
Lannister's Sin of Pride

Classic reincarnation with an MC getting another chance. He may choose where to go but not the power, that will be decided for him and depend on his choice of reincarnation. House Lannister is about to birth the proudest Lion yet.

Cedric_7512 · TV
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30 Chs

Part 19 - Rhaegar's appeal

281 AC

(Omni POV)

Harrenhal was filled to the brim with people. From all over Westeros, people came to bear witness to the greatest tourney of its time. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement. Many thieves were out and about doing what they do best while the increased guard numbers were trying to keep them at bay.

The business was booming in Harrenhal. The provisions the many major and minor Lords brought with them could only last so long until they needed to replenish them.

Walter Whent looked down on his city from the window in his solar. He was very happy, almost giddy about the next few days. He was going to meet his 'mysterious' backer and was anxiously awaiting his arrival.

Most of the important participants and viewers had already arrived in the last couple of days. They came from all over the seven Kingdoms setting their tents around the area of Harrenhal.

There was a knock at the door and Walter could hear one of the guards address him.

"Lord Whent, his grace the Crown Prince is here to see you."

The door opened and in came Prince Rhaegar Targaryen with two of his personal guards.

"Your Grace, it's an honour to see you here in my humble abode. Please have a seat and drink. Is there something I may offer you?"

"Lord Whent the honour is mine. I am perfectly fine. The accommodations are entirely to my liking. Please let us sit, we have much to discuss."

The Prince's charismatic smile lifted the mood in the room and took away all the tension. It demonstrated why the Crown Prince was so liked and 'loved' in King's Landing and almost everywhere he went.

"Of course, your Grace. If you allow me to be so bold to say that I am beyond happy for you to grant me the funds which allow me to host a tourney of such grandeur."

"It was nothing Lord Whent. I also like a good tourney myself."

The Prince took a moment and turned serious. Lord Whent understood that what he would say now will be of the most importance.

"Lord Whent ... I am sure you already guessed this but I have not only funded this tourney to allow for a better atmosphere. I am trying to use this tourney to meet many important Lords and Ladies.

The reason for this, Lord Whent, is the future of the realm."

"The realm, your Grace?", asked Lord Whent.

"Yes, the realm. The realm is in dire straits as you, of course already noticed. I can see the discontent of my people and understand their suffering. My father the King is going too far with his twisted lust for fire and I am saddened to say this but it is time for a change."

Lord Whent was surprised. He had of course known the King to be crazy. It became more and more apparent and with the increasing amount of deaths, a rebellion was all but certain.

For the Prince to speak to him of all people so openly though ... that he had not anticipated. He was however interested in where this was going. This could mean a great chance for his House.

"What change are you thinking of, your Grace?"

"A change in Kings. My father has overstepped and it is time for him to step down and let the younger generation take over.

Please don't misunderstand me, I deeply love my father and it saddens me to see what his paranoia has gotten him ...

However, as the Crown Prince, it is my duty to think about my people ... the innocents. The fear is spreading and I can't stand to see them suffer any longer."


"For that reason, I come before you, Lord Whent. I come to you, not as the Prince, but as a fellow Westerosi and ask, no beg of you to help me when the time comes. To stand at my side should the need ever arise.

I know this is far too much to ask of you, but I still hope that you will help me in my greatest time of need and the need of the people who suffer."

Lord Whent was gobsmacked. Even though he suspected something like this to happen, the way the Prince managed to deliver his request was marvellously executed. He appealed to Lord Whent's compassion and made himself look humble.

Lord Whent stood up from his chair and knelt before Prince Rhaegar.

"Your Grace, I Lord Walter Whent solemnly swear to rise my banners and stand by your side should the need ever arise. I will give my life for you and your cause, for the future of Westeros under your rule."

The prince exhaled audibly and smiled the bright smile he was so famous for.

"I am greatly thankful for your pledge of loyalty, Lord Whent. I in turn swear that should it ever come that far, to stand at your side as well and honour you and your House for the service you have done for me.

Please rise, Lord Whent."

"Thank you, your Grace. This means a lot to me. "

"Nonsense, it is I who is thankful. You have no idea how much of a weight has been lifted off my shoulder."

The Prince rose from his seat. He had gotten what he came for and much more. Now it was time for him to leave. He knew that the new Master of Whispers, Varys was probably on to him and would no doubt tell his father about his visit to Lord Whent.

"I will leave now Lord Whent. I don't wish to impose any longer and wish you a good night."

"You could never impose your Grace. I also wish you a very pleasant stay here at Harrenhal. Please do not hesitate to call me for anything you desire, your Grace. Rest well."

After that, the Prince left Lord Whent's solar.


The turning point for Westeros had arrived. Many Lords and Ladies had begun to lay out their plans. Everyone was only interested in their own goals. Plans, intrigues, backstabbing ... everything would be used in the coming years to get even the slightest advantage or higher standing.

Every one of the players agreed on something though ... a change was upon them. A change that would surely affect the entire Westeros and if they were unlucky drench it in blood.

But right now no one thought about that. Right now it was time for the great feast.

Held that first night within the Hall of a Hundred Hearths is a great feast for lords from throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Everyone that came would attend. Be it to check out the competition, forge new links or just drink and eat ... and f*ck till they drop.

It was time for the great feast.


For all of you that thought the chapter was cringe ... you are correct.

But that was because ass-licking is always cringe for those not directly involved in it. The Prince is also a player in the game and knows how to use his charms to his advantage.
