
Larger than life, bigger than us

Lily woke up with no memories, only one name : hers- Lily but why do they keep calling her Ran Sheng? Who was this mysterious Ran Sheng with a perfect fiancé? Why had she lost her memories? Who was she? Lily needs to find her memories fast before her ennemies make a move. But she had no idea who those enemies were and why they were trying to harm her. Follow Lily in her adventures to find who she is, and true love! ***** First time writing, if you like the story please comment out and let me know! ^_^ As a note : English is not my first language and the story is unedited so please indulge me a little...

Lyeeria · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Birds of a feather flock together

The struggle was real. Jump or wait? If Lily was to jump, she was sure to drown as she was way too tired to swim...even if she knew how to swim. If Lily was to wait, she would die of hunger and cold. Anyway not like the choice was hers to make...Lily closed her eyes. As she just finished processing her options, Lily's body decided to jump in the water. Looks like Ran's decision was similar to hers...which was surprising since Ran's thirst for revenge was so intense...There was no way this girl would have chosen to jump to her death.

Lily foot had hardly touched the water when she felt a great wind, the feeling of her body touching another body, a hard one, and in a matter that barely lasted a moment, she was back on the shore.

When she opened her eyes again, she was face to face with a handsome young teenager boy. Too young to be called a man but too manly to be called a boy.

His eyes were fixated on her, tinted with a lot of sadness and a bit of anger.

"Young Mistress...Why put yourself through so much suffering? Is it worth it?"

Lily didn't answer anything. The young man looked familiar. Where had she seen him before?

The young girl pondered a long time before replying.

"I am no longer a young mistress, just a common human being, unworthy of your concern, please return." Her voice was cold, devoid of emotions. Her eyes travelled up and down on the man's body then, she seemed to have come to a conclusion, turned her back and started walking back to her chambers.

"Young Mistress, since the day you accepted me, there isn't a day where I wasn't willing to give my life for your sake. Please do not use such words as unworthy, it's paining my soul. I can't hold my form anymore, I will be back." His voice was full of fervor and passion.

With red eyes, the teenage boy vanished into thin air.

Lily wondered again who that young man was...The mystery around Ran Sheng had thickened out. One more puzzle to unravel. Lily was starting to think she would never be able to get out of this. Besides how more longer was she supposed to relive this memory? How long had she been out? She sighed again and decided that first and foremost she had to change into dry clothes and then despair over her situation. Going in, she swiftly went to her wardrobe, fished out a few decents pieces of clothing, undressed quickly and dressed up even faster. As she was still shivering, she added a large and warm cloak on her body and teased the fire in the room.

Now that she was no longer in those soaked rags, her stomach grumbled. She realized she didn't know if Ran had breakfast but clearly, the last time she had a meal was hours ago. She went out with the intention of finding the kitchen.

When she stepped out of her room, the smell of a freshly cooked meal greeted her senses.

"Looks like the meal is being served. I have such a great timing!" Lily expressed herself innerly. She was rather glad and so, her lips curved into a faint smile.