
Landfill Life

Humanity is throwing an ever increasing amount of scrap into landfills. Plastics which no organism can digest. Chemicals so toxic no organisms known to man dare touch. Yet life finds a way amidst all this. The plastic can be absorbed as modular armor. The chemicals contain potent energy in their compositions.

aparty · Sci-fi
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44 Chs

Divergence and Convergence

"Hey Satan where are you?"

"Don't tell me both the god and devil have abandoned me now…Where am I going now?"

The mole continued diving down beneath the surface to push itself forwards, but had to occasionally pop up to the surface for air.

He finally reached the semi circle once more and followed the steps of the guards, jumping onto the sides of the wall just below the point where they curved upwards and inwards.

In contrast to the mole who had been laying down in ambush all the while feeding on the bacteria all along, Cain had worn himself tired from the constant journey.


"You guys know what happens next. Don't bother me with explaining it."

"My plan's simple. I'll carry my set of beliefs onwards!"

A black shadow flew overhead. Larger and darker from before when it was night time. The sun was bearing down both on the shadow and the mole below as they journeyed to the walls.

The wall with all its rectangular reflectors on poles stood in all its glory just as the prisoner climbed to the peak of a pile of plastic. The shadow accompanied it above.

"Another one to bring happiness to!"

The shadow suddenly reversed direction as it was blown away.

Meet the Bow and Arrow, a missile system which tracks and shoots down flying targets. A stand alone missile system with a radar on each unit, several of these are guaranteed to shoot down any airborne target. Once linked together, these radars can communicate with one another to promote greater efficiency to bring down a target.

The missiles themselves are launched within a second of detecting the target and detonate with vengeance within close proximity to tear apart the target.

Brought to you by Ephnin.

"There's nobody left to bring happiness to the waste land!"

"All those back there are bird brains who can't be found!"

"Wait a second… They left the bible behind didn't they… Hah! I'll eat it and then it'll be gone forever!"


As morning shone down on the queen, a glowing radiance emanated from the queen which sat in the center of the scavengers. A quick glance revealed nothing but clean sparkling water which was flushed green maybe from the surrounding plant life. The bacteria, in their final moments, had dissolved the bodies leaving no trace of the workers behind.

The queen, waking up, saw that the path hadn't yet been cleared and walked under the water and up to the cliff face that the protrusion came from. She directly rushed up the cliff face and cracked her head against the bottom, cracking her skull against the bottom of the pipe. A hole ripped up and the metal gave way, making a large tear in the metal that formed a crack all the way to the end, revealing the layers that made up the pipe.

The queen, after falling down, ran up the cliff face one more and leaped into the tunnel. She simply walked through the flowing water that Cain had struggled with before with her mass that sunk her to the bottom and with her height that let her rise above the level of the water.

--Northern Front--

"Damn I'm still alive? Shitty headache though… Screw whoever decided to shell me..."

"Well I mean… I'm sorta lucky that idiot missed...But that's a goddamn large headache!"

"Well they might search around for my body...Screw it! Nobody looks too hard anyways…"

"Well am I a deserter? Well technically not, not yet. Screw it, now I am after not reporting that I'm alive."

"So how do I run…"

"Screw it, got a month's worth of rations here...I'll wait for an opportunity…"

--Tunnels, south junction--

The queen faced the semicircle and stared at the smaller circle from which the water flowed. She wanted the water. All the water. She plopped herself down on top of the semicircle and began drinking from the pool of water. The water similarly went out the other end, but only after everything was filtered out from it.


The above moles that lay in ambush were getting restless after lying in ambush for so long. They were never meant to sit and watch as the days go by, free from all bodily desires. The desire to live was only derived from the desire to continue on the species. The female began to emit an overpowering pheromone that attracted the surrounding males who were similarly starved but the rest of the females were suppressed from becoming a similar entity from that pheromone.

--Sector 1, floor 1, derivative 1, hall 1--

Leonard and John entered the dark hallways where there was almost no light at all. A cloaked figure stood right besides the doorway, ambushing them from behind as the two walked in.

"Ey, whatcha doin' 'ere boys? Lookin' awful lost ain'tcha y'all.''

"Who might you be?"

"Well ya see, I s'ppose I'm a guide ya see."

"Oh? How might you be able to guide the two of us?"

"Well I s'ppose y'all would like ta join the stron'est gang 'round these parts wouldn'tcha?"

"I suppose we are interested, but we would like to know a bit more about this place first."

"Heh well ya askin' the righ' person! Here, ya want somethin' nice an' pretty lookin', ya can get i' at a cheap price man."

"No, I meant if we were going to live here, what would we need to know?"

"Huh ya ain't 'ere for tha'? A'ok bro, awful shame tho'. Well I s'ppose y'all would like ta know where ta get food and shit am I right bro?"

"So far yes."

"Ah well 'round these parts ya just eat wha'eva ya wan' an' take wha'ever shi', now… 'bout wha' gang y'all gonna join…I s'gges' y'all join the pro'ec'ors, afta all, they tha stron'est gang 'round 'ere. Peeps gon' bothe' ya real har' if ya don'."

"Tell us about the strongest gang then."

"Ya see, ya ge' a free gene mod once ya join. E'ery 'ne of 'em ge' ta have a nice thick skin."

"Gene mod? Am I right in assuming those are the serums used outside to strengthen the soldiers?"

"Ya sure are!"

"Aren't those expensive though?"

"Nah man, no'ta pro'lem a'tall man. Ya see, outside and shit they got 'em regula'ions and shit but down 'ere, we jus' do wha'e'er the shit we wan'. So ya gon' join?"

"Do they have any competitors?"

"Nah man, some of 'em upstar's but no competi'ors, real'y ta only op'ion ya got 'round 'ere."

"Is it an option to not join any gang?"

"Well ya see, y'all eitha frien's or not. Y'all understan' 'ere?

"I suppose I have no choice but to join then.

--Northern sector, underground level 1, derivative 5, hall 3, room 14--

"Alright guys so how's your progress in transforming? So we have a skinny cockroach with skin over it's shell and a worm with bones… This is gonna take a while… I suppose I should learn to run while we're at it...."

beginning of the end maybe

apartycreators' thoughts