneath the monstrous force of its attack. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that had I not dodged that crushing blow, I might have met a grim fate. With my sword still lodged in its bone, and my strength waning, the battle against this colossal terror had only just begun.

I immediately understood that I couldn't win against it. My grip on my sword loosened as the realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. With swift determination, I rushed towards the boy, leaving my weapon behind. The monstrous creature, a menacing presence, began to pursue me relentlessly.

In that desperate moment, I reached the boy and scooped him up in my arms, With every ounce of strength I possessed, I started running as if my life depended on it – because it did. The forest around us blurred into a chaotic whirlwind as I fled, and I could hear the pounding of the creature's massive footsteps echoing behind me.

Despite its terrifying speed and relentless pursuit, the creature's enormous size became its downfall. It couldn't match my agility, and that knowledge fueled my determination to keep running. My legs felt like they were on the verge of breaking, my breaths came in ragged gasps, and my vision grew increasingly dizzy.

But I couldn't give in to exhaustion. I whispered to myself, "Just a little more, just a little further," willing my body to push beyond its limits. I ran through the dense underbrush, my heart pounding in my chest like a war drum.

Finally, a glimmer of hope emerged as we burst out of the suffocating confines of the forest into the open air. I couldn't be sure if the monster was still pursuing us, but I couldn't stop to find out. My strength depleted, I collapsed onto the soft grassy ground, gasping for breath, the boy safe in my arms, my heart pounding in unison as I prayed that the creature was left far behind in the depths of the forest.

In that moment of eerie silence, I took slow, deliberate breaths, desperately trying to regain my composure. The pounding of my heart grew less frantic. My gaze shifted to the boy lying beside me, his face serene in unconsciousness. I realized I had never met him before, and questions raced through my mind.

With determination, I hoisted the unconscious boy into my arms, his weight reminding me of the responsibility that had now fallen upon me. Together, we made our way toward the mansion.

Although the mansion I live in bore the grandeur of the past, it had an air of faded splendor about it. Its size, though impressive, was not overwhelmingly vast, and the presence of only three maids and a handful of guards hinted at a more secluded existence.

As I entered the mansion's ornate foyer, the maids, dressed in their neat uniforms, rushed toward me with a mix of concern and curiosity etched on their faces. Their voices overlapped with questions about what had transpired outside and who this unconscious boy was.

Summoning my authority, I instructed them firmly, "Prepare a room for him and tend to his wounds immediately." Their training and efficiency were evident as they swiftly but gently carried the boy away, their worried glances passing between them like silent whispers of concern.

*You have overcome your ability.*

*strength: +2*

*agility: +2*

My heart remained heavy with unanswered questions, but I knew that for now, my focus had to be on winning the tournament.