
The Old Mage

What's going on here?, anger could clearly be seen in the face of Oriel, who was disappointed at the fact that he couldn't give his opponent a fatal blow.

Mr Cibilscot, how did you know I was here?, Elion had to ask, he never knew the owner of one of the best inns in the city of Elves was a mage, and considering the attack he saw just know, there's was no doubt he was strong.

Come on lad, don't tell me you didn't think I wasn't going keep an eye on you and your friends, and it seems like I made the right choice, didn't I ?, he was clearly expecting an answer, of course, Elion answered while rubbing the back of his head, he was sitting on floor, having exerted so much energy he was clearly tired, he was glad the "old geezer" was here, he wasn't sure what would have happened, if he was hit with that attack, but he was clearly happy it didn't.

Who are you?, Mr Cibilscot asked the mage who had tried to kill Elion, with what he saw there was no doubt that the mage was strong, he didn't want to think of what would have happened if he were a little late. Why should I answer you?, Oriel asked back, hahaha a rude lad I see, but the fact that you tried to kill an acquaintance of mine, simply means you're not a good guy, I don't know what a good guy is to you old man but you shouldn't have come here, Oriel was trying hard to control himself, and know who the man was before attacking, and know knowing that they are aquainted, there was no reason to hold back any more.

Fire magic; flaming spear, Oriel suddenly used fire magic in conjuring a flaming spear, he thus held it and threw it towards the direction of the man, I'm not that old you know, Mr Cibilscot said before gazing at the spear headed towards his direction, water magic; blocking shield, the spear thus was blocked by the shield, before Oriel could get a grasp of the situation, water magic; raining icicle's, icicle's suddenly appeared in all directions and with tremoundous speed headed towards Oriel, there was no doubt, this man was not to be underestimated, fire magic; swirling pool, a pool of fire immediately surrounded Oriel, while doing this to deal with the icicles, he used an earth elemental spell, thus using the advantage he had as a dual elemental mage, earth magic; raining stones, he decided to take the man by suprise, as he thought the man was not aware of the fact that he was a dual elemental mage, rocks suddenly emerged from the ground and moved towards the direction of the man in tiny pieces, like bullets they were shot towards the man's direction, Mr Cibilscot with a different countenance on his face stated, "you're strong boy", but you lack experience, the icicles which were melted by Oriel using the fire pool, had turned to water, Oriel never thought of this, and he noticed that he couldn't move, his legs had been frozen, with sweat all over his Oriel's face, Mr Cibilscot couldn't help but say, don't worry lad, I won't kill you, water magic; morning mist, as the mist came about, Oriel planned on melting the ice on his foot, as he thought before another attack could be landed on him in the mist he would have freed himself and take the old man by suprise in his own magic, a hand suddenly hit Oriel at the back and he fainted, it was Mr Cibilscot who had done that, he didn't plan on Killing Oriel so he left him there and took Elion along with him back home.



In the city of Elves, the team of knights had been sent here on the same mission, this done in order to ensure the success of the mission, as it was great importance, the two teams of both the mages and the knights were unaware of this, this was ensure that both teams try their best without expecting backup of any kind.

We'll attack the thieves who stole our things by following this plan, understand that these theives are mages and therefore cannot be underestimated, Caroline and Sarah will take the left side of the hideout, Daniel and Sylvestine will take the right, then I'll enter from the top, we must make sure we get those things back, if wasn't for Sarah's carelessness we wouldn't be in this mess, Sylvestine said in a bit of anger, stop Sylvestine it wasn't her fault, then who's fault is it Daniel?, "that's enough", said Arthur who was the captain of his team, blames can come later, right now let's go get those things back.

That's all I want to hear, blaming each other can be done later, right now I'm all pumped up, Daniel said with a grin on his face.