
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 27 - Land of Survival For A Reason


Explosive fires being spread from one end of the island coming towards us terrified us... I wonder if we will make it out of this island alive! 

Everyone else ran to the airline and looking at the spreading fire and how distracted Aunt Holly and her guards were, I took the opportunity to get into the airline with Cianco, Becca, Ace, and Amy. I then shouted at Amy and the rest so they could hear the next plan.

Me: (shouting) Aunt Amy, hop into the plane! 

Amy: (shouting) Got it N!

I then ran past the crowd being stopped from entering the plane. Once I reached the door, the commander stopped me. I couldn't breathe because of the fire so I kept panting as I spoke.

Commander: What do you think you are doing?

Me: (panting) My family... is inside the... the plane.

Commander: What is your seat number and the names of your family members?

Me: Seat 92... and my family's names... are David, Biance, John, Amy, Ace, Cia---

Before I could finish talking, I felt myself being grabbed by someone:

Aunt Holly.

I saw David come up to the airline door. Aunt Holly and David both started shouting.

David: (shouting) Aunt Holly, what are you doing?!

Aunt Holly: (shouting) I am taking her with me, we have unfinished business!

Me: (shouting) What unfinished business?! I thought we were done!

Aunt Holly: Not yet sweetie, we have got a long way to go.

Commander: Please stop with your quarreling! Nabia, please go talk with your Aunt elsewhere. Okay, carrying on wi---

David: Are you serious?! You are just going to just carry on, don't you see we are in the middle of life and death here???

Commander: There is nothing that I can do. So please stop interrupting me. (turning to the traumatized people standing) Okay, everyone! Come inside!

David: (shouting) Commander---

I shouted back at David, saying words that I never thought I would say... I never understood why people would always say such words, especially in horror movies - I always thought the "leave me behind" line was cliche.

But tonight, I was going to say those very same words!

Me: (shouting) It's okay Dave!

David looked at me, surprised by my words.

Me: (shouting) I never thought I would be here saying these words but...

Everyone else looked at us from the airline as I spoke, the fire getting closer and closer to us.


I saw a teardrop in David's left eye.

David: Nabi...

I then smiled at David and the rest who were watching.

Me: Don't worry, it is not a zombie apocalypse so don't worry about me dying hehe.


Cianco then came to stand close to David.

Me: I know, but as you can see, I have been captured.

Zayn looked behind as I spoke to Cianco but everyone's eyes diverted to where Zayn was looking:

This is the end.


David and Cianco: Nabi---

The Commander then closed the doors shut. Cianco, Biance, and David banged on the door, but I used sign language to tell them it was okay. It then took off and Aunt Holly placed me down.

Me: What is the plan, Holly?

Aunt Holly: Is that how you speak to your Aunt?

Me: What is the plan, Aunt Holly?

Aunt Holly: Sounds more like it.

Zayn, Joe, and I: (shouting) WHAT IS THE PLAN?!

Aunt Holly: Head for the jet!

The four of us ran into the jet and Aunt Holly called out to her AI in her jet.

Aunt Holly: Lena, start.

The fire kept coming towards us.

Aunt Holly: Lena, start.

The jet did not want to start! Aunt Holy screamed one last time.

Aunt Holly: (shouting) LENA, START!

Finally, it got activated and we took off.

I sat at the window, looking at the fiery island we were flying away from.

Me: I hope no one was left behind.

Joe, who sat in the seat behind, agreed with me.

Joe: I couldn't agree more with you, who thought sulfuric elements like sulfur and the like could cause such a bomb of a fire?

Me: Yes, who could have thought. Well, I know I learned it in Physics and tested it out myself, but I never thought I would see a sulfuric fire with my very own eyes.

We then all kept silent for the duration of the trip.

~ 10 minutes later ~


~ 1 hour later ~


~ 2 hours later ~


~ 2 hours 10 minutes later ~

Me: How long will it be until we land?

Aunt Holly: Land where?

Me: I don't know... land at our destination?

Aunt Holly: Heh, do you even know the destination Nabia?

Me: No. 

Aunt Holly: We are following the plane that has your family inside.

Me: Okay.

Aunt Holly: (in her mind) I need to find more info on her and her family. But how?

How will I get info on her? I thought.

Aunt Holly and I: So,

Joe and Zayn were shocked at the jinx.

Me: Sorry Aunt. You go first.

Aunt Holly: It's okay. You go first.

Me: No, you.

Aunt Holly: No you.

I sighed before I spoke.

Me: Aunt Holly, how long have you lived on that island?

Aunt Holly: For a few months, 3 months to be specific.

Me: Oh okay, and how were the conditions?

Aunt Holly: They were good to me, I never faced any problems.

Me: Okay.

Aunt Holly: Spit it out Nabia!

Me: Huh?

Aunt Holly: I know you have questions, so ask them all.

She saw right through me?!

Me: Thanks Aunt. Third question, what is the name of the island? We faced a plane crash and have been living on an island with no name, so if you do know, what is the name of the island?

Aunt Holly: Land of Survival.

Me: Pardon?

Aunt Holly: Land of Survival. That was the name of the island.

Me: Woah. So, if the name of the island is Land of Survival, what events occurred that led its name to be LOS?

Aunt Holly: (sighs) Youngsters and abbreviations, yes LOS was previously a mining site. Miners used to come to search for minerals but 3 months down the line, the mine got shut down.

Me: Why?

Aunt Holly: Like what you told me, dangerous radiation elements were found in the mine and so it had to be shut down, but by the time I moved in I was never told about any of this until I reached out to the man, you know him.

Me: Oh, you mean the man who had a shop right at the end, at the corner?

Aunt Holly: That's him. He then told me to do research on it, which then became clear when you explained everything to me.

I explained everything?! I got threatened by her! But anyways...

Me: Okay. So if that is the case then, could you answer this question Aunt?

Aunt Holly: Yes?

Me: If you knew the name of the island was Land of Survival, then why did people carry on living there and why did you open up a camp while you kept us in a high danger zone house and then broke your promise?

Aunt Holly: Stubborn I see.

Me: (in a low voice) I am not stubborn ma'am.

Aunt Holly: I don't know. 

Me: (unsure) Okay, if you say so Aunt.

Aunt Holly: Don't. Speak. Like. That. To. Me. Child!

Me: (shocked) Sorry Aunt, well what you just said feels unsure but I respect that.

Aunt Holly: But there is something I can say about the island.

Me: Yes Aunt?

Before Aunt Holly could finish her statement, her phone began to ring.

Aunt Holly: Josh... okay Nabi, I am coming, I need to take this call.

Me: Okay Aunt.

Aunt Holly went to the back of her jet to answer the call. I was left with Joe and Zayn.

Zayn: So, how old are you Nabia?

Me: Why do you want to know?

Zayn: For interest's sake.

Me: (sighs) I am 20 years old.

Zayn looked at me shocked.

Me: What's wrong?

Zayn: No-nothing! It's just that you don't... look like 20, I thought you were 16.

Me: (laughing) Ah, thanks Zayn - trying to flatten me huh? 

Zayn: No, I am being honest!

Me: (smiles) Thank you Zayn.

Before my thoughts could wander, I heard Lena announcing our destination.

Lena: We will be arriving at South Cybric, Naraski in 15 minutes.

I felt a beam of happiness shine in my heart as I took in every single word Lena said. I couldn't wait to see Mum and Dad again!

Me: Zayn, Joe?

Zayn and Joe: Yes?

Me: Is there anything that is, how do I put it... scary to know about the island?

Zayn: Are you a fan of horror?

Me: Well, used to be but what's the harm? It can't be that scary right?

Zayn: Okay, but one thing to know about LOS is that previously, people used to crash there, and have to survive by themselves until some died as some bodies used to be discovered or sometimes, never be discovered at all.

Me: Meaning?

Zayn: Meaning that you never will be rescued. You are destined for death.

Me: (shocked) Woah, that's heavy. I see now. Land of Survival for a reason.

Zayn: Yeah.

I then started whispering to Zayn and Joe.

Me: Guys, do you know Holly's agenda for wanting me?

Joe: No. Zay?

Zayn: I think I might have info on that.

Me: Yes?

We then heard Aunt Holly dropping the call and about to open the door.

Zayn: It has to do with you knowing information regarding inheritance in your family and your school's confidential information... from what I heard, the two things seemed to be connected. But that's all I can share with you at the moment.

Me: Thanks Zayn!

Aunt Holly opened the door.

Aunt Holly: Sorry to keep you waiting. Did you have any questions?

Me: No. But do you have any questions for me?

Aunt Holly: Yes. Tell me, your great grandma.

Me: Yes?

Aunt Holly: What is her name?

Me: Nabila. Nabila Brint.

Lena then announced that we were our destination. Aunt Holly decided to cut things short. We all went out of the jet as we landed in the airport and here I was. Back home in South Cybric!

We all then made our way to the arrivals and we walked into the airport to find cameras flashing at us and people welcoming us with warm smiles.

Me: (laughing) What is all this?

Zayn: Beats me.

I then saw David and Cianco running up to me. Mum, Dad, Biance, and the Smith family all came running to me as they saw David and Cianco running. I waved at them as they came running but turned to Zayn who was leaving with Joe and Aunt Holly. I then stopped him.

Me: Zayn!

Zayn: Yes Nabia?

Me: It's okay, Nabi is fine.

Zayn: Oh, yes Nabi?

Me: You asked about my age. May I please ask for your age?

Zayn: I am 20 years old.

Me: So we are peer groups?!

Zayn: Yeah. 

Me: Well it was great to meet you!

Zayn: Despite the way I treated you back on the island?

Me: Don't worry, that's all under the bridge now. 

I then heard David and Cianco standing close to me. Zayn was also being called by Holly and Joe.

Zayn: Okay, then. It's time for me to go now. It was nice meeting you.

Me: Yeah, you wouldn't want to delay them! 

Zayn: That's right!

Me: It was... also nice meeting you too Zayn.

Zayn: Hope we meet again soon!

Me: Same!

Zayn: Okay, bye Nabi!

Me: Bye Zay!

Zayn then ran to Joe, who then put his hand on his shoulder. Boy's talk I guess...

As I turned around, I got the biggest of the biggest hugs from David, Cianco, Biance, Mum, Dad, and the Smith Family. 

David: I am so glad you are okay sis!

Cianco: Yeah! Did Aunt Holly do anything to you?

Me: No, just a little interrogation by her before we landed but nothing much.

Dad: (hugging me tightly) I am so happy you're all alive kids! I am never letting you guys go on your own this time.

Me: (hugging Dad back) I am happy to be back home too. And don't worry about us Dad. We will be taking a break from flying for a while.

Dad: Take your time.

Me: Hehe, thanks, Dad!

Before I knew it, Mum started crying as she cried while hugging me.

Mum: (crying) Do you know how worried and scared I was?!

Me: (hugging Mum back) I know Mum and I am happy to be back home. You and Dad no longer need to worry... see? I am back in one piece!

Mum started to wipe her tears away and smiled. 

Mum: You are mature kids. I sometimes forget that.

Me: That's okay Mum... and you too Dad.

Dad: (shocked) Me? I said nothing. 

Me: Yeah, but I know it's tough seeing us grow, and it's okay. We will always be your babies forever.

We all hugged each other and pulled the Smith family into the family hug.

Dad: How about we settle this tomorrow? It's late now, so we have to go home and rest.

Me: Great thinking Dad! (winks)

Dad: Please do accept our invitation, the Smith Family!

Cianco: Yes, please do come!

Biance: Please?

Ace: Okay, consider us in. Thank you for your kindness.

Mum: We should be thanking you. For taking care of my kids. You know, whoever takes care of my kids in that loving way, you have a special place in my heart. You Smith family, already have a special place in my heart for your kindness, so thank you!

Together, we all went out of the airport. But we had to run through.

Because we were being chased by journalists.

Nothing feels better than being back home with the most loving parents who love you... appreciate what you have everyone, you never know what could happen!