
Knight School

Knights aren't made in a day,it's hard work, perseverance,and.... who's that sleeping in my class...Wake up!!,what's your name?My name's Daniel sir,do you know who knights are? no sir, if you have forgotten they are those who protect the people of Aloria, though as you know not everybody can become a knight,this is because only those who possess a certain body type that are stronger than the average human as well as unleash their abilities which are lightning, water and fire and as you know awakening those ablities takes a whole more effort than sleeping in classes!!, sorry Mister Azira, it's just that the trainings has been really hard, hard? you say, are you the only one training? no sir, good then if you're tired you can leave the school, is that what you want? no Mister Azira,good then concentrate,yes sir.

That was hilarious, you needed to have seen your face, you're lucky Mister Azira wasn't in a bad mood it wou.....Daniel what's wrong? you don't look happy, Sarah how do you feel about this place? well it's ok, why did you ask me that? nothing... let's go get something to eat, now that's one part of you that you refused to change.

Today you're going to be doing a duel, let's see if all the training you guys have been through has been effective, we'll start with Daniel and Sylvestine.

Let's begin, Daniel looked far into the eyes of his opponent,what move is he going to make? Sylvestine doesn't look like he wants to attack, he's leaving himself exposed? no he wouldn't do that except he's planning to make me make the wrong move, well let's see then,Daniel rushed towards his opponent swinging his sword towards the right, in what looked like almost a flash Sylvestine blocked the attack,using his free arm to charge at Daniels face with a punch, he dodged it? that Daniel looks like a pretty good fighter too,I didn't expect him to dodge Sylvestine's punch, look he's attacking again,what's he going to do this time? he seems to have figured something out.

He charged at Sylvestine looking unguarded, Sylvestine with a calm look on his face, moved towards Daniel with a thrust, expecting Daniel to move left, thereby giving him the opportunity to give a severe hit to Daniel's side with the handle of his sword, to his suprise Daniel turned around like in a circular motion with such blinding speed, giving Sylvestine the only option of defence, just as Sylvestine was about to guard himself expecting Daniel to take the opportunity, Daniel dropped the sword,what??, with speed unlike any seen before,Daniel grabbed the sword with his other arm thereby catching Sylvestine off guard with his sword pointed at his neck side, did that guy just win Sylvestine, nobody could believe it, that's enough!!, Knight Justin who was officiating the match quickly said to prevent any harm from further befalling Sylvestine, Daniel wins the duel.

The crowd couldn't help but look with their mouths left open, at the scene that has just befallen their eyes, what a match, the sounds of clapping could be heard all round, Daniel looked around with his eyes getting moist,all the hard work had finally paid off, Daniel!! Sarah rushed towards his direction with a hug, the days they had both spent in the School of knights had brought them closer than anyone would have expected them to be, you fought well Daniel, I'm so happy for you, it's almost like I won the match myself, thanks Sarah, gotta go get some drink be right back, Daniel walked out, going to an area where nobody could be seen he sat with tears falling from his eyes, it seems I have found a new home, Dad, Mum, I'll be coming home soon.