
Part 4 - Memories


I changed this chapter a bit. He will not get Ripple/Hamon and the DF will be nerfed. How this is nerfed will be explained in future chapters.

I don't like doing this, but since some people pointed it out and I actually agree that it's too much for the world of Game of Thrones, I'll change it now.

I hope this is good for most of you.


272 AC

- a few weeks later -

(Escanor POV)

It's true. I am in Game of Thrones. The fictional story is about a world with kingdom-building, intrigue, wars, backstabbing, lying, killing, drinking, magic, dragons and undead. It's a wonderland for all those that enjoy being surprised and like kingdom-building with a touch of magic. He liked it as well in his 'past life'.

He knew now that he had indeed died and was now reincarnated or 'isekaid' in this new world. When he saw Cersei, Jamie and his new parents Tywin and Joanna, sealed memories were unlocked. Not the kind of his past life, as those were already present. No, the kind he only read about in stories and fanfiction. He had the classic 'I'll send you to live another life'-treatment. And he was quite happy about it too.


"So I died then."

"Indeed, you did. Do you have any questions that you'd like to ask before ...", that being said.


"... Normally I don't get interrupted when I ..."

"I just don't care. Let's get this over with."



"*Sigh* Alright then. I'm sure you understand what happened and the procedure you'll have to go through right now. And while I understand that you don't care, I'm obligated to tell you exactly what will happen now."

"Go on."

"Well keep it short for both our sakes. Your life has been seen and the great ******* has decided that you are to be granted another chance at life. Yada, yada, yada ... get some wishes ... pay the price ... you get to spin this wheel here to decide what world you'll go to ... equal exchange ... yeah that's about it."

"... what?"

"I kept it short, just like you wanted. You understand the gist of it no? You spin this wheel to decide your future world, then you get to make one wish that can be about almost anything. World editing, abilities, powers, talents etc. After that, you may decide whether you want more powers or wishes, but it will work on equal exchange. Meaning, for every power you will have to decide on a weakness or a downside. If you don't know any, it will be randomised. And lastly, we can discuss smaller details depending on which world you're going to."

"... not really keeping it short, but I guess that's my fault. All right let me spin this wheel then."

"Go ahead."

I spun the wheel which seemed to take forever until it finally slowed down and landed on Planetos/Game of Thrones. I enjoyed the show and the books. Although I didn't particularly enjoy the last and second to last seasons, I wasn't that big of a fan to be mad about it. I remember that the death of Petyr Baelish upset me. From a writing and production standpoint, Petyr Baelish was a masterpiece in the first four seasons. Although he was remarkably different in the books, where he was depicted as a likeable and trustworthy guy, in the show no one seemed to trust him, well almost no one. But then his death and his mistakes were just sad.

Another character he liked was Tywin Lannister. He didn't like his actions of course but the character and the actor that played him. The deep voice, the authority and everything else just worked beautifully well together. His death was not really unsatisfying though. It was like a cruel twist of fate that he died without any dignity on the privy.

Now, even though he enjoyed the show or the books, it was a cruel world and he needed to think carefully about his wish. He wanted to pick something that he enjoyed and assured him of his survival.

"Are you done?... For someone that wanted me to hurry up, you sure take your time.", the being said after a while.

"...hmm, I guess you're right. So can I ..."

"Yes go ahead."

I thought a while about this. The world is not really high tier if we're honest. There are other universes out there with characters whose farts can destroy the entire world of GOT. Nevertheless, it's a dangerous world for a normal human. Their lifespans are short and their resistance to toxins, poisons, sickness and injuries is way too low to have an enjoyable experience.

I went over some anime and manga as well as some comics that I knew of. I didn't want to go overboard with my wish but I wanted a big head start to enjoy my life and still be challenged by the 'Game'.

Pride ... that was an important characteristic of mine in the last life. And there was one character that shared this trait like no other. Lion's sin Escanor. The one that stands at the pinnacle of all races. The sin of pride.


"I've decided. I wish to have the powers and experience of Escanor from 7DS. I also want his experience and memories but not his character please."

"Hmmm ... indeed that does fit you. Alright then. So, do you want anything else?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I wish to create a devil fruit for myself and gain its power. The Ama Ama no Mi or Sun Sun fruit. I don't want the fruit to recycle after my death. So please remove the cycle factor."

"... he ... hehe ... Hahahahahaha. That's brilliant. Simply brilliant. Very good indeed. Hahahahahaha..."

After a while, the being calmed down and focused again.

"You're quite the smart man. Now, I assume you'll keep the weakness as it is?"

"Ah, so you got that? Yeah, I'll keep the weakness. But there is something else I'm interested in. I wish to know the theory of Ripple/Hamon. The weakness can also stay the same."

"Oh wow. You're going all in eh? Well sorry to tell you but that's too much. You're already pushing it with the devil fruit so I can't do that. You could however change your wish?"

"No in that case let's forget about Ripple/Hamon and just go with the devil fruit."

"Good. Oh and there will have to be some changes to your devil fruit. You'll find them out soon and the reason for why you chose it won't change, but I'm gonna have to nerf it a bit."

"*sigh* I see. Nevermind, I chose it for that one reason only."

"I'll tell you what. Because I nerfed your wish, I'll give you a gift. You'll find your gift a few years after you're born, ok?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"All right. Enjoy."


(Flashback end)

Tell me whether you understand why the DF was a good idea from Escanor.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts