
Land Of Twins

It was once a beautiful land, full of life. The laughter of the natives echoed around the town. Each walls of the city were filled with colourful paintings and decorations. But all disappeared in a night. The laughter turned to cries. The beautiful and colourful city turned cold and dark. A mistake made by the first twin Blee. Blee and Blue are twins born on a day of a full moon. What led to disaster!! Will Blee be able to clear up his mess or will he need help from his twin sister. author: Anglyn Christie. Your support is what matters most!!!!

Anglyn_Christie · Urban
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Knock on the door.

"We are loosing her. connect the life support system NOW!!" PFFT " The doctor was sweating after trying to regain miss Zelda's consciousness.

A few hours ago, Zelda had stumbled on a branch alongside the pavement which made her slip and fall down face flat,that she hurt her stomach badly. She had to pass out after that, ands that's why she was in a hospital.

Zelda is a pregnant woman expecting to birth twins as observation details state. But who could have known that while pregnant she will still be clumsy as a duckling and stubborn to let her best friend walk her to the meadows.

"Poor Zelda, how are you feeling; and what took you to the meadows. You know yu have me you could've asked me to walk you there." queried her friend Sarah as soon as she entered the hospital.

"Don't worry Sarah I'll be fine don't worry about it for nothing " Zelda blinked her puppy blue eyes trying to act cute and gain sympathy from Sarah ..

." That won't work on me anymore darling . You better get healed quickly, or else! "Sarah was also a tough nut to crack with those childish acts.

*** The puzzled doctors looked at Sarah wondering how Zelda keeps up with her.

"Ok .. ok. ok don't be tough now, am healing faster than you think. I will be wearing my stilettos in a few days..."

One pediatrician who was listening to their conversation found it absurd for a pregnant lady to be wearing stilettos in the second trimester of pregnancy.

As a person who knew the rules of pregnancy decided to interrupt their conversation. " Ladies,... a pregnant woman doesn't where high heels it's not good for her health. I hope you understand what I mean."

She quickly left after that and the two women burst in laughter fo how funny it was watching the nurse' gloomy cold face.

"does she even smile to patients. I wonder.." Sarah asked Zelda as soon as their laughter faded.


"spending a week in a hospital just because of these damn twins. when a I even giving birth. Huhhh! ahh!"

"knock.. knock.. knock." Zelda heard some knocks on her door and asked herself who was there.

Knock.. knock.. knock"

The knocks continued for the second time . since Zelda wasn't expecting anyone she decided to wait for the person to knock the third time.

As if reading Zelda's mind the knocks were heard for the third time and it was louder this time.

" Who could it be there "