
Chapter 2-The Burden

I walked to the Night-Wicker inn for my usual work.

"Aye if it isn't Vane"-Gareth

I was greeted by my boss as usual. He is an old man with a dwarven bloodline which is a testament to the fact he only goes up to my chest. He and his daughter Avaelin, a tall beautiful girl with red hair and a streamlined fit body, own this Inn. The man had a bushy ginger beard and ginger hair. He was nice, Constantly smiling and laughing. I owe him a lot as he offered me work when I had none.

"Hello, Gareth"-Vane

"It's Just the usual Vane, Clean out the tables, and clean the kitchen. With that you can have the left-overs in the pot, I've seen that you have put on muscle lately. Keep at it and you might have them as big as mine 100 years from now HAHAHAHA"-Gareth said as he flexed his muscles.

I couldn't help but smile, he is one of the only people who CAN make me smile.

"Yeah, Well you know, That IS the goal"-Vane.

I started to clean the tables and on one of the tables, I caught my reflection. Black Hair, average looks and a burn mark on the right side of my face from the corner of my eyes to my ear. Looks like Gareth was right I was starting to have meat on my bones. I slowly touched the mark on my face.

"You're young so it will probably fade with age you know?"-Avaelin

"Thanks, Avaelin I appreciat..."-Vane

"Ava. My friends call me Ava, we are friends aren't we?"-Avaelin

"Right, sorry"-Vane

"Good! Anyways you can take your break now, you seem worn out."-Avaelin

"Thanks, I will."-Vane

"Also, before you go, smile more."-Avaelin

"Huh?"-Vane I became slightly confused.

"Trust me, It suits you more"-Avaelin

"Sure, I will put it on my to-do list"-Vane.

It seems my face had returned to its usual frown, Brilliant!

I stood out behind the inn to get some fresh air while I enjoy my break. Two tall people ran passed me, another bumped into me. He looked at me wordlessly as the scarf around his neck became loose. He quickly covered it and moved on. Not before I could see it though. A snake's eating its own head. A reverse Ouroboros? I watched them a while longer, they entered a house while checking around them, suspicious but I didn't watch them anymore as I quickly turned around to avoid being caught. I shouldn't get involved. I walked back inside to continue work.

[1 hour before Inn closing time]

It is the busiest time for the inn right now and everyone is packed with work. I am working overtime to help out with some of the orders.

"Everyone Halt! I bring a king's decree!"-Knight

"It's the knight's brigade"-Random customer

"It's Marcus, the duke's son and the youngest to ever lead a squadron he has even reached the Blithe Mortal stage at only 18."-Another Random (always shocked) customer.

I seemed to be the only one paying attention to the decree.

"We are in search of the 3rd princess, she seems to have escaped on another one of her playful pranks"-Marcus

They would not have let out the Trion's Knight Brigade if this was just a 'prank'.

"We are also seeking information on the VMA-VENOMOUS MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION"-Marcus.

He then held up a poster with...A snake eating its own head.

"If you have information on of these two things please contact us...You will be rewarded handsomely"-Marcus

Now it all makes sense. It weird that they mentioned both those things in the same context instead of placing priority on the princesses' discovery. Did she run away? Trouble at home? No, she is the king's favourite so there is no way she would have been mistreated at home. Then kidnapped? Seems the most likely. I know where they went maybe I should help. Wait. What if I give them information and I am next targeted. I shouldn't get involved. After they had finished their speech and asked a few people, who of course refused to answer them, they started to leave. In the midst of work, I saw Marcus speak to Avaelin.

Of course, for no reason what so ever, I eavesdropped.

"I can give you anything you want, All if you will be mine"-Marcus

"I..Can't. You know I can't"-Avaelin

"But, why? Why can't you? Is it because of this place? You can tell your father to sell it and I'll let him live in luxury as well."-Marcus

"What!? No! This place is the only remaining memory I have of mum"-Avaelin

"Look. I'm sorry, I was just suggesting ideas about why you couldn't?"-Marcus

"I have my reasons."-Avaelin quickly looked towards me as if asking for help

"But I'm going to enter Blithe Transcendence soon and then I can enter Transcendence in a year and have the king support me with land and if you co..."-Marcus

"Avaelin, we need help with customers back here!"- Vane. I decided to help her out.

"Coming!" "I'll talk to you next time Marcus, I need to help out."-Avaelin

"Okay! I will come again because I truly do love you! so think about it"-Marcus

Avaelin blushed before quickly returning to the kitchen.

"Looks like you have some competition vane! HAHAHA"-Gareth

"Competition? You know I do not see her in that way Gareth. and shouldn't you care more? I mean she is your daughter after all."-Vane

"Listen, lad, she is a grown woman who can make choices for herself. and is there really nothing there with you two? A shame really."-Gareth

I returned back to work while he returned to his.

[After the closing of Inn]

It was the end of the day and I had said my goodbyes to everyone and was walking to the house. I saw the same house the men with the tattoo went into. Ignore it. I have to ignore it.

"I saw men go with this tattoo go into the house over there."-Vane. I pointed out the house to the men in armour led by Marcus.

"Listen, Vane? Is that your name. I think that is what Avaelin told me if I recall correctly." "I know why you are doing this"-Marcus

"Well it's good that you do, also you might want to hurry as she might be in dang..."-Vane

"You love Avaelin, Don't you?"-Marcus

"What? No! That's not what I'm talking about, if you don't move now she might be in dan..."-Vane

"It's just a prank from the princess, she hasn't been caught by the VMA. And I see what you are doing, lying to get the reward promised?"-Marcus

"Just. LISTE..."-Vane

"And then what? you are going to propose to Avaelin, Bribe her with money? It doesn't work, trust me. I have tried. Also, no amount of money you have could amount to the things I could GIVE her."-Marcus

"No. I don't love Avaelin, I don't want your crappy money. I'm just letting you know that your princess's life is at stak..."-Vane

"Vane, I see the looks you have been giving her, I know how you feel you, lustful man. You are going to use her and throw her away right? If you Dare get close to her again" His voice started to get visible louder at this point for some reason. "I WILL PROTECT HER FROM YOU"-Marcus

I could see someone run away from the corner of my eye. That person had red hair.

His men now started to laugh, I see. That is the nature of a human, after all, greed is innate.

He came close to me and whispered

"Thanks, Vane. Now I would suggest that you keep your distance from her and besides what could YOU ever hope to give her?"-Marcus

"Let's go men!"-Marcus turned to his men and shouted then left saying that visibly happy by the outcome. The female knight that had been stood next to him glared at me and followed behind him. She seemed to be walking next to him while pouting. Ah, so he has his own little Harem huh? I read about this in a library. I couldn't see the rest of her features do to the armour but she had blue eyes and blonde hair, quite beautiful but I could only see her with hate in my eyes. This country's crappy government and their soldiers, I hate. THEM. ALL.

"AYE, boss"-Random male knight

"Yes, sir"- Other Male knights.

They all left not willing to hear me out. "Pricks" was the only thing I could mutter while I was left alone by myself in the dark cold quiet streets of Zeth.

Thanks for reading! I seemed to have accidentally removed a chunk of the speech, where Marcus whispers to Vane. It has now been re-added.

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