
Where Am I


a loud voice ringed through heajun's ears, she could feel someone grabbing her hands and shouting something, although it wasn't clear she could hear cut the strings


She thought while grabbing her stomach hardly

'it hurts even though i was shot more than 2 times


a girl's voice came through her mind

'Focus, why?'

'i am gonna die anyway'

a girl with small yet dark brown hair was laying down on a black space

'Huh! Isn't that me'

haejun could find herself standing on that black space, below her was herself dying

'w-whats going, where am i'

she looked around but nothing was found except herself and a blue string which was tied in her hands

'Wait blue hair?!'

She looked around her body all around but all she could see was an unknown body with a beautiful skin wearing a long thin white gown

'Whose body is this, Where am i!'

Haejun looked down, and she could see her real body suffering from being shot, blood was coming through her stomach and a blue string which gained her attention



A voice came through her mind

'w-who was that'

she thought to herself and shaked her head

'anyway it told me to cut the string, let's do that

she bites the blue string, which was a very hard to do since it was stronger than she thought

'Ugh! Why isn't this cutting'

she used all her might to do it, and finally it broke into two pieces


She exclaimed


haejuns eyes widened, she could see her real body die in front of her the moment she broke the string

'W-whats going on…'

'i thought i would come back to my body, wait!

Haejun looked at her stomach and touched it

'It doesn't hurt…'

She mumbled, her whole face turned pale suddenly she could feel something bitter on her throat, her whole body was numb, all she could do was move her eyes sooner she fell down in that black space where only two bodies were found

'ah, am i dying'

she thought, but it didn't last long haejun could hear two voices, one from a small girl and another from an old man

'who is it'

Haejun thought. Suddenly a pain went through her body which woke up her whole mind


She woke up from her eternal sleep, the two people who kept calling her name cried, she looked at them with a face of confusion


She said loudly, both of them wiped their eyes and looked at haejun

"my lady, welcome back"

the butler said while bowing in a 90° angle, the maid helped her sit straight

"who are you people"

she asked the two who seemed like cos playing but really were not, lily covered haejun with a scarf which was in the bed

"umm, i asked you two a question"

she asked the again who were ready to cry again

"my lady, we are your servants"

the butler said proudly


Haejun looked backside of them and saw a bunch of maids crying while hiding behind the door

"what the"

there was only one more word left to finish, but stopped after seeing a kid


haejun took a deep sigh in confusion and looked back at the butler who was trying his best not to hug her

"umm, i don't have servants"

she said to the butler who nodded his head

"yes, you did not have servants in there, but you do have servants in here"

he said by moving a bit and showing all the maids outside waiting for her to come

'seriously, who are these people, why do they claim to be my servants and'

she looks around the room with a very interesting face

'there's no way this is an act'

she clenches her hands and bites her lips while shutting her eyes

"so which one of you is the master"

she asked the butler who was waiting for her next question

"it is my lady"

he said by again bowing down even everyone in the back bowed while he said that

'what the actual fu*k is going on here'

she thought to herself while scratching her head


the butler coughs a bit all the maids including lily left the room and closed the door

'wow, that was cool'

she thought while looking back at the maids who were going out one by one

"so why did you send them away"

she asks the butler who sat down on the chair where lily sited

"i shall explain everything"

he said by clearing his throat, haejun nodded and started listening to his explanations

"my lady, you are the only heir to the household of lazuli which means you have the third ranking in the whole empire"

"Marquess. Sounds familiar"

she said by closing her eyes

"but may i ask why i know this ridicules language even thou i never heard of it"

she asks him with a serious face

"the language you are speaking is called peritia, it is the language used in the empire of decodia and the reason you know it is that you came from this land and have heard this language for 22 years"

the butler answers the lady, who is still confused

"how is that possible the only language i heard when i was born were Italian, Korean, and English"

she asks him with a loud voice, her eyebrows were raised, and her eyes had visible confusion

"i do not know those languages but my lady while you were asleep no while you were in that place every single day me or lily the maid who was right next to me a moment ago would talk to you even thou you don't remember hearing it your mind and body remembers it which helps you understand what we are talking and speak peritia"

he glanced at haejun and looks back down waiting for her next question

"then what's my name"

she ask the butler who smilied

"lapiz lazuli".....

TO BE CONTINUED...........