
We're Staying

Come on "lad" one more round, yeah kid you're doing good, but can he keep it up he seems pretty young, nonsense he's taken in four big jars already this kids something.

"He won again", this kid seems to be used to this,Daniel couldn't help but smile after hearing the comments from people around him, he's always wanted to drink although back home his mum always stops him but now.. hey kid wanna play a game, game? what kind of game could this people have in mind he wondered.

It's a guessing game u bet four silver coins and to win twenty by guessing which cup the stone has been moved to, hmm.. seems like a gamble, Daniel thought back to how gnodor gave him ten silver coins to go get something to eat but now... kid wanna go...no I want to play, the man couldn't help but smile, seems like he's going to win quite some money from this kid.

So what did you see, will I ever go back home? well yess but something is going to happen and you might have to choose between staying here forever or going back home after five years, what could that be...the answers to that question would be answered by you.

What could that priestess mean? does this mean I'm going to stay here for five years or even more this can't... "haha come on you're doing good", seems like a lively place perhaps I should go check what's going seeing I will be staying here for quite a while.

What isn't that... yes won again, kid you got quite some luck, seems so Daniel couldn't help but say with a smile, the same could not be said about the guy whose lost a lot of coins, Daniel.. oh what are you doing here, don't try talking me into leaving this place because ain't going, Daniel is actually doing something without thinking about food this is suprising.

Let's go have another round kid what do you say, sure thing I'm going be drinking till my belly's full.could this be Daniel it's seems like he's made up his mind to stay. What happened? this is suprising.