

The cold night was quiet and intimidating. There was rough struggle between the two figures. A figure of a man and a woman .Damn you Lily Random....you bastard...…. Let me go she screamed .... Never! he shouted dragging her long braided hair.... I told you a million times I didn't know what the letter contained..... she screamed

You should have showed me first before burning it . It was a mistake psycho , a mistake that Will cost you your life..... please, I beg you let my husband go ...…. He was never part of this ….. she said looking devastated, he's dead already he said has he forcefully kissed her ...… let me go Bastard kill me if you want….. she said. Shhh! Let me taste the last of you….he said, she bit his lower lip ...….

My God , bitch! He slapped her...

So you never really loved me ....

I did , only that your attitude and burning my letter changed my love for you Iris...… it changed it completely.... I hate you Random , she said and spat on his face. He licked her saliva .....didn't I say I wanna taste the last of you , so c'mon keep splitting on my face.... Asshole she said angrily...as she picked up his automatic and fired ,his left leg was badly injured.... You're an animal ….. as she stepped closer to him he managed to use his right leg to kick the weapon off her hand...… now you're strangled, he said.... she was too weak to help herself Evil Random caught up with her strangled her as she drew her last breath and said you're going to..... hell Random that was what came out of Iris mouth at the last hour. What a night sorrowful night it will be when their only daughter gets to know both her parents are dead .

Chapter 1 : Harleen

This is a piece of my life and my mind. I'm Harleen Quinzel the only child of my parents, you see my family ain't like other families, we're fun , high spirited, Holy rollers and amazing. We do things together, love and care for each other , agree and disagree on most things , fight and settle as it is.

Then there was this disaster, this nightmare became real that it blew things up pretty badly. I woke up this morning at 10am it's Normal on Saturday's but something was unusual and strange, mom and dad are still in bed , it was past ten now I went upstairs to check up on them if they were trying to play a prank on me ...., mom, mom , dad ... I called out to them , but there was no response. Mother, father this is not a joke, no it's not, to my greatest surprise….. I couldn't believe my eyes , every breath I took was like hell.

Again it's not a joke pull this off if it's a prank am not used to silly jokes got it , wake up ! Wake up! For once it was a nightmare their body was stiffened, there were no traces of blood, just cold pale skin like the dead , they were dead , My God !!!! . I couldn't believe the reality at the moment, no one could revive them , it's too late I guessed.... Not even a miracle can wake them up . What do I do , I thought for seconds ….. call the police, hire investigators, pay a bunch of highly educated advocates, press charges, catch the murderer ….., but who could be responsible, who would want my parents dead, but why , why? I allowed free tears flow for minutes, crying would not change the past without my parents am nothing why didn't the murderer take my life instead, why the most precious thing in the world to me , I stared on the dead body of Iris and Hugh , my parents , the only mom and dad o would ever have , the first one and the last , Now there are gone . They had spent 21 years 6 months and 5 days with me which I believe isn't enough.

I will never see the sunlight since I woke up in the horror of the morning it took my happiness away . I will dwell in the dark . Now every time I see e light of the day , it reminds me that I am alone without my parents, that i had wake up on the 28th of April without my parents, the sun , the light took away my happiness , the joy and everything I could call them

Few months later, Harleen became a night owl , the lights now hurts her skin, sight and everything in her. She slept during the day and will be up all nights. I began studying night animals, night beings and stuff about the night . I read about zombies , vampires, ware wolves and other folklore of the night. I was an agent of the dark , I hated anything white.

My lenses are now prone to lights, I get a little lonely being by myself all day or at least I think I'm alone . I watched the moon and sometimes count the stars if possible, everything's so cool. I now leave alone All by myself in a house, a very huge one , a big white and very spacious mansion.

A month or so I received a letter from the organization I had applied a job from 2 weeks ago, they just replied and they said am hire . I work on night shift, several people in the organization were concerned that a girl of their daughter's age work on night shift,they often say which 17 years and half girl would take a job offer for night , people in the organization often whisper , well I don't care what the damn organization thinks or say

I really don't given in much to what people say about me , for all I care I love being alone.

My parents death really changed me to the extent I no longer socialize with anyone.... Harleen's life was now all black and white no single tint of color . She became an enemy to day light .