
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 20 - Genius Nabia

Aunt Holly's POV:

Me: Arg! Not again! 

Zayn: Sorry ma'am. 

Me: I was this close to winning! 

Joe: Ma'am, it seems like Nabia is a genius girl.

Me: Indeed.

Me: But there's still time though.

Joe: What do you mean?

Me: Well, since she and David remembered that the deal was broken, I still have some hidden place to gather information on the Laranca siblings. 

Zayn: Where?

Me: By spying on them. I'm a spy remember? A master of disguise. I can keep an eye on them. Joe, Zayn, please, I need both of you to spy on them for me.

Joe and Zayn: On it ma'am!

End of Aunt Holly's POV

David, Biance, and I left Amy, John, and Becca on the side while the three of us entered the office. 

Me: I hope he will allow us to relocate.

Biance: Yeah, me too.

David: If we carefully think about the words we will say, I think everything will work according to plan.

Me: Thanks, Dave! You are the best!

I knocked on the door.

Man: Come in!

The three of us enter.

Me: Good morning sir. 

Man: Ah, Nabia, David and Biance! Please have a seat.

Us: Thank you.

Man: Can I help you with anything?

Me: Yes please sir. Um, you see, our Aunt---

Man: Sorry to interrupt, but what's your aunt's name by the way?

Me: Holly.

Man: Ah yes. Please continue.

Me: Yes sir. We wanted to ask if we could perhaps relocate to another place in the camp, that's if you don't mind sir.

Man: Okay... is it because of your aunt?

Me: Yes sir.

Man: Mmm, I am not sure if it will be possible, but let me check if there are any rooms on the other side.

Us: Thank you, sir.

He then left the office.

David: Hope there's still space.

Biance: Yeah.

When we saw that he had been away for a long time, we started to get worried. Was he successful or not? If not, how will we solve Aunt Holly? 

~ Few minutes later ~

Man: Okay, I am back. Sorry for the long wait.

Me: That's okay, sir.

Man: I have good news and bad news.

Oh no. Bad news? I hope our departure time won't be extended.

Man: So, which one do you want to hear first?

Me: Let's hear the bad news first, right guys?

Biance and David: Yes.

Man: (laughs) There is no bad news - I was only pulling your leg.

The three of us exhaled in relief.

David: That was a good one, sir.

Man: I am an expert on pulling pranks!

David: We see - you are the best! Can you teach me?

Man: With pleasure! When can we start?

David: Anytime.

We all laughed.

Man: Okay, do you have the keys to the previous house?

Me: Yes, here they are sir (handing the keys over to him)

Man: Great, thank you. (handing the new keys to Nabia) These keys... are the keys to your new place.

Us: (happy) Thank you so, so much sir! We appreciate it!

Man: Anytime!

We all walked out of his office with smiles on our faces. The rest could notice it too.

Amy: Guessing that everything went well?

Me: Yes! We are going to the beach!

Amy, Becca, and Cianco: (confused) Huh?

I whispered to them the sudden change of my statement.

Me: In case we are spied on, we will speak in code, okay?

Them: Okay.

Me: Thanks.

We all carried on speaking in code until we went back to our old place. We had to wait for nighttime to move so that Aunt Holly wouldn't follow us or spy on us.

~ Night Time ~

We had to whisper so that we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves.

Me: Okay. Is everyone ready?

Them: Yes!

Me: Okay - follow my lead!

We walked in a straight line until we got to our new place in the camp. Cianco did the honor of unlocking the door. With the help of the Moon's light, we were able to locate our beds. I closed the door, and then each of us threw ourselves on our beds.

Us: Ahh... perfect!

Becca: I can't see now that the door is closed. Let me go switch on the lights---

Me: Sorry Becca, but we will have to keep the lights off for today until the coast is all cleared up, is everyone okay with that?

Them: Yes!

Becca: Okay.

Me: Perfect then. Is there anyone uncomfortable with the dark perhaps? I can turn it on.

Amy: No need, we are all good thank you.

Me: Thanks Aunt.

Ace: Okay then, I will be the first to sleep. Good night everyone.

Us: Good night!

Amy: I will be heading to bed too, so good night kids! Sleep tight!

Us: Good night! Sleep tight as well!

Me, Biance, David, Cianco, Becca, and John were the only ones awake.

Becca: The battle is not yet over huh?

Me: Huh? What do you mean Becca?

Becca: Well, I mean she brought back a broken deal that you and David made while we were still at her house.

Me: Yeah... I am just thankful that Dave and I remembered that she broke the deal, or else...

Becca: Or else what? 

Me: We would have to go with her.

Becca: Mmm...

Biance: To where?

Me: Who knows? We would be at fault if the deal was still on, and if so, the only way to rectify the fault was to go along with her.

Biance: We are grateful that it didn't work.

John: Yeah, but Aunt Hols is still on the rise. Who knows what tricks are up her sleeve?

Me: Say that again John.

David: We are still at an advantage though.

Me: I agree Dave.

David: I mean she still wants us, and us outsmarting her is annoying her big time. If we keep up with our strategy, we will be set until we leave.

Me: Yeah.

Cianco: Is it me or do I feel like this will end up being a game of survival or something?

Becca: What do you mean?

Cianco: I mean, the way Aunt Holly is looking for us, especially for Nabia is very suspicious. Our being close to each other and our departure times overlapping is no coincidence.

Becca: Mmm, good point though, but I do not think anything of that sort will happen to us.

Cianco: Yeah, I hope so... but it is just my wild thinking.

Me: Not at all - you know, it all feels like a movie. But like Becca, I don't think anything like that will happen.

David and John: Although it may be a possibility.

Becca and I: Huh? Do you think so?

John: Yeah, but it's just bro code.

David: Yeah, bro code.

Me: Ah, yeah... that of supporting each other's opinions right?

Cianco: Yeah, but like what I said, it's just me and my wild thoughts.

After our long discussion, we all started to feel sleepy.

Me: (yawns) Okay guys, good night everyone!

Them: Good night Nabi!

We all slept soundly... anticipating what tomorrow may bring.

Aunt Holly's POV:

Where are Zayn and Joe? 

~ Few minutes later ~

Me: You came back.

Zayn and Joe: Sorry ma'am, but we lost them.

Me: (confused) Um, lost them? I am so confused right now... what do you mean?

Joe and Zayn looked at each other, each of them having a battle on who was going to break the news to her.

Joe: They relocated.

I was shocked.

Me: What?! That can't be!

End of Aunt Holly's POV