

I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd hear from the Jarl again for quite some time. I was now a Companion, and while I wouldn't say we were inundated with work, there were enough contracts to keep us busy, and on quiet days, I figured I could train, talk with my colleagues, particularly Kodlak, who I believed had decades of wisdom to share, or simply relax and enjoy the peaceful life in Whiterun. I still wanted to involve myself in the war eventually, but from everything I had heard, there was a stalemate between the two sides with little chance of it changing. And, again being honest, life as a Companion was exciting compared to that of a soldier, particularly after talking to one or two ex-soldiers in the Bannered Mare, who complained of long, boring days of drills, marching, standing guard and not a lot else.

I was busy tucking into lunch a few days after my adventure into Bleak Falls Barrow when the doors into Jorrvaskr burst open. I looked up in surprise to see Irileth running towards me. "You! Come quickly!"

I didn't particularly like being ordered around at the best of times and was ready to retort but there was something in the tone which stopped me. 'She sounds… concerned'. Instead, I asked "What is it?"

"There are rumours of another dragon sighting. The Jarl has requested your presence at Dragonsreach."

Lunch was immediately forgotten as I didn't even bother strapping on a weapon before I hurried with Irileth up towards Dragonsreach. "Where is it, the dragon?"

"As soon as I heard the story, I came to get you straight away."

"I don't know if I should be honoured by that or not."

"I'm not sure about your honour though I'd take it as a sign that the Jarl trusts you. All I'm worried about is the fact a dragon has been sighted nearby and Whiterun is practically defenceless against a dragon attack."

The Jarl was not sat at his throne when we entered the great hall, Irileth rushing past it and up the stairs. We found the Jarl and his court wizard at the top of the stairs questioning a lone town guard, who was busy explaining what he had seen. For the moment, it sounded like the dragon wasn't looking to attack Whiterun, which to me was good news. The bad news is that there was a dragon nearby and no-one had an idea about its intentions. Once the Jarl had finished questioning the guard, he turned towards Irileth.

"Irileth, gather some guardsmen together and head towards the watchtower. According to the guard, the dragon is circling in that area. If we can keep it away from Whiterun, that in itself a victory."

"At once, my Jarl."

"Just don't get yourself killed."

Irileth looked my way before she turned and hurried away, no doubt to gather a rather large force of men. 'How many do you need to kill a dragon?' The Jarl then turned towards me. "I need your help again, my friend."

"What do you need, sir?"

He sighed before he locked his eyes on mine. "I'm asking a large favour here. I would like you to join Irileth and help fight this dragon. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here." He was asking for a favour which could and should likely result in my death. He obviously knew that as he dangled the reward next. "If you do this for me, Ragnar, I can only promise you a fantastic reward on your victorious return."

I felt like I had no choice. Not because I was afraid. Because I was. Anyone who goes into battle and isn't afraid is a liar. You just don't admit such things, of course. But I'd survived Helgen by the skin of my teeth. Dumb luck and not a little bit of help got me through that day. Now I was being asked to head out and face a dragon head on? Any sane man would have said no. I don't believe I had anything to prove. I thought I was brave, at least a little bit, but the honour that would come with fighting a dragon and defeating it? Stories and songs of Ragnar of Chorrol would be sung for eons to come! The Nord who returned to his homeland and helped defeat a dragon.

"I will head out at once, sir."

The Jarl sighed with relief. Without another word, I rushed out of the great hall back to Jorrvaskr. I grabbed everything I could think of. Sword. Shield. Bow. Arrows. Armour. Potions. I then hurried around, looking for any colleagues. I found Aela and Farkas outside, both looking up as I ran towards them.

"Want to win honour on this day?" They looked at me confused. "There's a dragon nearby. The Jarl has asked if I can assist. I figured the Companions would be happy to assist too."

They didn't need asking twice. Before we rushed towards the city gates, I stopped near the preacher and the altar of Talos. I figured if I needed the help of the Gods at any time in my life, now was the time. I pressed a single gold coin into his palm, whispering "Praise Talos." I still didn't even know the preachers name, despite how often I had walked by him as he shouted his sermon. But he seemed to know who I was and what we were about to do.

"Talos protect you, my son," the preacher stated.

Happy that the Gods may now favour me in whatever was to come, the three of us jogged towards and through the city gates, catching up with Irileth and the guardsman she had gathered as we met up near the main road.

"By Ysmir, how are we meant to defeat a dragon?" Farkas wondered aloud.

I didn't blame him for the question. I was thinking exactly the same thing. "Arrows. Lots and lots of arrows," Aela stated in reply. 'If only it was to be that simple. They tried the same thing in Helgen and they paid the price.'

"And a healthy dose of luck," I added as we approached the watchtower. Or what was left of it. It had probably been an impressive tower many years ago but was verging on being a crumbing ruin. 'Though perhaps the dragon has helped in the destruction?' Fires raged around the tower, suggesting the dragon had been past and recently. Eyes turned to the sky but there no sign of the dragon nearby, at least for now.

"What do we do?" asked one of the guardsman.

There was no response and I lowered my eyes to see everyone, even Irileth, was looking my direction. "You've survived an encounter with one. Surely you have an idea?" Irileth asked.

I looked around, assessing what I could see. To be honest, I was as clueless as the rest of them but I figured I'd give it my best guess. I turned to Aela. "Take a trio of guardsmen and head to the top of that tower. Call down as soon as you see anything. Other than that, it's what you said before. Arrows, lots of them."

"And the rest of us?" Irileth asked.

"Get ready for the dragon. What I'm hoping is that we can force it to the ground. If we can do that, then we can only pray to the Gods that sheer numbers will help defeat it."

We spread out and looked around, finding a few burned corpses, who we could only assume were town guard caught up in the fiery breath of the dragon. But apart from those and the fires that raged around us, though already starting to thankfully die down, we could only wait for word from above.

I heard my name called from above. I looked up, barely able to see Aela but I could see her pointing. Then she yelled that a dragon was coming. All eyes turned in the direction of where she was pointing. Coming over the mountains in the distance was one of those giant creatures that, even now, caused undoubted fear if not the loosening of bowels. I simply took my sword from its scabbard and pointed the same way.

"Here it comes!" I yelled, almost stupidly, considering it was obviously heading our way. We all watched, waiting for whatever was to happen next. If I didn't know any better, it was heading straight for me. "Take cover!" I yelled and we split up as I felt a sheet of flame behind me as the dragon dove from high above. All I could hope is that anyone armed with a bow was now firing at the dragon.

"Watch out, it's coming around!" Farkas yelled.

"It's heading for the tower!" Irileth yelled.

"Look out!" yelled a guardsman.

The dragon headed towards the top of the tower. I was expecting it to simply burn everyone up there. Instead it grabbed one of the guardsman in one of its claw. We could hear the poor sod screaming in terror as the dragon circled around us before it simply let the man go. He fell, screaming all the way until he hit the ground with a sickening thud.

"Anyone with a bow, get that dragon on the ground!" I yelled.

It was frustrating watching the dragon simply fly above us, unable to do anything for the moment. But Aela didn't miss. Neither did most of the guardsmen and it wasn't long before the dragon was full of arrows. Surely it wouldn't take too much more for the dragon to finally hit the ground.

Thankfully, it didn't. A few more arrows found their mark and the dragon growled as it looped around for the last time before it slammed into the ground, heading straight for me. I raised my shield, ready for the dragon to slam into me but it stopped a few paces away. I could see blood pouring from its wounds and was confident it surely wouldn't take too much more punishment before it was finally dead. Everyone now descended upon the giant beast, swords and axes cutting into the dragon, drawing even more blood.

I went straight for the head and drove my sword underneath its jaw, causing it once again to howl in pain. I withdrew my sword and the dragon tried to bite down on me, lifting my shield in time to deflect its teeth, feeling its hot breath on my face. It tried to bite again, causing me to duck, before it again howled as it continued to take punishment, turning in a small circle, using its claws and back legs to force all of us back.

Without even contemplating what I was doing, I jumped on the wing of the creature and crawled up onto its back, barely keeping my feet as the dragon crawled forward towards a trio of guardsman. I yelled at them to get out of the way as the dragon lifted its head and then unleashed another breath of sheer flame. I think they got out of the way in time as I slowly crawled along the back of the dragon towards its head, taking a seat on its neck, gripping with my thighs as I looked for the best place to plunge my sword. 'Eye? Eye!' I aimed and, praying to Talos to survive whatever was to happen next, I drove the sword down into the eye of the dragon, all the way to the hilt.

The dragon howled again and, if my hearing was correct, it actually spoke, shouting "Dovahkiin! No!" Then its head collapsed to the ground and I dropped to the ground, rolling away before lifting my shield, ready for another attack. Instead, the dragon didn't move as the guardsmen around me started to roar their approval.

Then something strange happened. The dragon started to, for want of a better word, dissolve. But it wasn't just the fact that the skin of the dragon started to peel away as if it was on fire. Something unnatural headed directly into me, I have no idea what, but I felt something enter me at the same time as the dragon dissolved. It was an eerie feeling. Virtually unexplainable. It took only a few seconds before the only thing that remains of the dragon was its skeleton. My eyes were so focused on the dragon that I didn't even notice the guards had surrounded me.

"I don't believe it! You're… Dragonborn!" one of them stated quietly.

"Dragon… what?"

"You've never heard of the Dragonborn?" I shook my head. "In the very oldest tales, back when there were still dragons in Skyrim, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power. That's what happened, isn't it? Absorbed that dragon's power?"

I removed my helmet and scratched my blonde hair. 'Dragonborn? I'm a nobody from Chorrol. I just want to fight with the Companions and die with honour.' "I have no idea what just happened. All I know is that we've just, somehow, killed a dragon."

"No, you definitely absorbed something. It's why you glowed, just like the dragon after it died. You should try and shout."

"Shout? What's that?"

"According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do."

Farkas and Aela had joined me. I met their eyes and there was something different in them. I don't know if it was awe or respect, but it was something. "Remember that wall we found in Dustman's Cairn? That word you say you found?" Farkas asked. I nodded. "You should see if that's what all this is about."

"Do you think?" I asked in return. Farkas nodded. "Okay, everyone stand back."

The guards cleared a path and, without knowing what I was doing, I simply opened my mouth and said the word I could remember.


It was like a thunderclap had just left my mouth. I didn't even have to try and shout like I normally do, where you feel it rumble from deep inside before opening my mouth. It was the strangest thing I'd experienced, and my experiences since arriving in Skyrim had been something else entirely. Life had been normal until I escaped Helgen. Now I was apparently Dragonborn. What I knew is that I needed answers.

The guards crowded around once again. "Dragonborn," they whispered together, almost in reverence. I thought they were all going to take a knee in front of me.

I looked at Irileth, who was standing off to the side, simply observing at what was happening. "What do you think?" I asked. I wouldn't call her a friend but she trusted my opinion, it seemed, so I would trust hers.

"I think some of these town guard need to keep quiet instead of flapping their gums about things they know nothing about. But… I also can't fault what I've just witnessed. Here's a dead dragon and that is something I can understand. So at least we know we can kill them. As for you being Dragonborn? I can't answer that. None of these fools can either."

"Who can?"

"I don't know. But you can kill a dragon. Dragonborn or not, that's enough for me."

"You ain't a Nord, Housecarl. You wouldn't understand," one of the guards stated, before he caught himself, "Er, no disrespect."

"But he just Shouted," another guard added, "He must be Dragonborn!"

"You should return to Dragonsreach at once, Ragnar, and report our victory to the Jarl. I'll secure the area," Irileth ordered.

Figuring I needed answers to what had just happened, I left at once with my two Companions, unsurprised to see most of the town guard also follow us, talking amongst themselves, making some outrageous claims as we returned to town. 'I could be related to Tiber Septim if I have dragon blood? Does that mean I could be… Emperor? But even I know the bloodline ended with Martin Septim. I've never been to the Imperial Capital, but everyone knows of the dragon that now sits in the ruins of the Tower of the One.' The town guard were incredibly excited and I couldn't help but laugh to myself as we came to the turn towards town.

As we turned, there was a rumble in the sky coming from the mountains to our right, what I knew was called the 'Throat of the World'. What followed the rumble appeared to be a loud shout if not roar. And I recognised it as the same word that the dragon appeared to have shouted before it died.


"Did you hear that?" I asked my colleagues. They both nodded. "Who or what was that?"

Aela shrugged. "May have been the Greybeards," Farkas replied.

"Greybeards? Who are they?"

"I don't know much about them. The Jarl will definitely know more. He's a student of history."

"Perhaps it was a summons to High Hrothgar," one of the guards suggested.

I don't know how but news about our victory and what had happened to me had already got back to Whiterun by the time we walked through the city gates, guards calling me "Dragonborn" as I walked past and citizens I knew well lining the road up towards the Bannered Mare. "Are you really Dragonborn?" was the usual question. I just shrugged. What else could I say? It was, quite frankly, all rather overwhelming.

We stopped at the steps to Jorrvaskr. "You two coming to Dragonsreach? You helped just as much as me."

"No. I think you need to speak to the Jarl alone, Ragnar," Aela replied.

"Agreed. I think your time with the Companions, at least for now, may be limited. If you truly are Dragonborn," Farkas added.

"Good luck," they stated together before they left me alone to climb the stairs to Dragonsreach, thankfully now without a trail of guards following me.

With a slight sense of trepidation, I entered Dragonsreach again, the guard opening the door as I approached. I withheld a sigh as he also whispered 'Dragonborn' as I passed by. 'News travels quick around here, it seems.' Deep down, I didn't actually blame them. From everything I learned about Skryim since I'd arrived, the people needed a little bit of hope. Perhaps the return of the Dragonborn heralded that hope? But if they were relying on me… I was a farmer turned guild fighter turned Companion. I certainly wasn't a saviour.

Jarl Balgruuf was waiting for news, leaning forward on his throne as I came to a stop before him. "What news do you have, Ragnar?"

Inwardly I sighed with relief that he didn't also call me Dragonborn. At least for now. "The dragon is defeated, sir."

The Jarl grinned, clapping his hands together. "I knew I could count on Irileth. She's never let me down," he exclaimed, before he fixed me with a stare, "But what else happened?"

"The watchtower was completely destroyed. It may take some time for it to be rebuilt."

The Jarl waved that concern away and looked at me again, a slight grin. "Ragnar, you're stalling."

I withheld another sigh. "Okay, when we killed the dragon…"

"When you killed the dragon. I've already had word from the guards about what happened out there. That was a brave thing you did."

I shrugged. "When the dragon lay dead, something happened. The guards then called me 'Dragonborn'."

"It sounds like you don't know much about the Dragonborn, Ragnar. I can understand your hesitancy if you don't. Tell me, did the men say you absorbed the dragons' soul?" I nodded. "Then it's true. It was the Greybeards who were summoning you. Before you ask, I can only assume you don't know who they are. The Greybeards are known as 'Masters of the Voice'. They live in seclusion on the slopes of the Throat of the World."

"So I can only assume they are summoning me for some reason?"

"If I know my men, they've no doubt already told you plenty about the Dragonborn. Much of it is probably myth or legend, but there is always an element of truth to even the most outrageous of stories. The Dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the Voice. It is said the Dragonborn has the ability to their very essence into a Thu'um, or Shout."

"So they can help me?"

The Jarl nodded. "They can teach you how to use your gift."

"If you heard the thunder on your return to Whiterun then that was definitely the Greybeards summoning you to High Hrothgar," Hrongar, the Jarl's personal bodyguard, added.

"You sound excited, Hrongar," Proventus stated, teasing the larger man.

"Of course I am! This hasn't happened in… centuries, if not far longer. Not since Tiber Septim himself was summoned while he was still Talos of Atmora."

Proventus scoffed. "More Nordic nonsense. What does any of that have to do with Ragnar? He's clearly capable but as for 'Dragonborn'? I'm yet to be convinced."

I was sure a fight was about to break up as Hrongar puffed himself up and strode towards Proventus, jamming a finger in his chest and even I would admit he looked very intimidating. To his credit, Proventus met his eyes, not shrinking away as I thought he would have. "Nordic nonsense? I should cut you down where you stand for insulting our entire race. These are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the First Empire!"

The Jarl got to his feet. "Enough! Both of you!"

Hrongar took a couple of steps back, looking ashamed. "I apologise, my Jarl."

"I mean no disrespect. It's just… What could the Greybeards possibly want with him?"

The Jarl calmed as he sat back down. "That is for the Greybeards to explain to him. Whatever happened with that dragon, they are now aware and they would like you to visit with them. I can only suggest that you visit as soon as possible. If you are Dragonborn, they would be the best people to tell you. Whatever the case, a summons from the Greybeards is a tremendous honour. No true Nord would refuse."

"I'll leave as soon as I am able," I stated, thinking that while the Jarl wasn't exactly ordering me to go, the suggestion was barely subtle.

"Before you do leave, you must be rewarded for your service to Whiterun. For now, return to Jorrvaskr and revel in your victory with your Companions. But, please, return tomorrow morning to receive your reward."

I wondered what I could possibly be rewarded with, but the Jarl gave nothing away. Still feeling overwhelmed by everything I had just learned, I simply bade the small group farewell and returned to Jorrvaskr, where I was then inundated with more questions as everyone wanted to hear of the story of how Ragnar had slain the dragon.

I had no idea what sort of reception I was going to receive the next morning, but Kodlak suggested I should make sure my armour was clean if not polished and resplendent in its colour. I made sure I woke up early, making sure I washed before ensuring my armour was in perfect condition. I cleaned my weapons until I could almost see my reflection in the light of the fire. Before I was ready to go, I was joined in the main hall of Jorrvaskr by the members of the Circle, including Kodlak.

"We wish to join you," the old man stated.

"You honour me, Harbinger." I wouldn't say that I was also slightly embarrassed by being centre of attention.

The town guard lined up either side of the steps as I led the way up the stairs towards Dragonsreach. I came to a stop at the doors. The two guards in place bowed slightly my way before one turned and knocked on the door three times. Both doors were then opened and the guards gestured for me to walk in. It appeared almost all of Whiterun was in attendance as they crowded to either side. I recognised many of the faces, hearing whispers of 'Dragonborn' as I slowly filed past.

At the top of the stairs, the tables had been cleared away. Instead, there were short pews where even more citizens of Whiterun sat quietly, all turning to watch my progress. Stood in front of his throne was Jarl Balgruuf, dressed in his finest clothes, compared to his usual appearance. To his left was Irileth, dressed as a warrior, while to his right was Proventus.

I came to a stop before the Jarl and finally knew what to do, taking a knee. "My Jarl," I stated, meeting his eyes.

"Ragnar of Chorrol, although I should now call you Ragnar of Whiterun, you have done a great service for the city and entire hold of Whiterun since your arrival, and have also done me a great service in carrying out any request I have asked of you since you first walked through the gates of my city. I have met few warriors who carry out their tasks with as much honour and courage such as yourself. Your name will now carry the respect of all the citizens of Whiterun for the service you have provided and for the service I have no doubt you will continue to provide. You have proven to be a true warrior, a defender of the city and a champion of its citizens."

I lowered my head as he drew his sword, feeling the tip of it placed on my shoulder. "Dragonborn, it is my great personal honour to provide you with two titles. The first, by my right, is to name you the Thane of Whiterun. But I also add a second title, by my right, that of Defender of Whiterun. These are the greatest honours I can bestow upon you as Jarl."

I looked up and found myself speechless. "Hrongar, bring forth the weapon," the Jarl ordered. I looked to my left to see Hrongar walk forward, holding a giant war axe in his hands. "Dragonborn, I present to you the Axe of Whiterun. I award this to you as a symbol of the badge of office you now hold." He then turned to his steward. "Proventus." The steward turned and grabbed a piece of paper from a nearby table. "I also award you a property in Whiterun, by the name of Breezehome. You will find it has already been furnished with everything you will require. As you now own property in this city, and befitting your new title, I have assigned you a personal Housecarl." He gestured to his left, where a woman was now standing next to Hrongar. "Her name is Lydia. She will serve you well."

I won't say I was going to break down in tears at what was happening but the feeling of being overwhelmed was now weighing down on my shoulders. It was far too much, far too quickly. 'I'm just a simple farmer turned ordinary warrior.' "Thank you, sir," I managed to say.

"Three cheers for the Dragonborn," the Jarl called as I got to my feet and turned to face the crowd. I looked towards my friends of the Companions, who joined in with the cheers. If I didn't know any better, Kodlak looked like a proud father, which heartened my soul even further. Even Skjor met my eyes and nodded his respect. All of them beamed with pride that one of them had been feted as such a hero of the city.

"What will you do now?" the Jarl asked quietly as the crowd continued to cheer.

"I head to High Hrothgar. I must learn if I truly am Dragonborn."