
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 3. The voice

Chapter 3. The voice

Her assistant, Rachel Chen had a villa prepared for her in a serene environment with top-notch security. The villa was situated in one of the most reputable places in New York. The white painted massive duplex stood at the centre of the villa, with green nature surrounding it. There was a swimming pool by the west and a patio at the east.

"Nice villa", Leilani commented the moment she arrived.

"I'm glad that you like it Miss", Rachel appreciated her lips widening in a happy smile. Her Miss was an easy going person but not everything gets the compliment out of her mouth.

"What's the schedule?", Leilani asked without wasting time. She walked into the house with Rachel tailing behind her, reading out the schedule for the next five hours with clarity.

"Alright. Prepare a dress for the dinner with the MD".

"Yes Miss".

"You may leave", Leilani said and rested her head on the couch she was sitting on. She was jetlagged as a result of the journey and sleep was a luxury at the moment. It has always been since the moment she started Royale.

Ha. I'll make sure you hit rock bottom. That voice entered her ears, engulfing her senses.

You won't, she said frantically as she stepped back. This was the voice that has haunted her for years. Some would have called her crazy if not for those meds.

The voice got louder and louder, making it hard for her to breathe.

Stop, she begged. Please stop.

I won't stop. You think you can hide me forever?, the voice taunted.

Please! Don't do this to me. Let me go! Leave me alone!

No way!, the voice replied following its words with an evil laugh. We're bound to stay together forever Lani.

No!, she screamed, her eyes opening in a snap. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she took in gulps of air to calm herself down. Moving her shaky hands, she scampered for the pills that were hidden in her pocket. She was too engrossed in the thought of taking her pills that she didn't even notice she was already soaked. This nightmare was something that was meant to be known by her and her alone. She plopped a pill into her mouth and took out the bottled water that she remained when she got off the car.

After some minutes of calming down, she looked around and heaved a deep sigh. She prayed for the coming days...

That evening, Rachel arrived with the dress. It was a dark green two-piece dress made out of chiffon material - a skin hug long sleeve blouse and a feet baggy trouser. There was also a pair of silver heels by the side to accompany the dressing. Leilani nodded in satisfaction at the clothes that Rachel had chosen. This brightened the latter's mood and she knew that her future days were blessed.

Leilani got ready in that well designed attire, the dark green color accentuating her fair skin. She looked as graceful as ever. Her ears were adorned with little butterfly studs and her wrists with a silver chain bracelets. Satisfied with what she saw, she left for the dinner.

The dinner took place at the Hotel d' Elites. It was a five star hotel with the best facilities. It was ranked the third after two other hotels in the city. As the name implies, it wasn't just any hotel. It was a hotel for the elites.

Leilani's ride stopped in front of the hotel and a chaperone was already there to open the door for her. She nodded in greeting and began walking to the building with Rachel by her side, giving her the necessary information she needed. She arrived at the room that was booked by the MD of EssDee Corp and swiped her card through the card reader. A female robotic voice was heard as the door slide open. She walked in and...oh my god!